Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1037: That's it

Chapter 1037

After drinking and eating, Tang Yao asked, "How about it? Should I go to rest or go to the library?"

"Go to the library directly? As a warrior, you don't need to rest so quickly."

Qi Xiaosheng smiled.

"You are very hardworking." Tang Yao nodded slightly, more satisfied in her heart.

A person with talent, background, and hard work is worthy of him. Tang Yao nodded secretly, glanced at Qi Xiaosheng, joy in her heart.

Of course, she is also very proud and will not take the initiative to post it, but silently show herself to attract Qi Xiaosheng.

There are actually other reasons why he took the initiative to contact Qi Xiaosheng.

"Then together, I just finished writing the book list for you.

You should read the book very quickly. When you finish reading it, maybe you can help me and give me some advice. "Tang Yao's eyes rolled.

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"The advanced class is about to start designing mechas by myself to prepare for graduation, and I happen to have a reward. The college can provide me with materials and build them for free.

My family situation is not good, so I must keep improving and design the best mecha for at least ten years or even twenty years without replacement.

However, this is difficult. It has been two months, and I haven't designed it yet. "

"I'm a newcomer. I just came into contact with mecha knowledge. I'm afraid I can't help you?" Qi Xiaosheng asked in surprise.

You know, the other party doesn't know that he can extract the knowledge of mecha design, how can he let himself help.

"It's because of the newcomers that there are whimsical ideas.

Besides, you will remember the contents of the books you have read. Also, didn't you read the unpublished book by the master Fang before? The content there must be very incisive, and the books in the library are not comparable.

If you can learn and apply, you can definitely help me. "Tang Yao said very seriously.

"It turns out that I am not only interested in me, but also for this reason!" Qi Xiaosheng suddenly realized.

"Well, when I have read all the information, if I can help, I will definitely help."

Qi Xiaosheng agreed without hesitation.

This just makes him a masterpiece without having to produce his own materials. Why not do it?

The two went back to the library while chatting.

When he arrived at the library, Qi Xiaosheng put down the table and chairs, and the two sat together.

Qi Xiaosheng continued to flip the book, Tang Yao on the side began to write a list for Qi Xiaosheng.

These are the list of books she has read, which is very important.

After Qi Xiaosheng read more than 30 books, Tang Yao also wrote a list of books.

"This is the book list I prepared. If you want to design a mecha, you must understand and learn.

Most people have learned it, at least six years, and enter the advanced class, but the reading is very fast, it should not take too long. "

Tang Yao said.

"Thank you." Qi Xiaosheng took the book list and glanced around, and found that the book list was actually classified.

Mech driving books.

Mecha design books.

Basic knowledge required for mecha design.

The book list is divided into categories, and they are all clearly divided.

"Thank what? I'm still waiting for you to help me design the mecha.

By the way, mech maintenance. I only learned a little bit. This is not my major. However, I will find a professional classmate to help you write a book list.

Before you go again, just read these books. "

"Well, these books will be enough for me to read for a while."

Qi Xiaosheng smiled slightly, collected the book list, and continued reading.

Tang Yao on the side also lowered her head, and began to study her mecha seriously, while studying, while recording the needs and defects of the mecha, these are the problems she wants to solve.


The library is very quiet, only the sound of flipping books.

However, Qi Xiaosheng turned the book too fast and was a little noisy.

However, everyone knows that he is a genius, such a person is very important to the Academy, hasn't even the fourteenth prince's silver been thrown out, and is still banned?

Therefore, although other people feel a bit noisy, they dare not interfere.

Tang Yao was upset when she heard it before, but this time, she completely eliminated the noise.

Time goes by.

Qi Xiaosheng stayed in the library to read books almost every day.

He read all the basic books of the elementary class in just one day.

Not only after reading it, he also digested these things, integrated them, and recorded them in his mind.

After reading the basic knowledge, Qi Xiaosheng did not stop, but continued to look at the advanced knowledge.

In the initial version of the Mecha Department, there is no division into maintenance, driving and design, because basic knowledge is common knowledge for the three disciplines.

But when it comes to the intermediate class, they are separated.

The driving department is all about some driving experience, driving skills, methods to improve the fit between infuriating and mecha, mecha combat skills, and other disciplines, and there are even many display contents.

The maintenance department is the transformation and processing of some mechanical parts, and even various schemes for temporarily repairing damaged mechas during wars.

The design department is more inclined to theory, which requires a lot of basic disciplines, such as the theory of gas operation, mathematics, aerodynamics, and so on.

Qi Xiaosheng pondered for a while and chose to look at the mecha driving first.

Only when you learn how to drive a mecha can you know how the mecha needs to be designed, and that design has a combat flaw.

Qi Xiaosheng feels that he has experience in driving pickup trucks. Pickup trucks are very different from mechas in this world, but there are many similarities that can be used for reference.

But of course after I started watching, I found that I was completely wrong.

"Pickups are completely different from mechas in this world.

The mecha here has its own Dantian Qi Sea as the power source, and the mecha body is like an expansion of the flesh, and even the meridians exist in the metal body, which can run zhen qi. "

Qi Xiaosheng's eyes lit up and he began to study hard and study hard.

Although the mecha driving experience is not needed, Qi Xiaosheng's combat experience is very rich.

In addition, he extracted the data of Tianhao Hao and Fang Pavilion owner Actually, he already has a lot of knowledge about mecha driving in his mind, but he has not yet contacted mecha and has no chance to practice it.

At this moment, he looked at the book and compared it with the mecha driving knowledge in his mind, and he immediately understood it.

As a result, Qi Xiaosheng saw the mecha driving books faster, faster than the basic books.

After reading the intermediate class mecha driver books, he went to see the advanced class.

After reading the advanced class, Qi Xiaosheng has completely mastered mecha driving. Of course, this is only the level of academy graduation. To continue to improve, he needs to hone himself. This is the improvement of experience and combat intuition. It requires life and death. , Not what students can learn.

Even if Qi Xiaosheng extracts the data, he has only learned it, and it will not become instinct. He still needs to fight and hone.

After reading the content of the advanced class, Qi Xiaosheng went to see the mecha threat again, which can understand the degree of wear of each component, the weakness and strength of defense, the strength and weakness of attacks, and so on.

After learning the contents of the advanced mecha maintenance class, Qi Xiaosheng began to watch the contents of mecha design.

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