Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1041: True element connection

Chapter 1041

Under Yuan Long's supervision, Qi Xiaosheng stepped into the cockpit.

There is no seat in the cockpit, but a human-shaped recess. There is no neuron connection device inside, and no device to connect with the body.

Standing in the mecha, Qi Xiaosheng could clearly feel the cold metal.

"Now start urging the true essence, focus on the acupuncture points of the whole body, you must exhale true qi from every pore, inject it into the surrounding mecha, open up the mecha Zhoutianqiao acupoint, and expand the meridians."

When Yuan Long told the story, Qi Xiaosheng had already begun to act.

"Well, the theoretical foundation is very solid, and the theory can be put into action quickly, not just talking about it." Yuan Long was very satisfied.

Qi Xiaosheng just started driving the mecha.

No matter what type of mecha, and no matter what level of mecha, the first step in driving is to improve integration.

The energy of the mecha here is not a nuclear fusion reactor, let alone an energy battery, but the Dantian Qihai of the military.

This is a very peculiar means.

The first step in driving is to connect the martial artist's true essence with the mecha.

According to the requirements, Qi Xiaosheng urged his true essence.

His true essence revolves, flowing in the meridians, injected into the flesh and blood, and ejected from every pore of the skin.

The infuriating Qi hit the mecha bulkhead, and the metallic bulkhead, like the surface of the water, formed ripples after another.

The ripples spread, not only thinking about spreading around, but also spreading towards the inside of the mecha.

This is like one electric signal, touching the mecha.

This is not a random injection of true essence, but a peculiar technique to hit the mecha and activate the mecha device.

The first step of mecha integration is to establish a true element connection with the mecha. During this process, the true element will be transformed into a neuron device to communicate with the mecha.


In an instant, the mecha seemed to be electrified and roared, and the mecha shell became brighter.

However, that's all.

After Qi Xiaosheng continued to urge, the true essence in his body was ejected from the pores and hit the mecha.

During this process, Qi Xiaosheng vaguely formed some connections with Unit 88.

The connection is very weak, and even if one does not pay attention, it will be broken again.

He didn't get discouraged, but continued to spray True Yuan and communicate with the mecha.

True yuan is constantly sprayed on the mecha, making the mecha more bright.

After a long time, Qi Xiaosheng finally had some contact with the mecha. He felt that his skin seemed to be attached to the bulkhead of the mecha.

The metal of the mecha bulkhead melted, including his body.

In fact, the metal bulkhead didn't melt, but his zhenqi began to melt into the mecha. The zhenqi was like a neuron connection device, connecting Qi Xiaosheng and the first machine together.

Of course, this connection is still very weak, even Qi Xiaosheng can only feel the vague cockpit bulkhead, besides that, he can't see anything at all, let alone control the mecha.

"It's harder than imagined.

In this step, there is also a shortcut, which is to use a more advanced mech fusion technique, but it is extracted from Tianhao Hao and Fangguan's master, with Yuan Long's supervision, it is not convenient to use.

So, let's go step by step and use basic mecha fusion. "

Qi Xiaosheng thought in his heart, continue to urge Zhenyuan, Unicom Mecha.

The essence is turned into nerves, connected to the mecha, and the two sides begin to transmit information.

After a long time, Qi Xiaosheng felt that the mecha was like a living thing, except that everything was in a chaotic, undeveloped state.

"The second step of mecha fusion, after establishing the true element connection, open up the mecha outer Dantian and the eight channels of odd meridians to build a human body model."

Qi Xiaosheng began to urge Zhenyuan.

His true essence is transformed into tentacles, capturing the metal particles of the No. 1 machine, constructing dantian and meridian.

This process was very slow, making Qi Xiaosheng very dissatisfied.

However, Qi Xiaosheng did not know that Yuan Long outside the mecha was shocked.

"What is this? It took less than half an hour to establish a true element connection with the first machine and start building a mannequin?" Yuan Long said in shock.

"The average time to establish a true yuan connection is one day, and the sky will reduce this time.

How long has it been since I established the True Yuan connection?

It seemed to be five hours, and my assistants at the time praised me as a genius.

I heard that the fastest person was Dean Tianhao Hao. The first time he established a true yuan connection with the No. 1 machine was 2 hours.

However, this guy in front of him had actually established a true yuan connection with the No. 1 machine in just half an hour. It was so fast.

Could it be that this is a more enchanting genius than Dean Bai? "

Yuan Long was shocked in his heart and gave birth to an idea that he could not believe.

"Impossible, Dean Bai is the number one powerhouse in the Xuanwu Continent. He has slaughtered the existence of gods. How could someone surpass him?"

Yuan Long stared at the mecha in shock. Although he was unwilling to believe it, he witnessed everything just happened.

He stared at the No. 88 aircraft in front of him without blinking, looking at the "starry sky" in the cockpit, feeling that he was witnessing a miracle.


At this time, the No. 1 machine made another roar, and immediately followed, the surrounding spirits swarmed and were converging towards the No. 1 machine.

The converging speed was slow at first, but as time passed, the aura converging faster and faster.

"Unexpectedly, it opened up the dantian outside the mecha, this...this is just an hour." Yuan Long said in shock.

If the difficulty of establishing a true qi connection is 5, then the difficulty of establishing an outer dantian is 25, which is five times the difficulty of establishing a true qi connection.

However, "Starry Sky" was completed within half an hour.

"Half an hour established the infuriating connection, and another half an hour, built the outer dantian, which is also incredible, why the increase in difficulty does not exist in front of him."

Yuan Long looked at the "starry sky" in surprise.

In the cockpit, Qi Xiaosheng successfully established the mecha outer dantian, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

He felt that he had an extra Dantian This Dantian Qihai was still empty, and was thirstingly swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy.

Qi Xiaosheng's current strength is a strong man of King Wu Yizhong, so the dantian outside the first machine constructed is twice that of King Wu Yizhong.

"The martial arts mecha is really amazing." Qi Xiaosheng admired.

Constructed the outer dantian, the energy is twice that of the martial artist, which is equivalent to the martial artist's more infuriating energy, which is twice the previous.

Double is actually not too much, some unique desperate exercises can be done.

However, the first phone has no side effects.

Moreover, this is only the first machine.

The No. 1 machine is the lowest-level martial art mecha. The most powerful primary mecha now can directly increase the combat power of the martial artist to a great level.

That would be quite abnormal.

And Tianhaohao's Canghong God of Mechanics has forcibly elevated Tianhaohao's combat power from a peak of war gods to the level of a medium god.

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