Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1074: Secret

Chapter 1074

In a meditation room in Bofeng Temple, the commandment leader summoned his own disciples and a group of close followers.

"What do you think about today's matter?" The commandment first said in a deep voice.

A fierce monk was the first disciple of the commandments, named Ji Qiao. He suddenly slapped the table, smashed the table with a click, and said viciously: "The thieves of the Xuanwu Continent are too rampant, only four Personally, I was flaunting his might at Bofeng Temple, grabbing our classics, and breaking into the burial ground of the patriarch, which is really deceiving too much."

"It's really deceiving people too much, and the abbot is too weak, isn't it just four people? When we go with the monks of Bofeng Temple, we will definitely kill them." A monk called Jie Neng said very impulsively.

A young monk named Jiedai, relatively calm, said: "No, those few people are very strong, especially the leading woman, and one person is not strong, so it's the same. Among us, it is estimated that only The abbot can fight with the first seat."

"So what? Why? Quit killing, you are afraid of death, I am not afraid of quitting." Jieneng snorted coldly.

"Amitabha, all my fellow brothers, why bother." The precepts first shouted at the Buddha's name, glanced around, and looked majestic, so the two stopped arguing.

"Ji Neng, you are too impulsive. The interception is right. Those people are very strong. If you don't have that magic weapon, you should be able to kill them.

However, the magic weapon of Xuanwu Continent is powerful, and wearing that magic weapon, even me, can hardly match anyone, let alone four.

Easy to do is to find death.

What's more, the abbot has already decided to surrender, and I am the only one left, which is even more difficult to fight. "The commandment leader sighed deeply.

"Then I can't live with humiliation like this? If I can quit, I can't be bullied. I would rather stand to die than kneel on the ground and live humiliatingly." Jieneng growled.

"Ji-neng, I've said it, don't be too impulsive." Jie-Kai frowned, looked at the first seat of the precepts, and said, "Master, what do you think?"

Jie Neng and others also looked at the first place of precepts. The first place of precepts was very majestic in Bofeng Temple. In the past, the majesty was under the abbot, but this time the abbot offered to surrender, which disappointed them, which made the prestige of the first prestige suddenly increased.

"Mithraism has been destroyed, and the Xuanwu Continent has begun to merge with the Mithra Realm. This matter has become a foregone conclusion and is irreversible.

However, we will not leave it alone. "

The commandment first said in a deep voice, with a gloomy murderous intent in his eyes.

"Master, what do you say?"

"First seat, we listen to you, you can tell what to do."

More than thirty monks looked at the first seat of the precepts at the same time. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

"The four people are too rampant, they must not let it go." The first seat of the commandment calmed down and made a decision.

"If you don't do it, let's kill the four people first. The magic weapons of the four people are very sophisticated, and they are not inferior to their status in the Xuanwu Continent.

Killing them, the abbot has no choice but to surrender.

At that time, we simply abandoned Bofeng Temple and sneaked into the Xuanwu Continent.

People from Xuanwu Continent can come in, and we can definitely go out too.

After going out, I went to hide in the Xuanwu Continent. I heard that the aura there is ten thousand times that of ours. With enough aura, our strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds. When the time comes, we will rebuild the Bofeng Temple in the Xuanwu Continent to promote the majesty of the Mithra world. "

The precepts first look excited.

"The first one is right. Let's go to Xuanwu Continent to develop secretly, tolerate for a while, and in the future, we will rebuild Bofeng Temple."

"The people of Xuanwu Continent have more aura than us. We have enough aura and will be stronger. At that time, we will build a country within a country."

The monks cheered.

"The first seat, you just said, those four people are very strong, how do we kill them?" Interception is the most careful one, thoughtful, and the problem was discovered the first time.

"At this point, I have already thought of a way.

Are they going to explore the forbidden area?

There is the burial ground for many of our seniors in Bofeng Temple. Those seniors are holy monks, and many have relics.

I have a way to activate these relics and activate the bones of the dead monks to fight. "The precepts first said here, with a fierce expression in his eyes.

"Activate the relic and let the saint monk's bones fight, what kind of technique is this?" Jie Neng wondered.

"Is it the secret method of ten thousand corpses taught by the heavenly corpse?" The interception was amazed.

"What? Mystery of Ten Thousand Corpses?"

"This is absolutely impossible. This is extremely evil and uncontrollable."

The other monks were shocked and looked towards the first seat of the precepts.

"It's the secret law of ten thousand corpses." The first seat of the precepts did not conceal, and directly replied.

"The first seat, is it really the secret method of ten thousand corpses? That is a forbidden secret method. Using it will cause huge disasters." Although Jie Neng was impulsive, he stared at this moment and felt that he could not use this secret method.

"The first Have you forgotten the historical records of the mainland? The Celestial Corpse Sect used this secret method to cause a devastating disaster to the Mithra Realm, killing and wounding millions of creatures.

Could it be that the first one wants to reproduce the disaster of that day? "Interception also exclaimed.

"Of course I know that in the legend, the **** Mithra stopped this disaster and established Mithraism, which made Mithraism flourish for thousands of years.

I know this history, and I have seen the exercises, and I know the disasters better than you. "

The commandment first said very calmly, without any impulse.

Obviously, he had already thought about everything.

"Why does that first use the secret method of ten thousand corpses?" Interception asked.

"The Mystery of Ten Thousand Corpses is terrible, but not as terrible as you think."

"Oh? Is the legend wrong?" The monks looked at the first seat of the precepts in confusion. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The first commandment seat slowly said: "The secret law of ten thousand corpses is taboo, and it is forbidden to spread. They thought it was lost, but they didn't expect the first commandment seat to be passed on.

According to the rumors, once it is displayed, it will spread like an infectious disease like an infectious disease. As long as the dead, they will be resurrected and become skeletal warriors, and they will have certain strength during their lifetime.

Not only that, this technique is also highly poisonous, and the poisoned person will slowly die, will turn into a zombie, save more strength, and fight.

There is no cremation in the Mithra realm, and the strong are buried in the earth, so this technique spread at the beginning, resurrecting many ancient strong, and spreading like crazy, making half of the Mithra realm plunged into a world of death.

In the end, the **** Mithra developed an antidote to stop the spread of the virus, annihilated the corpse religion, and saved the Mithra world. "

After the celestial corpse religion was destroyed, the **** Mithra set the ten thousand corpse secret law as a forbidden law and destroyed it in public.

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