Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1096: 0 Mile Tianhe (Part 1)

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Chapter 1096

Sitting in the camp, Guo Jingtao looked at the four Qi Xiaosheng walking in with a serious expression.

"You tell me the process of discovering Mithra's remains, and you need to be more detailed."

Guo Jingtao asked immediately.

The four Qi Xiaosheng looked at each other, and finally Tang Yao said: "This is how we passed. The four of us first went to Bofeng Temple and were attacked there. The enemy used the secret method of ten thousand corpses to resurrect the bones of Bofeng Holy Forest. But it was successfully organized by us.

Later, we went to the Shenlong Sect, searched all the way, and finally found a cave going to the ground.


Tang Yao gave a detailed introduction to the process, and finally added: "The specific process, we have recorded it and provided it."

"I watched the video." Guo Jingtao nodded slightly, Tang Yao's remarks were consistent with the video.

"We speculate that the corpse is Mithra, and the Mithra **** in the eyes of Mithraism has actually been replaced by the Mithra messenger over the past thousand years." Tang Yao again speculated on her own. Said it.

"Your speculation is reasonable." Guo Jingtao nodded slightly and added: "In fact, when we eliminated Mithraism, we also got some information from Mithraism.

Thousands of years ago, there was a great purge in Mithraism. At that time, the hierarch and several priests were purged, and a group of people were replaced. According to records, these people originally followed Mithra's envoys.

Therefore, we also speculated on this result, but failed to confirm it.

Unconfirmed news will not be recorded.

But now that you have found the body of Mithra, this information can be recorded in the archives. "

Tang Yao's four listened, and there was joy on their faces.

This means that they have made great contributions and brought back very useful information.

"Sir, what about our main task? Our main task is to destroy the **** Mithra. Now that the **** Mithra is dead, will this task be completed?" Tang Yao asked.

"Since Mithra is dead, then our goal is to change to Mithra's messenger. After all, for thousands of years, Mithraism has actually become Mithra's messenger."

"Then what about our mission? The mission said to investigate the information of the Mithra God within three months, and we have already investigated it.

However, the **** Mithra has become a messenger of Mithra over the past thousand years. However, our previous investigations focused on finding the **** Mithra.

This is because the intelligence provided by the military is wrong. "

Tang Yao asked again.

This is related to the question of whether their group of students can graduate.

Guo Jingtao nodded slightly, and said: "You brought back the body of Mithra, and learned that Mithra's messenger replaced Mithra's position. This is an important clue, and the mission has been completed.

As for the Mithra messenger, we actually have some information.

Of course, the clues cannot be released now, because there are still many students who have not returned. If they come back, maybe they can bring clues to the messenger of Mithra. "Guo Jingtao explained.

"Well, now, you go back first, and when all the students have returned, the military will lead everyone to annihilate the Mithra envoy."

Guo Jingtao waved his hand and said.

The four Qi Xiaosheng left the barracks, returned to their barracks one after another, and began to wait. Yoyo Book Union

Qi Xiaosheng seemed to check the information of the brass pipe immediately, but he knew that it was not the time now. The military campers had many eyes and had to wait until the assessment was over.

Simply, he didn't wait too much. After three days, the three-month deadline came.

Most of the students returned to the barracks, but four students did not return.

Most of these four students died in danger, and they may also be in crisis.

"Look for the task that the four people accept, and send someone to the place where they performed the task to find it, and see if it is dead or the task has failed." Guo Jingtao ordered.

"Yes." Four search and rescue teams appeared in the barracks and hurriedly left.

"Very well, most of the students have returned and completed different side tasks, but four of them have not returned. According to the rules, they will not be able to graduate regardless of life or death." Guo Jingtao announced on the spot.

Under the circumstances of the death of the four, Guo Jingtao declared that the four could not graduate, very cruel.

However, this is the rule of Xuanwu Continent.

"Now, I will announce the completion of the side mission.

For the time being, Tang Yao, Hu Miao, Hu Yan, and the Starry Sky Team are the first. They explored Bofeng Temple and destroyed the bone warriors created by the secret method of ten thousand corpses. They explored the Shenlong Sect and discovered the secret underground tunnels of the Shenlong Sect. They found the body of the **** Mithra and brought it back. They also discovered that the current **** of Mithraism was actually the messenger of Mithra. Finally, they explored Wuyi religion.

The second place is the team of Du Yuan and Meng Huoyuan. They completed the secret of the Tiannan Secret Gate and found a huge snake Lin in the Tianhe Secret Realm...

Third place..."

Guo Jingtao directly announced the completion of the side tasks.

"We found the body of Mithra? Mithra was dead. The current Mithra is a messenger?"

"I found the body of the **** Mithra. No wonder I won the first place."

"Damn, I went to the Shenlong Sect at the first stop and found the entrance to the cave. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to make formations. I had to retreat and go straight to the golden desert. Unfortunately, I didn't find much. And because the journey was too long, There is no time to explore other places, which delays the results."

"That is your wrong choice. The choice of route is also a very important part."


The trainees shared their voices and secrets to each other, and they talked a lot.

Because Qi Xiaosheng and others found the body of Mithra, they took the first place, which is no dispute.

"According to the information, the current ruler of Mithraism is the Mithra messenger, so our current goal is to eliminate the Mithra messenger.

According to the information we got, the Mithra envoy should be in the Tianhe Secret Realm.

Everyone has one day to prepare. At sunrise tomorrow morning, everyone will set off for the secret land of Guo Jingtao announced.

"Okay, now it's disbanded, everyone go back and prepare."

"Du Yuan and the others discovered the scales of Mithra's messenger." Hu Yan and the others glanced at Du Yuan and others in the distance, curled their lips, and said: "It seems that we were fooled before. It turns out that they discovered Mithra. The scales of the messenger are actually hidden."

Tianhe Secret Realm is not too far away from Shenlong Island, but when several people chose the target, they did not choose Tianhe Secret Realm, so they missed it.

"It's nothing, even if they find the scales? We are still number one, we take their scales away, and we are still number one, with the same results.

On the contrary, we did not get the scales, but got the design drawings of five super 1 stage mechas, and a lot of basalt coins, which can be considered as earned. "Qi Xiaoshengdao.

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