Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1102: Powerful starry sky

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Chapter 1102

Qi Xiaosheng rushed directly in front of Mithra's messenger, Zhaoyue Mecha was 3 meters high, but in front of Mithra's messenger, it looked extremely small, like an adult and a child.

Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng also fully displayed his agility.

His outer dantian is running fast, and the Yuanshen furnace is also running. The two powers are maintained at the level of the first heavy of the king, but under the blessing of the super 2 mecha, they can be maintained to the peak of the king.

This is already the limit of Qi Xiaosheng, because he lacks external weapons and cannot take one step closer to raise his strength to Wusheng.

But for Qi Xiaosheng, this is enough.

He surrounded the envoy of Mithra, not that he did not fight back, but that he constantly switched offensive and defensively.

"Huh? What's the situation with that kid?" Lao Gao looked suspicious when he saw it.

The combat power displayed by the starry sky is Wuhuang Peak, which is the same as other super-1 mechas, but Qi Xiaosheng's combat planning is too strong.

"This kind of combat literacy is not like a student who is just about to graduate, but a veteran who has experienced battle.

Hey, no, my veteran can't stop the **** Mithra with his realm, but this guy relies on skill to stop it abruptly.

Not only is it blocked, but there is also back and forth, and it seems that there is no disadvantage at all. "

Lao Gao was shocked.

"Grandmaster-level formation level, and so experienced combat skills, is this guy an old monster disguised as a student?" Lao Gao guessed.

In fact, he guessed right, Qi Xiaosheng is an old monster of the Valkyrie level.

It's a pity that Lao Gao just said that, he himself didn't really believe it.

Guo Jingtao opened his eyes and stared closely at Qi Xiaosheng.

"His mecha is also super 2 stage mecha." Guo Jingtao stared in surprise.

"His mecha is also super 2nd stage? Why can't I see that his fighting skills are amazing, but the power of attack is only the peak of the Emperor Wu, just like everyone else." Lao Gao doubted.

"No, it's not the same at all, look carefully." Guo Jingtao said.

"He did not use the light card of the external weapon, he showed the fighting power of the Emperor Wu. If you use the external weapon, the fighting power will be even higher. At that time, he is Wu Sheng." Guo Jingtao's deputy general Tao.

"Really, I didn't notice it."

Lao Gao slapped his big leg and discovered this too.

He is an array mage and is not good at frontal combat, so he didn't find out immediately.

Now I heard the vice general say, watched carefully, and suddenly discovered this.

"That said, he is also a super 2 stage mecha, but why didn't he carry external weapons?" Lao Gao wondered.

"I read his information carefully. Starry Sky is a two-level jump. Before the exam, he skipped from the elementary class to the advanced class. Therefore, his mecha proficiency was not enough, so he could not use external weapons." Guo Jingtao said Out of the truth.

"That's it.

My God, Xuanwu Academy is really too irresponsible. Such a student must be protected, and he must be allowed to study for another year, instead of being transferred directly to the battlefield like he is now. "

The old said in a deep voice.

"I also think that things at Xuanwu Academy are not something we can participate in. What we can do is to protect such a genius and we must not let him have accidents. This is the future pillar of our Xuanwu continent." Guo Jingtao Tao.

"Yes, we are sending two people to protect the starry sky at all times." Old Gao suggested. Sanjiu Novel Network

"Well, that should be the case." Guo Jingtao immediately ordered. Two more powerful basalt guards put on mechas and rushed to the sky, ready to take action at all times to protect Qi Xiaosheng.

Unfortunately, Qi Xiaosheng did not give Xuanwuwei a chance to protect him.

Qi Xiaosheng restrained Mithra's messenger perfectly.

"Damn it, you **** it."

Mithra's messenger roared, his upper body twisted, and then suddenly ejected, his body was like a steel gun, directly stab Qi Xiaosheng.

However, Qi Xiaosheng slid without leaving his hands. Zhaoyue Mecha made a Z-shaped sliding step and avoided directly.

The body of the Mithra envoy continued to rush forward, targeting a basalt student in front of him.

He was aggressive, but in fact he just wanted to break through Qi Xiaosheng's restraint and hunt down the Xuanwu students.

In his opinion, he is bound to die, so he plans to kill more people and bury him.

It is a pity that Mithra's envoy's plan has long been seen through by Qi Xiaosheng.

When the Mithra envoy passed by, Qi Xiaosheng slid again, and True Qi particles were ejected from his feet, and his body fell directly on the huge body of the Mithra envoy.


He stepped on the body of Mithra's messenger and walked forward, a few spur lines came to the top of Mithra's messenger's head, his fist fell down, and directly hit the Mithra messenger's head, full of power.

"Get me back."

Qi Xiaosheng shouted violently, and the huge power directly smashed the Mithra messenger down.


A powerful pillar of fire swept down directly, and wherever it passed, the surrounding water evaporated completely.

This attack was Tang Yao who was waiting for an opportunity.

His pillar of fire attack only had 10 chances, so it was only now that he made his first shot.

The Envoy of Mithra was hammered fiercely by Qi Xiaosheng, and his body fell, unable to avoid the attack from the sky. At the moment of crisis, the soul energy in his body was running and the rules were intertwined, turning into a dark light on his body. membrane.


The crimson pillar of fire poured directly on the huge body of Mithra's messenger, and the terrible energy smashed Mithra's body to the ground fiercely, and the surrounding riverbed was melted.

It's crackling.

The dark light film on Mithra's messenger made a crack, and finally broke completely. However, the crimson light beam that fell on him also dissipated.

Tang Yao made a full blow and failed to injure the Mithra envoy.

"What a strong defense, is this the real demon saint?" Tang Yao was shocked Before, he also encountered the wreckage of Hongneng Mage, but at that time, Hongneng Mage turned into a skeleton warrior. In fact, The strength is greatly reduced, it can only be regarded as a half-step martial arts.

This time, the Envoy of Mithra was the real demon saint, and he was also an old demon saint with terrifying strength.

"Damn it, then kill you first."

Mithra's messenger uttered a painful cry, and his huge body rolled around, just like a dragon turning over, directly flying Qi Xiaosheng out of his body, and at the same time opened a huge mouth and bit directly towards Qi Xiaosheng.

With a stroke of Qi Xiaosheng's body, energy particles spit out under his feet, directly avoiding.

However, the messenger of Mithra seemed to have expected it a long time ago, his head turned, and a mouthful of black soul energy was directly sprayed out, and this layer of soul energy was also integrated into the power of soul rules.

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