Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1111: Deal with the Empire II


Admiral Chaowu scolded Tianhao Hao in his heart, but he changed the subject directly, saying: "The mecha design experts are right in front. I'm just in charge of receiving them. The real discussion is with them. Haha!"

While talking, he took Qi Xiaosheng around a corner and came to a hall.

There were more than a dozen elderly people in the hall. Qi Xiaosheng glanced at it, extracted data, and found that they were all very impressive mecha designers.

"Well, everyone, Starry Sky, the designer of Super 2 Mecha, you may have heard the news.

That's right, he is not as simple as a fresh graduate from Xuanwu Mainland, but a **** of war, who went to participate in the graduation assessment, and only tested the mecha. "

Admiral Chaowu walked in and closed the door of the chamber, introducing everyone one by one.

"Xingkong, this is the dean of the Imperial Mecha Design Institute, Situ Nanfeng. The Mecha Design Institute is becoming more and more prosperous in his hands, even surpassing the Mecha Design Institute of Xuanwu Academy.

This is the dean of the Imperial Royal Mecha Design Institute. Wu Nongmo has personally designed 20 super-sweet mechas. By the way, Tianhao Hao's pale Mecha God also has her hand.

And this one, he is the former chief engineer of mecha design in the empire. Many mechas in the empire are from him. He also developed a combined mecha that can form a mecha formation.


"Okay, both parties are here. We will discuss the rest. I am an old fellow who marches and has a good hand in battle. Mech design is fine. Let's talk about it yourself."

After completing the introductions one by one, Admiral Chaowu walked directly to a set of chairs, with his hands in his arms, his eyes closed and his spirits closed, as if he had nothing to do with him.

A group of mecha design experts looked at Qi Xiaosheng.

"Your Excellency Xingkong, can you take out your Super 2 stage mecha and let us take a look."

Wu Nongmo spoke first.


Qi Xiaosheng released the Zhaoyue Mecha for everyone to observe and test.

He was not afraid of exposing the data of Zhaoyue Mecha, because Mecha was not the key, the key was the Primordial Spirit cultivation method.

Sure enough, after Wu Nongmo and others checked, they looked at Qi Xiaosheng with disappointment.

They discovered that Zhaoyue Mecha's technology is not difficult. The difficulty lies in the second cultivation system.

"Can you come up with that primordial spirit cultivation method, let us see it?" Wu Nongmo said.

"This can't work.

Once you watch the Yuanshen cultivation method, you will get the technology of super 2 mecha.

However, our transaction has not yet begun. I don't know how sincere the Empire is? "

Qi Xiaosheng said with a smile.

Wu Nongmo and the others glanced at each other without hesitation.

"The empire is sincere.

This time, the Royal Mecha Design Institute of our Empire came up with three technologies, namely, the research project of multiple composite materials of the mecha, the mecha hanging on the super artifact, and the quantum state entanglement of the mecha. "

"The Imperial Mecha Design Institute will also come up with three technologies.



More than a dozen mecha design experts came out, and came up with one technology after another.

More than a dozen experts have come up with more than 30 kinds of technologies, and each of them can shake one party and make a large enterprise take off.

But Qi Xiaosheng heard it, but was not very satisfied.

"I don't need the quantum state entanglement of the mecha of the Imperial Royal Mecha Design Institute. I don't need the entangled clone. This is a duplicate of a project of Xuanwu Academy, and the Xuanwu Academy project has already made substantial progress.

The three technologies of the Imperial Mecha Design Institute are all immature technologies. They are just ideas, and I am not very interested.

As for the technology of the former chief engineer’s mech formation, I am not particularly interested.


Qi Xiaosheng is very picky. He directly eliminated most of the more than 30 types of mecha technologies. Among them, 30% is because Xuanwu Academy has the same technology and has made progress. Another 40% is because he scanned the code directly from A few people have extracted relevant technologies, and the remaining 30% is because they really have no interest and are not suitable for future development.

"I think the remaining twelve technologies are good, but they are still not enough to exchange for my Super 2 mech technology. You are still coming up with some new technologies. Let me see."

After saying this, Qi Xiaosheng looked at everyone.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. I didn't expect Qi Xiaosheng to be so picky.

"My mech formation is very practical. The military is using it. Why don't you see it?"

The former chief engineer was not convinced.

"I am alone, what's the use of mecha formation? Can the Empire allow me to sell?" Qi Xiaosheng said, in fact, the real reason is that he has extracted the relevant technology.

The former chief engineer was stunned.

Yes, one person, what is the use of the technology to form the formation? It is even more impossible to sell, and the empire certainly does not allow it.

"Then what about my research on external super artifacts?" Wu Nong said solemnly, she thought this project was very promising.

"I don't need this." Qi Xiaosheng said very plainly, this is something she really doesn't like.

Wu Nongmo's external super artifact is indeed good. The main research is to build super artifacts. However, Qi Xiaosheng doesn't like this at all, because his forging technology can completely create super artifacts and does not need Wu Nongmo's technology.

"Well, if you can come up with new technology, just tell me. If not, then let's stop the exchange of super 2 mechas." Qi Xiaosheng directly interrupted everyone who wanted to continue arguing, and said with a smile: "I miss the empire There should be more than so many mecha technologies, right?"

Everyone fell silent and looked at Admiral Chaowu.

The Empire does have a lot of mecha technologies, but the rest are the most top-secret Please tell him about anything. "Admiral Chaowu didn't open his eyes, just said lightly.

As if they were given instructions to understand the prohibition, they all became happy, and immediately said one new technology after another.

The technologies of the empire are powerful, even terrifying research projects, which cost a lot of money, which is incomparable to Xuanwu Academy.

This is not that the technology of Xuanwu Academy is not as good as the technology of the Empire, but that the direction is different.

After everyone enthusiastically spoke out the information, Qi Xiaosheng finally chose the technology he was satisfied with. After another tug-of-war negotiation, the Empire exchanged 33 mecha technologies for Qi Xiaosheng’s super 2-stage mecha technology and soul. Practice method.

After getting the Yuanshen cultivation method, a group of mecha design experts immediately gathered around. Even if they closed their eyes and rested, it seemed that the super military admiral who had nothing to do with him didn't know when he came over and grabbed Yuan. God practice method began to watch.

With a glance, Admiral Chaowu wrote down the content, and just like Tianhao Hao, suddenly and suddenly, the spirit and will converge and turn into the soul, reaching the same realm as the **** of war.

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