Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1116: Sealed man

Chapter 1116

"Is it the power of the Chaos God Orb?"

Qi Xiaosheng's eyes were shining brightly, and he directly took out the Chaos God Orb.

Tianhao Hao has obtained the Chaos God Orb for a while, and with his strength, he is absolutely capable and has the technology to study the Chaos God Orb.

When perceiving a crisis, Tianhao Hao would definitely do everything possible to protect that era.

This point is proved by his reckless use of time and space power and prying into the future.

Then, he will definitely find a way to use the power of the Chaos God Orb.

"It seems that Tianhao Hao has found a way to use the Chaos Divine Orb, or just found a way to activate it, thus sealing that era into the Chaos Divine Orb."

Qi Xiaosheng looked at the Chaos God Orb carefully.

Qi Xiaosheng traveled back to the past and studied over 2 mechas, which did not affect the historical trajectory. Because the time was too short, the invasion of the main **** of reincarnation occurred.

In other words, in the chaos divine bead in his hand, the powerhouse of the Xuanwu Continent 50,000 years ago was sealed.

"I was forced by the main **** of reincarnation before, and I escaped with the help of the power of the **** of chaos. I entered the **** of chaos at that time, but only saw the chaos. I couldn't see the sealed Tianhao and others. "

Qi Xiaosheng muttered to himself.

There are several possibilities.

The first is that Tianhao Hao and others were sealed in the Chaos God Orb. After these 50,000 years, they have long died of old age, but this is unlikely because people will die, but the mecha is very powerful, especially It is the Canghong God of Machine that will not be completely corroded by fifty thousand years.

The second possibility is that Tianhao Hao has escaped from the Chaos God Orb in these fifty thousand years.

The third kind, Qi Xiaosheng feels the most likely. At that time, Qi Xiaosheng entered the Chaos Divine Orb and was experiencing a state of rebirth. Both the primordial spirit and the state were very weak, and he did not see a large area, and did not find the location of Tianhao and others.

Fourth, Tianhao Hao and others have not been sealed in this chaos divine bead, there are many chaos divine beads in this space. This possibility is also possible, but not very big.

Overall, Qi Xiaosheng prefers the second and the third, and the third is more likely.

"It seems that you will need to study the Chaos God Orb carefully, and even enter the Chaos God Orb to explore it."

Qi Xiaosheng decided so.

Whether it is Tianhao Hao, Tang Yao, Hu Miao, or even Hu Yan, Qi Xiaosheng has some feelings with them. They are teammates, and they must not be ignored.

After a brief thought, Qi Xiaosheng's body shook, and his body quickly rushed upwards.


On Zhaoyue Lake, the water splashed, and a figure rushed out directly.

"Hey, I am finally willing to come up."

"I didn't want to come up with an Excalibur, and it took so long. Now it's all right. It took a whole day in vain, and I need to pay a precious 8-rank spirit pill."

"Even so, I have earned it. The artifact can be more valuable than the 8th Grade Spirit Pill."


As soon as Qi Xiaosheng rushed out of the lake, he heard everyone talking about it.

These people still don't know that the so-called artifacts born here are basically ghosts of the Jiading City Lord and his wife, deliberately letting everyone come to seek opportunities, so that they can earn spiritual stones.

Although Qi Xiaosheng knew the truth, he did not intend to reveal this secret. After all, this matter is actually a matter of willingness to fight and endure. Moreover, the city lord of Jiading did come out with priceless artifacts and techniques and gave them to them. Some destined people.

Thinking of this, Qi Xiaosheng's True Essence ran, directly evaporating the water on his body, and when he fell on the ground, his clothes were already clean.

He landed on the ground, with Lin Yue beside him.

Qi Xiaosheng entered 50,000 years ago for a full year, but in this era, it was only a day. Most of this time was the time he spent exploring Zhaoyue Lake with Lin Yue. The real time he spent crossing the past was actually very few.

"how is it?"

Lin Yue passed into the secret road.

"Go back and talk."

Qi Xiaosheng motioned for a moment, and then looked at the Jiading City Lord who came by.

"This friend is lucky and got the chance of Zhaoyue Lake this time, an artifact. Unfortunately, you are still not satisfied, and you actually stayed for a while.

Combining the time of the two of you, you should give me an 8-level spirit pill. "

Jiading City Lord’s wife smiled and said: "Even so, you actually earned it. An artifact, even a low-grade artifact, is more valuable than an 8-grade spirit pill."


Qi Xiaosheng did not refuse, and directly took out an 8-Rank Tongluo Batian Pill and handed it to the wife of the City Lord of Jiading.

This 8-level pill was his trophy in the battle with Samsara. It was nothing, he just took it casually.

When other warriors saw Qi Xiaosheng casually took out an 8-grade pill, they suddenly showed greed, but the lady of Jiading City Lord was a person who had seen the world, just waved her hand and asked the maid behind her to put the Tongluo Batian Pill. Accepted, and then nodded at Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue, and said: "The money should be cleared, and both of you can do it yourself."

When she finished speaking, she turned around and returned to the deck chair, closing her eyes to rest.

However, the maid of the wife of the city lord of Jiading stayed.

She looked at Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue, smiled slightly, and said, "You two, do you want bodyguards to serve? As long as a 7-grade spirit pill, we will send someone to **** them back to the teleportation formation in Jiading City.

There are guards from Jiading City, enough to ensure the safety of the two. "

As she spoke, she glanced around.

There were greedy gazes around, staring at Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue closely, but when the maid glanced around, they lowered their heads and avoided.

"Going to Zhaoyue Lake to explore and seek opportunities will not necessarily succeed, and it will also cost medicinal herbs.

But stay here and wait for the rabbit. Although it will take a long time to wait, you don't need to consume the medicine, just wait for the destined person. "

The maid sneered and withdrew her gaze.

Of course, Qi Xiaosheng felt the greedy and murderous gazes of everyone around, but he didn't care.

"I don't need to protect." Qi Xiaosheng said very confidently.

"Oh?" The maid looked at Qi Xiaosheng unexpectedly, and didn't understand why a martial sage was so confident.

"Are you sure? There are a lot of good feelings in this, even some of them are Wu Zun."

"Let them come though."

Lin Yue snorted coldly, she was more murderous than Qi Xiaosheng.

"It seems that the two are not as simple as they seem." The maid took a deep look at Lin Yue. Just now, she felt a terrible murderous intent from Lin Yue, and this murderous intent deeply made her feel. terror.

"In that case, then we won't give it away."

As the maid said, she turned around and went back to the wife of the Jiading City Lord, lowered her head and whispered a few words.

After hearing this, City Lord Jiading couldn't help but opened his eyes, scanned Qi Xiaosheng and Lin Yue, and observed them curiously.

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