Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 196: Lunar sun

Chapter 196:

   The cursed warrior is shrouded in small black holes.

   his position is exactly in the center of the small black hole, even with his power it is difficult to break free.

"Do not."

  The cursed warrior roared unwillingly, and his body continued to shrink under the power of a small black hole.

   "See you in hell, monster."

   Loki covered her chest and said with hate.


   Finally, a sound of blasting sounded, and the body of the cursed warrior disappeared into a small black hole, completely destroyed.


   Thor, seeing the cursed warrior dead, rushed quickly to Loki.

   I saw that Loki collapsed in front of her chest, a fist mark and a big footprint appeared.

   His mouth was swollen with blood, his face was pale, and he was dead.

"No no no no."

   Thor's face is anxious.

   "Holy Emperor, the Emperor will quickly save people."

   Thor growled.

  Qi Xiaosheng is fighting with the dark elf. With a glance at the corner of his eyes, he finds Loki who is about to die.

   But his eyes flickered and found that it was just an illusion.

   "I want to take this opportunity to escape." After Qi Xiaosheng understood, he didn't pay attention, and still attacked the dark elves.

  The dark elf is a huge threat. It must be killed and eradicated. Otherwise, the dark elf will inevitably **** his real gem in the future.

   Tor saw Qi Xiaosheng couldn't take it off, and there was a look of despair on his face, saying: "Rocky, Rocky, I shouldn't have brought you over, it's my fault."

   "No, it's my fault. I've sat on many wrong things. Don't blame me." Loki said hardly.

   "I don't blame you, I won't blame you all my life."

   "Do you still treat me as a brother?"

   "You will always be my brother."

  Loki listened, barely smiling on his face, and then twitched a few times before he died completely.

   "This acting skill can win the Oscar of this world."

   Qi Xiaosheng vomited and searched for Loki's location.

   He was worried about Loki's sneak attack, and thus stealing infinite gems, this guy's ambition has always been not small.

   But Loki hid in the distance and did not come close.

   found the location of Loki, Qi Xiaosheng also calmed his mind and attacked the dark elf with all his strength.

  Under the suppression of Xuanyuanjian, the dark elf has a terrifying ability but can't play it at all.

   I saw that Qi Xiaoshenghun burst out with a supreme dragon spirit all over his body. The whole body was like a golden stone casting. Under his sweeping Xuanyuan sword, there was a golden sword river.

  Jianhe swept through, resisting the Quartet, and all the dark forces around it melted like ice and snow.

  Moco is infinite.

   Suddenly, Qi Xiaosheng's power broke out completely, and the breath of terror spread towards the surroundings.

  The Xuanyuan sword was cut out again in his hand, and the sword light enveloped the world, and a sword rushed out across the sky and earth, hundreds of meters in length.

   The sword was cut, and the surrounding world was filled with a breath of terror, and the majesty of the emperor reached its extreme.

  The dark elf had a dark path, the dark energy from all over him rushed out, drove the dark magic to the extreme, and a column of horrible air swept toward the Xuanyuan sword.

  However, these air columns were directly chopped by Xuanyuanjian and dissipated into invisible.


  The Xuanyuan sword was cut and directly chopped on the body of the dark elf. The red gold sword light directly hacked from the top of the dark elf's head, directly splitting his body in half.


   The body of the dark elf did not fall, but turned into smoke, and was thoroughly purified by Xuanyuanjian.

  The leader of the dark world died, and the remaining dark creatures scattered as birds and beasts, and escaped.

   For these little babies, Qi Xiaosheng didn't pay attention, because there are too many babies, and the slaughter is estimated to take a long time, wasting a lot of time.

   "Holy Emperor, hurry... Let's see if my brother can save it."

  Tor growled now.

   Qi Xiaosheng first looked around and found that Loki had nowhere to go. Then he walked over and shook his head, saying: "It has been too long, the vitality has completely dissipated, even I can't save it."

   Tolton was desperate for a while.

   "You should carry Loki's body back to Asgard for burial," Tor said.

   Tol silently picked up Loki's body, but looked at Qi Xiaosheng and asked, "I'm going back, how about you?"

   "I won't go to Asgard anymore, there's nothing about me there anymore."

   "Well, you have the ability to teleport, and you can return to the earth yourself." Thor nodded, said goodbye to Qi Xiaosheng, and then tilted his head, said: "Heimdall, send me back."


   A golden light fell and shrouded Thor and Loki, then disappeared.

   After watching Thor leave, Qi Xiaosheng walked over a spaceship in the distance.

   This spaceship is the spaceship where the dark world attacked Asgard. The wing on one side is as sharp as a blade, and it can also fire a laser cannon, which is very good.

  The dark creature escaped too fast, and the spaceship stayed in place.

   Qi Xiaosheng walked over and immediately scanned the spacecraft's information to obtain the spacecraft's driving method.

   He went directly to the spaceship and found the cockpit.

   The spacecraft started, a burst of roar, and directly ascended into space.

   This is the first time Qi Xiaosheng has entered space. A shocking feeling comes to mind.

   Soon, the planet where the dark world is located turned into a small black spot, and at the same time, the stars in the distance gradually became clearer, gradually enlarged, and became a huge star, running in space.

   "Sure enough ~ ~ A planet can also scan the code."

   Qi Xiaosheng guessed this when he was on the Xuanwu Continent, so he was not surprised.

   He carefully observed that the scan code was successful, the data was extracted, and the name and coordinates of the planet were learned.

  The position and coordinates of the planet appeared in his mind, and turned into a star map.

   vaguely felt that this star map might be useful, so he observed the scan codes to extract the data one by one.

   "Ding, the code is scanned successfully, a horizontal line in the universe, coordinates...

   Extract the data and get the real fire of the sun. "

  Qi Shengsheng's eyes flashed and found a flame appearing in the Dantian Qihai. The flame was reddish gold. At first glance, it gave a warm feeling, but the power of the flame was very scary. Anything can melt.

   "Ding, successful code scanning, a satellite that can refract the brilliance of stars, coordinates...

   Extract the data and get the real fire of Taiyin. "

   Another flame appeared in Qi Xiaosheng's Dantian Qihai. Contrary to the true fire of the sun, this flame was extremely cold.

   "Ding, into the real fire of the sun, the real fire of the lunar, the Emperor Wu Leigang changed, advanced to ss-level martial arts."

   "Ding, blend into the Sun God Fire, the Emperor Wu Emperor Fire changes, the advanced is ss-level martial arts, and the palm power can be as strong as yin or yang."

  Qi Shengsheng got the data, the two martial arts in the body actually changed because of this practice.


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