Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 406: Wu Dao Zhan

Chapter 406:


   Rong Tian took Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue to visit the Rong family.


   "The Rong family is very large. Although it is a family, it is a city. Therefore, it can also be called Rongcheng. The entire Rongcheng is the property of my Rong family."


   Rong Tian introduced while walking.


   "Disciples outside Rong's family can receive one Wuhuang Pill and one Wanmu Washing Pill every month."


  Rong Tian said while taking out 4 Dan bottles and throwing Qi Xiaosheng and Xiaoxue respectively.


   "However, you passed the outside door test, not ordinary disciples, the Rong family will give you special treatment, so after the elders negotiated, the Rong family will give you an extra bottle of Wuhuang Dan and Wan Mu Xi Dan."


   introduced Rong Tian.


   "Ding, scan the code successfully, 5th grade Ling Dan Wu Huang Dan, after taking it, can enhance the true Qi in the body.


   Extract the data and get all the true energy of Wu Huang Dan. "


   Qi Xiaosheng looked at the pill bottle in his hand and opened a jade pill bottle. There were two pill medicines in it. The pill medicine was orange, and there was the sound of Long Yin and Hu Xiao, which contained magnificent spirit.


  After Qi Xiaosheng extracted the data, there was no movement in his body.


   "I am the Emperor Wuzhong, this immortal medicine is not very useful to me. But if it is the King of Wu, then the effect is great, and they can be promoted to the Emperor Wu quickly.


   Even the lower-level Emperor Wu can make them a little stronger.


   disciples outside have Wu Huang Dan, and the treatment is really good. "


   Qi Xiaosheng buttoned the jade pill and opened another wooden pill.


   The pill bottle was opened, and a powerful vitality was released inside. There was a green pill in it. The pill floated around the pill, and the pill turned into the shape of various trees.


"Ding, successful barcode scanning, 5 grades of Pills, Wanmu Washing Pills, extracted and extracted from ten thousand kinds of Lingshu essence, with the effect of washing the pith and improving the roots. This Pill can take more than one capsule, and the effect continues Weaken.


   Extract the data to obtain the efficacy of a Wanmu Xidan pill. "


  Qi Xiaosheng extracted the effect of Lingdan, and there was no change in the spirit root in the body.


   This is because he is the spirit root of the anti-tian level, which exceeds the effect of Wanmu Xieliandan.


   There are two Wanmu Washing Essence Pills in the Dan bottle. It is invalid to align Xiaosheng, but it can be sold, and it can certainly be sold at a good price.


   "Zhongzhou martial arts are really generous, only outside disciples actually distribute Wuhuangdan and Wanmu Xieliandan every month, which are two items of Lingdan, and it is free."


   Qi Xiaosheng sighed.


   At this time, several people came to a huge square.


   This square is very large, among which there are ten high platforms, and some Rong family disciples are competing above the high end.


   "This is the competition where the Rongs compete.


   The disciples in Rong's family prohibit fighting, but they do not prohibit learning.


  After all, martial arts can only progress in actual combat.


  Even if you get a winning streak in the ring, there will be different rewards.


  You are very strong, you can try a winning streak in exchange for some rewards. "


   introduced Rong Tian.


   Rong Tian was introduced, and did not stay here, but moved on.


   Soon, everyone passed by a Dange, and there were traces of medicine in the Dange, and the people in front of the Dange were also endless.


   "This is the Dan Pavilion of the Rong Family. You can also buy the Elixir from the Dan Pavilion in addition to the Wuhuang Pill and Wanmu Washing Pill.


  Pill medicine purchased from Dange does not charge ordinary currency, but requires the spar of Zhongzhou mainland, or the contribution value of Rongjia. "


   "I know the spar. When Brother Rong Yi brought us over before, he used the spar to open the spar. I heard that it was the currency of Zhongzhou.


  How can I get the contribution value? "


   asked Xiaoxue.


   "Complete some of the Rong family's experience tasks, you can get the contribution value and spar. Now, this is where the task is taken."


   Between the speeches, Rong Tian took the two to the Dan Pavilion. This is a hall where many people come and go to take over the task.


   "It turns out this way."


   Both Qi Xiaosheng and Xiao Xue showed curiosity.


   It's just that Xiao Xue is really curious, but Qi Xiaosheng is pretending.


   "Another thing from the outer domain, something similar to the mercenary association of the outer domain."


   Qi Xiaosheng glanced at it and understood the situation inside.


   "Experience missions can be picked up after you are familiar with the Rong family. It is not urgent yet."


   Rong Tian did not take them in, but continued on.


   Next, Rong Tian took them through the casting pavilion, Shenbing pavilion, martial art pavilion and other places of the Rong family.


   "This is the inner door of Rong's house, the original disciples should not have come.


   However, you have passed the assessment, so if you have preferential treatment, you can enter the inner door once. "


   Finally, Rong Tian took the two to the inner door.


  Rongcheng only has a large mountain protection array, and there is no Lingling array, because the spirit of Zhongzhou is strong enough.


   However, there is a gathering array outside the inner door of the Rong family, which makes the spiritual energy of the inner door of the Rong family more intense, and even forms a spiritual cloud in the sky, which turns into a colorful divine light, just like a fairyland on earth.


   stepped into the inner door, both of them exhaled and breathed aura. Without running the exercises, the aura actively entered into their bodies and rushed into the sea of ​​qi.


  The inner door of Rong's house is very quiet, few people, because the inner door disciples don't have to worry about cultivating resources.


  Occasionally encountered one or two people on the road, the breath is also very strong, each Linggen is above the B level, and is particularly powerful.


   "Even in a strong family, it is impossible for each to be a genius. It should be because he has taken Wanmu Washing Pill and raised the root of spirit."


   Qi Xiaosheng guessed.


   Soon, Rong Tian took the two to the back of Rong's house. It was a blank area without any buildings, and it looked like a wasteland.


   There is a stump in the middle of the wasteland. The stump is very large, with a diameter of at least a few feet, and it is all ages in circles. At a glance, it is dense and countless.


There were some people sitting around the tree stump again, some people were covered with dust, and even the most three people in the center looked like stone statues, but after extracting the data, Qi Xiaosheng found that it was the three great elders of the Rong family, but the three powerful The strength of Wu Zun is around 7 in Wu Zun.


   "The details of the Rong family are much deeper than I expected."


   Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and then the light was hidden.


   "This is a hundreds of thousands of years old spirit tree stump, the specific manifestation is no longer available I only know that it was originally a common willow tree, but because it has been acquired for too long, it contains spirituality.


   It was severed by a powerful martial god. The martial art conception of the martial **** even penetrated into his roots, completely destroying his spirituality, but its vitality was not dispersed.


It was here that the ancestors of the Rong family felt the vitality of the tree stump and realized the Rong Rong recipe.


   Later, this place became the sacred place of Rong family, known as Wudao Zhan.


  People who make special contributions to the Rong family can come here to practice.


   You did not make any contribution to the Rong family, but the ancestor was particularly fond of allowing you to practice here for three days. This is a great favor, not to mention outside disciples, even inside disciples. "


  Rong Tian said it brought out, and also showed envy.


   Even he did not practice in front of this ancestor Tao Dao.



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