Qi Xiaosheng is excited to hunt samsara. The power of samsara has reached 12,000.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly developed a sense of crisis. This sense of crisis originated from the two samsaras.

   Ordinary people, he forgot his name, but he remembered the name of the captain of the samsara.

  The two reincarnation bosses are even the reincarnation bosses, he certainly remembers.

The two people, one is Random Star Daoist, and the other is Wu Xia, who was replaced with the original Protoss. Both of them are martial gods. If they are both coming, Qi Xiaosheng is indeed in danger of life, and even one is enough to threaten Qi Xiaosheng. .

  After all, the Chaos Daoist independently blocked Li Potian's strongman.

  Li Potian, ten gods of martial arts, and Douluo mainland’s ultimate Douluo combat power is equivalent to five or six of martial gods of Xuanwu continent.

   If Li Potian was placed on Douluo Continent, it would be a low-level deity, even close to a medium-level deity.

  Qi Shengsheng used to belong to the existence of Chaos Daoist, even the terrible existence of this existence, one card after another.

   However, it seems that the Chaos Daoist can't get away, but Wu Xia on the side is also very strong and is also the captain of the reincarnation. He is also one of the organizers, and he should not be underestimated.

   "There are three or four cards in a dream, and there will certainly be Dao Ren Dao Ren."

  Thinking about this in Qi Xiaosheng's mind, he immediately became vigilant, and even let the Master of Refining Poison Hall, Xuanlong Zhangjiao and others shrink a little to protect themselves.

   Even, he was ready to escape from death.

   As he made preparations, Wu Xia suddenly released a terrible killing opportunity, and suddenly he was about to kill him with an axe.

   But at this time, Li Potian suddenly exploded into a powerful strength, actually one enemy and two, blocking the Chaos Daoist and Wu Xia.

   Seeing this, Qi Xiaosheng was relieved a little, so that he would have another way to harvest the reincarnation.

   Don't look at Li Potian playing two at the moment, but that's because Li Potian used some kind of explosive means, but the Chaos Daoist didn't use it.

   Qi Xiaosheng will not feel that a powerful samurai captain, and obviously one of the organizers of this war, will have no other means.

  Wu Xia is also the captain of the powerful reincarnation like the chaos star Taoist, and should not be underestimated.

  Now Li Potian exploded some kind of exercise, forcibly stopped the chaos star Taoist and Wu Xia, and it was a good thing to align with Xiaosheng.

   "However, the two can't get away, but I have already drawn their attention. It certainly won't be the case, there should be other strong people coming."

  Thinking about this in Qi Xiaosheng's heart, he immediately felt another strong breath.

   Although this breath is not as good as Chao Xing Dao Ren and Wu Xia, but it is also very powerful, it is the level of Wushen, even, and Qi Xiaosheng himself did not give up much.

"who is it?"

  Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and he immediately felt a terrible light blasting towards Qi Xiaosheng.

   Qi Xiaosheng looked at the air with this breath, and immediately recognized the coming person.

   Achromatic Realm is also the captain of a samsara squad. The other party is not practicing the martial arts of the Xuanwu Continent. The level is different, but the transformation is about five or six levels of Wushen.

   While Qi Xiaosheng looked at the colorless world, the colorless world also rushed over.

   The colorless world is a young man with long black hair, with a shadowy and arrogant color on his face, fair skin, slender body, and a dark robe, which further highlights the paleness of his skin.

   The colorless world is extremely fast. When Qi Xiaosheng noticed him, he came within 100 meters above Qi Xiaosheng.

   Within a hundred meters, in the eyes of Wushen, it is not a distance, and it is not too much away from being close to the body.

   Achromatic power.

  His voice fell, and Qi Xiaosheng suddenly felt that the whole world around him was quiet, and everything became still.

  Not only is there no color, his sense of smell, hearing, pain, skin sensation, etc. are suppressed, and gradually disappear.

  Even Qi Xiaosheng felt that his offensive power and physical defense were decreasing.

   His original physical defense was the top of the SS level. It was close to the SSS level, but now, the defense directly fell to the S level.

   This is the power of the colorless world, the power of suppression in all aspects.

   This power comes from a small world called "Wu Geng Ji". It is very peculiar. In that world, gaining the power of the colorless world represents invincibility and represents the control of the world.

   On the Xuanwu continent, although it can't reach that level, it is also very scary.

   "Boy, you are too flamboyant in this war, but you don't have such strength."

   The colorless world laughed wildly, and the killing in his eyes was as if he were to pierce Qi Xiaosheng.

   At the same time, he also fell down, stepped on one foot, carrying strong energy, to step on Qi Xiaosheng's head.

   Qi Xiaosheng has actually extracted the power of the colorless world. If he fights with all his strength, even if he can’t kill the colorless world, he won’t be suppressed.

   However, he must not be exposed at this time.

   was exposed. Not only did the reincarnation want to kill him, but I am afraid that Li Potian and others will guard against him, and even kill him, which is very troublesome.

   Therefore, he chose to endure, but manipulated Xuanlongzhangjiao and others rushed over.

   "Absolutely not let him kill Rong Daoyou." Xuanlong Zhang taught a roar and rushed straight over, but he was blocked outside the barrier of the colorless world, with a loud crash, hit the barrier.

  He forcibly impacted, his palm stretched over, but the skin on his hand was peeled off and suppressed, exposing the sensuous bones.

"Rong Daoyou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saved my life by saving my life." A Wu Zun, rescued by Qi Xiaosheng, roared and rushed over. While sprinting, all the truth from the whole body broke out yuan.


  His true element is running, which directly blows away the whole flesh and blood, just like a human bomb, directly blows on the barrier of the invisible world.


   A Wu Zun exploded, and the force of the explosion bombarded the colorless boundary wall.

   This is not a simple Wu Zun, but is parasitized by Qi Xiaosheng's spores and is Qi Xiaosheng's puppet.

  Qi Xiaosheng manipulated the puppet and shouted the slogan exploded, quietly released the powerful real element, and poured into the colorless boundary wall.

  Kaba Kaka cracked, and the colorless boundary wall shattered.

"This... how is this possible?" The Achromatic Realm exclaimed. His Achromatic Realm wall was very strong. Even the strong men of the same rank were difficult to break. At this moment, it was actually broken by a Wu Zun self-destructive attack. ? This should be impossible.

   Although the colorless world is shocked, but the attack continues, the soles of the feet continue to step on.

   "For the Xuanwu Continent, fight." Qi Xiaosheng controlled a puppet Wu Zun again and issued a fearless cry, flew up and threw himself up, irresistibly blocking Qi Xiaosheng's head.

  Poof. .

   Another Wu Zun puppet was smashed and his body burst directly.

   "No." Qi Xiaosheng's eyes were splitting, and at the same time, he was vomiting in his heart, feeling that he was at this moment's play.

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