Invincible Scanning System

: 941st Kill the Fallen King Kong

Chapter 941

   "Fallen. King Kong, you are doomed to death when you come here."

   Qi Xiaosheng looked at Fallen King Kong, and said faintly, as if all these were destined facts.

   Fall. Lo King Kong couldn't help but flustered.

   The opponent is too strong, beyond his imagination.

   You know, even he couldn't crush the frenzy with one blow.

   "Hercules, go and tear them apart."

   Fallen. Luo Jingang ordered, and at the same time, he started digging himself.

   The world-destroying weapon he made is below. After being excavated by Hercules, he has already seen a corner.

   Now, he wants to take advantage of the time Hercules is blocking the enemy, and dig out the weapon as soon as possible, so as to activate it, so as not to have an accident.

   At the same time, the Hercules who was digging frantically also stopped, turned his head, and looked at Qi Xiaosheng.

   He made a weird cry, like several monsters roaring at the same time, there was a sound full of mechanical roar.

   followed, his chest opened, and the terrible swallowing force poured out.

   Under the action of this swallowing force, he swallowed everything around him.


   Even some cars and machinery under the pyramid were rolled up, and there were even the remains of Transformers.

   Even Megatron and the others showed a look of horror, and had to hide far away so as not to disturb the pond fish.

   Click, click, click.

   The surrounding rocks and the Transformers wreckage were absorbed by Hercules, and were immediately crushed by the crusher, turned into fragments, and thrown out from behind.

   Qi Xiaosheng was standing in front of Hercules, and he also felt the power of horror.

  Hercules is worthy of being a fit-shaped Transformers. In addition to its inconvenience, its strength and attack power are far superior to ordinary Transformers, and it is absolutely comparable to a half-step martial arts.

   Of course, this is just attack power.

   Hercules, as a fit Transformer, moves very slowly, which is a very fatal flaw.

  With this flaw, the half-step Wusheng can easily defeat Hercules.

   However, Qi Xiaosheng did not use his flexibility to attack Hercules, because he has a simpler and more convenient way to destroy Hercules directly.


   Hercules was still sucking and sucking, the boulders at the feet of "Pika" were all crushed, and her body was constantly being sucked over by Hercules.

   At this time, Qi Xiaosheng did not activate the Ark reactor to provide the ‘pickup’ with strong power to escape, but instead released the right hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer.


   The Clear Sky Hammer was directly sucked in by Hercules and swallowed directly into the chest cavity.

   Click, click, click.

   In an instant, there was a clustering noise from Hercules' chest, and the swallowing force suddenly stopped.

   Following closely, Hercules throbbed as if choking from eating, as if he was coughing. Every time he coughed, many parts were vomited out of Hercules' chest.


   Suddenly, the chest of Hercules made a roar, and it exploded directly, and countless parts scattered all around.



   The huge body of Hercules fell directly on top of the pyramid, smashing the stone steps, and slowly falling down, and finally fell to the bottom of the pyramid.

  At the same time, Qi Xiaosheng's thoughts moved, and the Clear Sky Hammer broke through the broken chest cavity of Hercules and flew directly back to the ‘pickup’.

Hercules wanted to swallow the pickup, so he smashed it directly with a shredder. Unfortunately, the Clear Sky Hammer was an SS-level artifact. Hercules swallowed it, but it couldn’t smash it at all. Instead, the shredder in the chest was directly crushed. broken.


  Pika threw the Clear Sky Hammer out again and hit the head of Hercules.


   In an instant, the pickup hurled several times in a row, smashing the cores that make up Hercules.

   At the same time, Pickup raised his head again and walked towards Fallen King Kong.

   Fallen. There was an incredible look in the red eyes of Luo King Kong.

   He had thought that Hercules would be killed before. After all, Hercules seemed huge and powerful, but its weaknesses were too obvious, that is, slow speed and inconvenient movement.

   But, Fallen King Kong felt that even if Hercules was killed, he could at least delay the enemy for a period of time. This period of time was enough for him to dig out the weapon of destruction and activate it at the same time.

   As long as this weapon is activated, the enemy can be killed no matter how strong it is.

   But now, Hercules was actually shot in seconds.

   Hercules swallowed the opponent's weapon, but his "teeth" was broken by the opponent's weapon, which was terrifying.

   "Falling King Kong, now there is only you."

   Qi Xiaosheng said faintly, azure energy particles were ejected from the pickups' legs, and the body directly rushed towards the fallen King Kong.

   Fallen. A cold light flashed in Luo Jingang's eyes, raised the scepter in his hand, and a powerful stand suddenly burst into his body.

   The gravity field opens, and everything around it seems to be weightless, floating.

   And these floating objects began to revolve around the body of the fallen King Kong.

   This is like falling. The body of the King Kong turned into the sun, and the surrounding rubble, mecha wreckage, etc. became planets orbiting the sun.

   At the same moment, Qi Xiaosheng also felt a huge gravitational field, which was interfering with his actions. Not only that, the surrounding rubble was still under the control of Fallen King Kong and hit the pickup.

   "Gravity field? I can manipulate it too."

   Qi Xiaosheng snorted coldly, the Ark reactor roared, and strange energy erupted from his palms to leave the field.

   Suddenly, the gravitational force of the earth became extremely powerful, and objects floating in the sky around them fell rapidly.


   The boulders and the remains of Transformers all fell to the ground.


The pickup’s double legs ejected powerful energy particles. Under the powerful driving, he rushed directly to the side of the fallen King Kong at supersonic speed, and drove the huge clear sky hammer in a sudden. Smashed down.


   Terrible power blooms on the pickup, and it contains terrible killing rules.

  Killing. The rules of killing, killing everything, all this contains everything.

  Everything can be slaughtered.

   This is the killing rule.

   Kill. Slaughter rules cooperate with Upper Clear Sky Hammer, Falling. Luo Jin just about to resist, he felt his body stagnate suddenly, the opponent's attack had not yet approached, but he felt that his life was passing by in an instant.

   Kill. Killing rules directly obliterated his life.


   The Clear Sky Hammer fell, smashing the body of Fallen King Kong directly.

   "Fallen. King Kong is dead? This is also dead? Too fast?" Megatron was so scared that the cameras in his eyes almost exploded, and an idea arose in an instant.


   Without any hesitation, he turned into a fighter jet directly into the air.


   He directly activated the supersonic speed and rushed into space.

   Megatron wants to escape directly from this planet.

   "Want to go?"

   Qi Xiaosheng snorted coldly, and energy particles were ejected from both legs, and they directly chased up.

   Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. Killing him will cost you a lot of points.

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