Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 977: The place where ghosts gather

Chapter 977

Wu Fan and the three were extremely fast, and while pouring out energy cannonballs, they rushed to the scene at supersonic speed.

They arrived almost at the same time as the shells.

Wu Fan, Wang Li, and Li Tie arrived on the battlefield.

At the moment of arrival, the enemy on the scene was slaughtered.

Three half-step martial arts mechas are fully fired, and they are the first to hunt down enemies they can see.

This is a group of Wuwang Peak and the early Wuhuang team, and the strength is considered to be the strong among the intermediate reincarnation team.

However, three half-step martial arts-level mechas were killed and directly entered the autopilot stage. The killing rules were displayed. The killing opportunity was like a knife, and each hit released a terrifying killing opportunity.

A massacre started instantly.

Soon, the enemy was killed.

"Ling Ling, get out."

Wu Fan roared.

His six teammates, from the low-level reincarnations, began to perform tasks together, and the teammates who shared the world of reincarnation for more than ten times, unexpectedly all died here.

One can imagine how angry Wu Fan was.

He roared, his eyes were red, and he was manipulating the mecha, continuously tilting the rain of energy bombs, and bombing in all directions.





There were explosions all around, and Wu Fan's roar was pouring out with the rain of bullets.

However, after the explosion for a long time, Ling Ling did not appear.

"Come and kill me? Have the ability to kill me."

Wu Fan roared and continued to release energy shells, crashing the bridge, shifting the skyscraper to the flat bottom, and blasting everything around him into ruins.

However, Ling Ling did not appear.

"Wu Fan, calm down." Liu Xu shouted from the side.

He also had three teammates dead, but his relationship with his teammates was not as deep as Wu Fan, so he could remain calm.

"That Lingling must have escaped, and went to meet the slick ghost." Liu Xu reminded.

"Huh." Wu Fan also calmed down.

He is also a wise man.

"It can be resurrected. As long as you go back alive and sell the mecha, you can resurrect the two, and then slowly accumulate points." Wu Fan calmed down and clenched his fists.

"Kill this guy first, and then find the slicker."

Wang Li roared, and rushed up first.

Li Yiyi, Wang Li, Li Aniu, Li Tie, plus Wu Fan, five half-step martial arts mechas rushed up, activated the autopilot mode, spurred the killing. Monster with bull head and crab body.

In cooperation with Liu Xu of the late Shangwu Emperor, the monster with the bull's head and crab's body soon couldn't support it and exploded directly.

At the moment when the monster of the bull head crab body exploded, everyone found that his blood had not blended into the river below, but instead flowed upstream and flowed to the river bank, converging into scarlet strange runes.

Not only that, but the monster's corpse of the bull head crab body also spewed out a jet of black smoke, this smoke is ghostly, it is its soul.

This soul is very powerful, it is the soul of a martial emperor-level powerhouse, and has reached a physical state.

The soul flew out, merged into the sky, and flew away.

That direction is the center of Osaka Castle.

"What happened?"

"This doesn't appear in the plot."

"It's the captain, it must be the captain."

After solving the enemy, everyone finally had time to analyze.

"I'm going to kill that Ling Ling."

Wu Fan did not participate, but roared.

"and many more."

Liu Xu quickly stopped.

"Don't stop me." Wu Fan said angrily.

"It's not to stop you, but I think that with this kind of vision, that slippery ghost will probably go down and look at it with his subordinates. Let's go straight to it and be able to converge in a'dream' and kill the enemy." Liu Xu said.

Wu Fan paused slightly, and his hatred blinded him. At this moment, after careful analysis, he felt that Liu Xu was right.

"Okay, then go to the center of the vision to check." Wu Fan agreed.

"Wait, our teammate is not dead yet."

At this time, Li Yiyi walked towards Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan's mecha.

The two mechas were in tatters, but their machinery released a signal, indicating that the two were still alive.

Li Yi walked over, shredded the broken mecha and dug out the cockpit.

The cockpit was the strongest, and it was fairly complete. Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan were in their respective cockpits. They were not dead. They were just bleeding from their mouths and noses and passed out into a coma.

This is caused by the shock.

Li Yi urged the unique number one by one, clicked the cockpit and rescued the two.

"Is there a pill?" Li asked one by one, she didn't have a healing pill herself.

"I redeemed a few."

Wang Li walked out, took out a few pills, and gave them to them.

After taking the pill, their injuries gradually stabilized and slowly recovered.

"I...I'm not dead yet." Zhou Tao showed fear.

Just now, he thought he must be dead.

"It was the mecha made by the captain. Although the two mechas are only level five, the cockpit's defense power has reached level six. The cockpit saved you."

Li Yiyi said.

"It turned out to be so." Li Yuanyuan looked at the mecha, feeling distressed.

It hadn't been long since they got the mecha, and it was destroyed.

Moreover, they put in a lot of hard work on these two sets of mechas, which allowed the captain to make them for them. They are now ruined, and I am afraid there will be no chance afterwards.

Both hearts were bleeding.

"Okay, it would be great if you can save your life. Look at the other members of the Samsara team, but they have died a lot." Li said one by one, and then said: "Can you move? Follow us to find the captain if you can. If you can’t move, find a place to hide it first.”

The world of reincarnation is very dangerous, they don't have the power to protect them, and both need to fight.

"Can... move." Li Yuanyuan and Zhou Tao stood up hard, staying, no one took care of them, and they would be killed when they encountered a little ghost, so they had better follow Li Yi and others.

"Okay, just stick to it."

Li Yi nodded slightly.

"Come help them two and follow us." Wang Li ordered Kato Masaru and others to come over and let them be responsible for supporting Li Yuanyuan and Zhou Tao.

Everyone is ready to go to the center of Osaka, the place where ghosts gather most.

They went all the way, and they were also very careful so as not to be attacked by Ling Ling again.

However, Ling Ling did not appear, it seemed that he had really retreated.

They were not too far from the center of Osaka, and soon after, they saw an amazing scene.

I saw Li ghosts constantly coming around. These Li ghosts were out of control and were dragged by the big formation. They flew past, and a ghostly mushroom cloud condensed in front of them.

The ghost gas cloud layer was spinning, and because it was too condensed, it actually dripped drop by drop of black liquid. This was the river water condensed by ghost gas.

According to legend, the Wangchuan River in the underworld is composed of these ghostly condensed rivers.

The ghost rain fell and gathered on the ground, forming a dark puddle. The puddle trembled slightly, forming a ripple, spreading outward.

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