Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 243: Torture to Death

Wu Dao asked the system to test how many levels Huo Ningxiang could fight in. The answer given by the system made Wu Dao very satisfied.

It’s enough to leapfrog three major realms!

In other words, she is now at the first level of the Yuanwu Realm. If she exerts all her strength, she can compete with the strong men at the first level of the Tianwu Realm.

In vain, Wu Dao gave her 30% of his own blood plus a drop of his heart's blood.

What kind of young emperor and young saint are all scum in front of him?

At the same time, Wu Dao was lamenting the defiance of his ‘ultimate bloodline’.

He released 30% of his own blood, but it was harmless. He only released a drop of his own heart blood to rebuild Huo Ningxiang's heart. After a few days, he would be fine. Since he wanted to cultivate the strongest evil slave, he had to be cruel to himself. Just fine.

Wu Dao knew very well that this was his first stage of Evil Emperor's blood. There were three stages in total, and there were two more stages to follow. He didn't know when the system would give it to him.

"My level is too low now. I have to find a way to improve it. Well! This matter has happened. I have to go to that mysterious space and suck up the ancient tree of life." Wu Dao thought, the only thing that can make him The only thing that can quickly improve one's realm is that ancient tree of life.

As for the power of the ancient tree, Wu Dao was no longer afraid. He wanted to kill the tree spirit who pierced his right hand that day.

At this time, Wudao and Huo Ningxiang had already put on their clothes.

Huo Ningxiang was different from before. Firstly, her eyes had become very cold and indifferent. She didn't even bother to see anything except innocence.

Secondly, her temperament has also changed, she is no longer calm, she has become aloof and cold, like an evil queen.

Third, the skin becomes crystal clear and flawless, more beautiful and moving than before.

Now that Wu Dao is at the peak of Tiangang, it may be a bit uncertain whether he can outdo Huo Ningxiang.

Huo Ningxiang's life was now determined by Wu Dao's single thought, because her heart was driven by a drop of her own blood. As long as he thought, Huo Ningxiang's heart could explode.

Even if she becomes a god or an immortal in the future... she will not be able to change this state.

If he couldn't control her life and death in a single thought, how could Wu Dao cultivate her like this?

Wu Dao lay quietly on the couch, and Huo Ningxiang was obediently squeezing Wu Dao's shoulders from behind.

"Your Majesty! You are so powerful. I was obviously dead, but you pulled me back. At that time, Ningxiang was very satisfied to die for you, but she was a little bit reluctant to leave your Majesty." Huo Ningxiang said, in this life, evil The emperor is everything to her.

Suddenly, the fog in the outside world dispersed, and a ray of somewhat dazzling sunlight shone through the light curtain.

Suddenly there was an island covered by clouds and mist in front of it. It was covered by clouds and mist, and everything inside could not be seen clearly.

"Everyone! Luotian Holy Island is just ahead. Get ready to land on the island." The radio sounded.

Everyone in the cabin walked out and walked to the corridor railing, looking at the island in front of them with curiosity.

Except for the younger generation, these people, those who are middle-aged, old, and old women with the lowest cultivation level are all in the Tianwu realm, and are the leaders of the big forces outside Huangzhou. After receiving the invitation from Luotian Holy Island, each family came with their most outstanding genius children.

The luxury ship is close to the island. In front of it, there is a towering city wall, blocking the ship's path and isolating this area of ​​​​the sea.


The city gate opened, the sea water surged, sweeping in all directions, the luxurious giant city drove inside, and the city gate slowly closed.

Behind the city wall, there is still a sea area, and now you can clearly see the scene on the island.

The island is huge. From high to low, there are houses one after another, high buildings one after another, and many green ancient trees towering into the clouds. It is not what people think. There are many people living on this island.

"We've finally arrived. I'm a little impatient with waiting." Looking at the scene in the distance, Wu Dao said coldly to himself: "Those who covet my dragon, I will pick off your heads one by one."

Huo Ningxiang stood obediently behind Wu Dao, silent.

Finally, the big ship docked at a bustling coast, where many ships docked, as well as many fishermen and fishermen.

"We've finally arrived. Is this the Luotian Holy Island? These fishermen are so honest."

"The folk customs are indeed simple and honest, unlike the outside world which is full of intrigues and bloody killings."

The people on the ship all walked to the main deck at the bottom and were talking quietly.

At this time, a maid came over and said politely to everyone: "My lords, please follow me!"

Following the maid, everyone disembarked from the boat. Looking at the scene of Luotian Holy Island, they couldn't help but look a little strange.

This has nothing to do with the Luotian Holy Island they imagined!

However, no one dared to say anything out loud, and they kept praising the place, its simple folk customs, etc.

"Where is Huo Wanyang?" Wudao looked around and saw no trace of him.

"He's already down there, Your Majesty." Huo Ningxiang pointed to a direction on the island and found Huo Wanyang waving to them.

Her father stopped screaming. You can imagine how powerful Huo Ningxiang has become. She is like a completely different person.

In her eyes, apart from being innocent, everything is as humble as a reptile and cannot enter her eyes.

Huo Ningxiang, who just inherited a drop of Wu Dao's heart and blood, does not take the world in her eyes. You can imagine how arrogant Wu Dao, who has the blood of the real evil emperor, is, and it may have reached a heinous level. .

This comes from the frivolity and unruliness in the blood.

"Let's go!" Wu Dao greeted, just about to jump down.

"Haha! Where do you want to go?!" A sinister voice came from behind.

When he turned around, he saw that Young Emperor Nangong and the old woman had appeared at the entrance.

Looking at Wu Dao and the others, the old woman smiled conspiratorially, as if Wu Dao was now fish on their chopping board and could be slaughtered at will.

They forced them over. Young Emperor Nangong had a cold face and a formidable aura. His hair was golden and shining brightly. His pupils were like two small suns, which were a bit dazzling and made people dare not look at him for a long time.

"Where's the dragon! How can such a divine beast be owned by a lowly person like you?" Young Emperor Nangong spoke majestically and full of arrogance. He looked at Wu Dao like a little ant. He came up and said that Wu Dao was a lowly person. It was completely Without taking him seriously, he directly asked for his dragon.

Young Emperor Nangong stopped twenty steps away from Wudao. He maintained his noble status and looked down at Wudao from a high position. He continued: "I will accept you as a slave. When I become the emperor in the future, even though you are a slave, But, that is also high and mighty. One dragon has brought such a brilliant future, you should go back and burn incense."

The other party was crazy. Wu Dao was even crazier and more disdainful than him. He didn't even bother to look at them. He turned around and said indifferently: "Throw this reptile down and torture it to death."

Yesterday’s recommendation votes were half less than the previous day. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because Naihe’s writing wasn’t good! But the feeling in my heart is hard to understand!

Naihe has estimated that there are about a thousand real fans of this book, and they will insist on voting every day. Naihe thanks you very much for insisting on voting every day. If Naihe had two thousand iron fans, I would go home and burn incense! Hey~

Many book friends should have read many books. For example, the book "God-level Demon Refiner" is very popular now. If it can achieve such results, then the author must have written it very well. Nai He said that it was included in the PK list yesterday, and you didn’t want it to lose so you went to vote. Nai He could only smile bitterly, and call me a bitch.

Please give me a recommendation vote. If you support Naihe, brothers, just vote.

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