Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 245: Visiting and welcoming in person【4】


The old woman's heart was filled with terror, and her old eyes were full of disbelief. Why did the people she considered to be fish and soft persimmons on the chopping board become so terrifying? At this moment, her whole body was restrained by a supreme force, and she shot down to the distant ground like a cannonball.

"Well! What happened? Even Granny Kurong was thrown out. This is the territory of Luotian Holy Island. Who on the ship dares to be so presumptuous?"

"This time, there may be a powerful enemy from Luotian Holy Island. Anyone who dares to confront Luotian Holy Island is definitely not an easy person. I think it's better for us to stay away to avoid the disaster."

Looking at Granny Kurong who was shot down, the group of people with extraordinary status here retreated one after another, not wanting to get involved in the Luotian Holy Island incident.


A purple-black finger light really cut through the void, and with a teleporting sound, it violently flew over the head of Granny Kurong, who was still falling to the ground with endless unwillingness in her heart. A big head was blown to pieces in an instant. , red and white flowers bloom.

"Exploded?" That group of people with extraordinary status witnessed a finger light that could shatter the void, exploding Granny Kurong's head, and their hearts were filled with shock and horror.

Who is it? The void can be shattered with one finger. This is the emperor's method!

"Could it be that Luotian Holy Island has provoked the existence of a great emperor? If this is really the case, today's Luotian Holy Island may be in danger." The group of people were shocked to the extreme.


At this time, a miserable howl like a slaughtered pig sounded from one direction.

People looked up and gasped immediately.

Today's Young Emperor Nangong is in extremely miserable condition. Two of his arms have been forcibly torn off by Huo Ningxiang. Just now, one of his legs was kicked into blood mist by Huo Ningxiang.

"Kill me, please kill me!" Nangong Young Emperor was overwhelmed. He was begging for death. He was already frustrated. He was a dignified Young Emperor, with the top bloodline in this continent, and could rival him in the same realm. There were not many people there, but now, he was crushed, and he was crushed to pieces by people who were in the same realm as himself. In front of her, he was like a little chicken facing a ferocious beast, with no trace at all. The power of resistance.


Huo Ningxiang's eyes were cold, and she grabbed Nangong Young Emperor's head and kicked him down, blowing off his last leg and turning it into a ball of blood mist.

Then, Nangong Young Emperor's howling was heard again, so shrill that it made people's teeth hurt. He had now turned into a bachelor, with blood spraying from his limbs. Half of his cheeks were bloody, and he was howling in pain on one side of his mouth. , The body is convulsing, and I believe that he will die completely due to excessive blood loss soon.

Looking at Nangong Young Emperor, who is now dying and turned into a human stick like a dead dog, and the group of people with extraordinary identities, there is an incomprehensible feeling in their hearts, Young Emperor! There is an emperor-level blood in his body, and he will definitely become an emperor in the future, but now he is being suppressed by a queen-like woman with her hands, and has become so miserable. This makes people respect the purple-robed woman who is as noble as a queen. The identity of the woman aroused great interest.

Huo Ningxiang was dressed in purple, with a slim waist and long legs. She had a graceful and graceful figure. Her skin was white and shimmering with crystal luster. She had three thousand black hair shawls. Her face was delicate and beautiful, and her aura was evil and noble. She said, "Like an evil queen." Who do you think you are in front of His Majesty? With just one finger from His Majesty, you can be wiped out. Who gave you the courage to accept His Majesty as your slave?" Huo Ningxiang held him up with cold and disdainful words.

"Please...kill...kill me." Young Emperor Nangong was so angry that his limbs were forcibly torn off, and most of the bones in his body were shattered. This kind of pain was worse than death.


Huo Ningxiang didn't say a word. She carried Nangong Young Emperor and disappeared, appearing here in Wudao.

"Your Majesty! Do you want to kill him now?" When she came to Wu Dao, Huo Ningxiang disappeared like a queen and became well-behaved.

"I like people to die in despair and endless pain." Wu Dao said indifferently.

"Oh!" Huo Ningxiang nodded obediently and threw Young Emperor Nangong aside with one hand. If this continued, he would die sooner or later, and he would die in endless pain.

"No...please...please...kill me." Young Emperor Nangong was begging for death with an angry voice. He still had one breath left and could not die no matter what. The pain radiating from his body made him worse than death. .

However, Wu Dao and Huo Ningxiang were too lazy to look at him.

In their eyes, he is just a clown.

Wu Dao's current state is the peak of the Great Emperor's Twelve Heavens.

The invincible mode has not yet been fully evolved. He consumed 10,000 massacre points to reach the peak of the Great Emperor Realm for a limited time of 24 hours. He could also be invincible for one minute, but he did not activate invincibility.

What can you do in one minute? Pretending is not enough.

In a certain place, Huo Wanyang felt uneasy in his heart at this moment. What shocking change had happened to his daughter? How could she become so terrifying, so cold and noble? Even he felt oppressed.

"In the past few hours on the ship, Xiaoxiang was with His Majesty. What happened?" Huo Wanyang said to himself, full of confusion.

"His Majesty the Evil Emperor is here in person, why don't you welcome him quickly?"

Huo Ningxiang took a step forward, circulated her vitality, and gave a sweet shout.

The sound rolled across the entire island, echoing in the ears of everyone on the island.

Such a drink shocked the whole island.

Wu Dao and the others came from the later batch, and there were two previous batches of people who were sent to Luotian Holy Island.

Whether they were those who were invited or the original island residents, they were all shocked by Huo Ningxiang's arrogant words.

"Who? Who is so wild and dares to speak so openly? What kind of dog is the Evil Emperor? He has such a big battle and has people from an island come out to greet him?"

"Crazy, really crazy. Even though we on Luotian Holy Island are living in seclusion, we are not the ones that cats and dogs can bully at will."

"Damn it, do you really think that there is no one on our Luotian Holy Island? What kind of evil emperor is that? I think you are an evil bitch. It seems that our Luotian Holy Island has been hidden in the world for so many years, and some people have forgotten the terror we had back then."


Huo Ningxiang's words caused the Luotian Holy Island to boil completely. Both the aboriginals and outsiders felt that these words were extremely crazy.

It should be noted that Luotian Holy Island, when it was on the mainland, was called the Luotian clan. At that time, it was the top force on the continent. Later, for some reason, they lived in seclusion and did not care about worldly affairs. However, there is no doubt that Luotian Holy Island was the clan. Powerful and terrifying, no one knows how many Heavenly Lords are in charge.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to speak so boldly now. It made people wonder if the other party was just a stupid young man who didn't know the horror of Luotian Holy Island.

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