Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 301: The lion opens its mouth

In this vast expanse of grassland, there stands a thatched house.

"Uh! A person of your status actually... actually lives here?" Qin Wenwu was a little dumbfounded.

"In a prosperous place, there is also a time when things come to an end." Qimiao Zhenzun said ambiguously.

No matter what, he went straight to the point and said, "Tell me what's wrong with you!"

Seeing Wu Dao being so direct, Qi Miao Zhenzun didn't care and said with a serious look: "I want to ask you to save someone."

"Rescue people?" Wu Dao smiled and said: "You are such a terrifying existence, and you still need me to help you save people? Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Qi Miao Zhenzun shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Because I can't enter that place. I just saw that my little friend has extraordinary fighting power, so I thought of you. If it were you, there would be absolutely no problem."

Wu Dao showed a strange look and said, "For now, tell me what kind of place it is. If it's too dangerous, then I'm sorry, you can find someone else!"

"Haha!" Zhenzun Qi Miao showed a very candid smile and said: "Little friend, if it is you, there is absolutely no problem. I, Qi Miao, am one of the eight guardians of Tianhun City, and I will never do anything to harm you. That is a place of trial. My granddaughter went in. It has been three years and she has not returned yet. The soul lamp is still measuring her. This means that she has not died. I want you to go in and see if you can find me. Granddaughter, and bring her out. Don’t worry, it’s a trial place of the Great Emperor Realm, and it will definitely not harm your life.”

Then, Nanami Zhenzun sighed and said: "But the danger is still there. In the past three years, I have also sent in many seven-star, eight-star, and even nine-star geniuses. As a result, no one can come out. Moreover, All dead."

After hearing the words, Wu Dao fell into deep thought, and then his face became cloudy and uncertain, as if he was struggling to make a decision.

"If you can bring my granddaughter out, I am willing to give you another map of the SS-level restricted area." Seeing Wudao's expression, Nanami Zhenzun gritted his teeth and said.

"Although the restricted area is very tempting, it still needs to be attacked." Wu Dao shook his head and said: "Since it is so dangerous, I think I won't go. I'll give this back to you. Please send me back!" As he spoke, Wu Dao returned the map and the green ball to Qimiao Zhenzun and asked him to send him back.

"Mad! You are trying to make a lion open his mouth!" Qi Miao Zhenzun's heart was bleeding. How could he, an old monster who had lived for so long, not know the little calculation in Wu Dao's heart? At that moment, he said : "What do you want before you go? Just make it clear once and for all!"

"Alas! Since you said so, I can't refuse. Let's do this! You prepare for me 2 million sets of armor and weapons that can attack SS-level restricted areas, and give me two coordinate maps of SS-level restricted areas. What? Like?" Wu Dao really opened his mouth like a lion, there was a fat sheep to blackmail, how could he let it go.

Qin Wenwu on the side was stunned when he heard this. This is simply a sky-high price!

"F*ck!" Even Qi Miao Zhenzun burst out and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He has two SS-level restricted areas, but Nima, 2 million sets of armors and weapons that can attack SS-level restricted areas. How did he get it?

It must be of a very high level, and it can be used in any realm to increase one's own strong combat power.

It can be said that even if the protoss stationed here have all the SS-level armors and weapons combined, they are only one hundred. Now Wu Dao is asking for 2 million sets, which makes Qimiao Zhenzun want to kill him with a piece of tofu. have.

Qimiao Zhenzun really wanted to say, why don’t you go and grab it?

"Why do you look so ugly? Could it be that you can't take it out? If that's the case, then send me back quickly." Wudao shook his head.

"My friend, you can give them to the restricted area, but these 2 million sets of SS-level armors and weapons are really difficult!" Nanami Zhenzun said with a very ugly face.

"Is it difficult? Doesn't this prove that you can still get it! It depends on whether you care more about your granddaughter's life or money. Think about it for yourself. If you can't do it, then give it to us. Go back, my time is very precious." Wu Dao said lightly.

At this moment, Qi Miao Zhenzun's face began to look uncertain. He knew that he had said the wrong thing just now, and he should not have said something difficult. However, the other party immediately found out the truth. This kid has become a spirit.

Qi Miao Zhenzun weighed and considered in his mind for a few minutes. Finally, he gritted his teeth and felt very aggrieved. Today, a young boy opened his mouth to a lion. If those seven old men knew about it, they would definitely be laughed out of their wits. But there was nothing he could do. In order to save his only granddaughter, he said: "I promise you."

"That's pretty much it. How can money and other things be more important than the lives of your own relatives?" Wu Dao smiled faintly, which was what he expected.

As soon as he learned the identity of Qimiao Zhenzun from the aborigines, Wu Dao planned to give him a hard blow.

No matter what kind of love, it is the most fatal weakness of human beings.

"I'll give these to you first." Nanami Zhenzun handed the three maps and three cyan light balls to Wu Dao and said, "The 2 million SS-level armors and weapons will take a while. You can rest assured, since If I agree, I will never break my promise."

Finally, he added, "I hope you can bring my granddaughter back safely." Wu Dao put away the map and the ball of light, and smiled faintly: "If the reward is enough, the person will naturally come back safely. Send me in!"

"You don't have weapons and armor yet, do you?" Nanami Zhenzun said suspiciously.

"No need!" Wu Dao was very conceited.

"To be on the safe side, I'll give this to you." With that said, Qimiao Zhenzun threw a purple light ball and a golden light ball to Wu Dao.

Wu Dao took it and asked suspiciously: "What is it?"

"Is this your first time in this world?" Seeing that Wudao didn't recognize him, Qi Miao Zhenzun showed a strange expression.

Wudao said bluntly, "Yes! Why, do you have any objections?"

Nanami Zhenzun understood clearly and explained: The golden ones are weapons, and the purple ones are armors. As long as you inject the weapon model you want into the golden ball of light, it will become the weapon you need. The same goes for the armor of the purple light ball. "Nana Mio Zhenzun said: "To be on the safe side, these are all SSS-level, and it's cheap for you kid. "

"Ha! It seems that I underestimated you just now." Wu Dao said, injecting the model of a spurge into a golden ball of light, and then using the ball of light in his hand, it instantly turned into a purple-black spurge. , the cold light flashes.

"If you have weapon amplification, your combat power will definitely be more than three suns." Knowing that Wu Dao did not use the weapon test just now, Nanami Zhenzun only now reacted and said in shock.

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