Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 304: SSS-level station

"Uh!" Nanami Zhenzun was speechless and said, "What happened?"

Wu Daobu replied to him and said, "Where are my armors and weapons? Are they ready?"

"It's so fast. Do you know how long it has been since you left? An hour! I just asked someone to get it. I believe it will be delivered within a day or two." Qi Miao Zhenzun rolled his eyes.

Only Wu Dao dared to talk to such a terrifying being. If it were anyone else, he would definitely be submissive.

Moreover, Nanami Zhenzun was not angry at Wu Dao's impolite attitude towards his elders.

"Brother, you are back. We were all deceived by the appearance of this thatched house." At this time, Qin Wenwu ran out of the thatched house.

Wudao didn't respond to him, and dispelled his armor, looked at Qimiao Zhenzun, frowned and said, "Will it take another day or two?"

Nanami Zhenzun nodded helplessly and said: "I have to beg you for 200 sets of SS-level armors and weapons. What's wrong with waiting for a day or two?"

Wu Dao raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay! Then I'll wait for a day or two."

After taking the healing elixir, Miao Ling'er's injuries were more than half healed. She was surprised: "You actually passed the Emperor's Trial Road in just one hour." She was shocked. Looking at Wu Dao.

And he was also amazed by Wu Dao's handsome and flawless face.

Nana Mio Zhenzun is not surprised. For a being with a combat power above three suns, it is really easy to pass the emperor's trial. He can no longer be described as emperor, even if he is described as emperor. That's too weak.

"The Emperor's Trial Road is just a child's plaything." It's not that Wudao looked down on the Emperor's Trial Road. In his eyes, it was indeed like a child's plaything.

"Monster." Miao Ling'er pouted.

"Are you going to stay and wait, or..." Before Qi Miao Zhenzun could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wu Dao: "You don't have time to wait here, so send us away first. Also, where is this place? By then we will How come back?"

"This is for you. If you want to come back, no matter where you are, except for the Heavenly Soul World, you can go directly here." Zhenzun Qi Miao threw a milky white round jade pendant to Wudao and explained: "As long as you inject energy That’s it.”

Wu Dao took it, looked at it, put it away, and said: "That's it, send us out! Next time I come back, I will enter the Emperor's Trial Road and get the rewards inside."

"See you later!" Qimiao Zhenzun said to Wu Dao, which was completely unlike the attitude he should have towards a junior, and sent them away with a wave of his hand.

After Wu Dao left, Miao Ling'er asked in shock: "Grandpa, who was that man just now? It's so amazing. He passed the Emperor's Trial Road in an hour. It's terrible."

"A peerless evildoer with the power of three suns and above." Qi Miao Zhenzun said something that shocked Miao Ling'er's little heart.

Wu Dao and the others were returned to their original place.

The test square is not far away.

After coming out, Wu Dao asked Qin Wenwu to take him to a service store to buy a set of clothes.

"Brother, where are you going now?" Qin Wenwu asked as he walked on a street full of aborigines.

"Tell me first, are there any forbidden areas under attack by forces in the Emperor's Heaven Realm? Are there any things that can be refined to increase life span?" Wu Dao said calmly.

His most important purpose in coming to Tianhunxu God Realm is to improve his realm, not just for fun.

"Things that can increase longevity after refining." Qin Wenwu pondered.

After pondering for a while, Qin Wenwu recalled it and said, "By the way, the Sikong family! I heard a few days ago that they captured a restricted area with a life source mine."

"Is it just this one?" Wu Dao asked.

"I don't know about this either. There are too many forces in the Imperial Heaven Realm, and whoever conquers the restricted area of ​​life will not die to show off." Qin Wenwu shook his head.

Wudao frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Leave the city and take me to see the SSS-level station."

"Okay!" Qin Wenwu responded.

The two of them headed straight out of the city.

Tianhun City is aboriginal, and there is nothing to stay in. Even if they walk on the streets, they are greeted with hostile looks everywhere. Moreover, their realm is not suppressed, which is scary.

Speaking of which, it seems that these aborigines cannot leave the city. I wonder if this is true, because Wu Dao has never seen a single aboriginal outside the city.

There will be a Tianhun City in each domain, and there is a teleportation array between Tianhun City and Tianhun City, so they can travel between them.

Of course, as long as you spend a lot of Heavenly Soul Coins, you can also take advantage of the teleportation array to lead to other domains.

However, the cost of this teleportation is a bit scary. It's okay to teleport by one person. If you teleport with tens of thousands of people, the required Heavenly Soul Coins will be very scary.

Therefore, it is definitely difficult to bring your power across domains.

After leaving Tianhun City, under the guidance of Qin Wenwu, Wu Dao and the others flew west for two hours before arriving at a complex of extremely luxurious, magnificent and soaring buildings.

This group of buildings is like a small city, covering an area of ​​60,000 to 70,000 miles. It is considered very luxurious in the Tianhunxu God Realm.

You know, even an SS-level station covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, and most of the buildings are houses, with very few palaces.

Those rated ABCD are even more rubbish.

However, if you can capture a station, that would be great, and you can create a force.

Outside this SSS-level station, a scattered crowd was watching, pointing and talking.

Looking at the extraordinary sight in front of him, Wu Dao raised his eyebrows and said, "If we attack like this, won't we destroy the buildings inside? Will this station still exist after a battle?"

"It's like this. When the station is not attacked, the buildings inside, including the earth, are protected by mysterious energy. No matter how strong the attack is, they cannot be destroyed." Qin Wenwu explained.

Wu Dao was relieved when he heard the words.

"I don't think anyone can attack this SSS-level station. Rumor has it that there are monsters that have surpassed the peak of the Great Emperor sitting in the depths." Qin Wenwu said casually.

He doesn't think Wu Dao can defeat an SSS-level station by himself. Although his combat power is terrifying, more than three suns, there are a hundred thousand peak emperor monsters with nine-star combat power. No matter how he kills them, they will exhaust the energy and energy in his body. Physical.

Once all the invaders are killed or evacuated, the monsters just killed will be resurrected immediately, so there is no way to consume them.

"I want to try it alone!!"

At this moment, Wu Dao's words made Qin Wenwu's heart skip a beat.

"Brother, are you serious?" Qin Wenwu asked weakly.

PS: Thanks to Book Friends: Wandering. Reward from God King Xingluo!

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