Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 315: City of the Emperor【3】

The two SSS-level stations were defeated like this, and people didn't know what to say now.

The former SSS-level station was so unattainable in their eyes! And now? But it became so unbearable.

Comparing it now, the contrast is too great.

"The three major SSS-level stations in the Emperor's Sky Domain have been occupied, and the Sky Emperor's City has been opened. Welcome to attack!"

Suddenly, a sound like rolling thunder sounded out of thin air, startling everyone in the Emperor Tianyu.

"What the hell! It scared me to death."

"City of the Sky Emperor, where does the sound come from? What does it mean?"

"Three major SSS-level stations have been occupied, opening up the Sky Emperor City. Oh my God! Could it be that another suspended station is born?" There are still many people with brains. The meaning of that sentence will soon be revealed Been enlightened.

"The City of the Emperor? Where is it? Where is it?"

"If you don't give us the coordinates, how can we attack?"


Here, a chaotic noise broke out immediately.

The sudden sound made Wu Dao also become interested. The Emperor's City seemed to exist beyond the SSS-level station. He was also curious about where the Emperor's City was.

However, the next moment, everyone knew where they were.


A loud noise swept down from the sky, making people's hearts tremble with fright.


A huge golden city with golden light appeared in the sky out of thin air, seemingly far away.

This is projection!

In an instant, many people saw it.

This city is not above them at all, but a projection that can be seen no matter where you are in the Emperor's Realm. As long as you run towards the projection... you will naturally find where the real City of the Emperor is.

After learning where the City of Emperors was, the crowd here didn't think about anything. They turned into a stream of light and headed straight for the City of Emperors...

The scene swept across the sky and earth like locusts.

Soon, everyone had left. Everyone was filled with boundless curiosity about the city of emperors, why would they still stay here?

However, Wu Dao Ke has not left yet, because the token has not arrived for a long time, and now it is shot out from the depths.

After putting away the token, Wu Dao looked at the huge golden city above the sky, which was covered with golden light.

In comparison, the SSS-level station is really too backward.

This time, he set his sights on this city of emperors.

"Stop!" At this moment, someone outside was yelled at.

"I am Long Yuxian of the Purple Dragon God Clan, and I want to talk to your Majesty about something."

"Your Majesty, if you don't see anyone else waiting, please leave, otherwise the enemy will be cleared."

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Wudao's faint voice came from the distance.

Then, Wu Dao also appeared here.

"Get ready, we will attack the Emperor's City later." Wu Dao ordered.

Long Yuxian was slightly shocked when he heard this, but he didn't show anything. He smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know what you call me."

In front of Wu Dao, she didn't dare to show any airs, and even took off the veil she had been wearing.

She is very beautiful, with crystal clear white skin, a pretty face, and a tall and graceful figure. A purple dress cannot hide her proud curves.

Wu Dao looked at her very aggressively, and seemed to be nodding with satisfaction, and said: "Evil Emperor. I wonder if you have anything to discuss with me?"

If someone else dared to look at her like this, Long Yuxian would mercilessly gouge out his eyes. But facing Wu Dao's gaze, she could only feel her heart beating so fast, and her cheeks were a little blushing, causing her to suddenly Don't know what to say.

At this time, the death warriors are ready.

"Do you want to be my emperor's woman?" Suddenly, a very magnetic voice sounded in her ears. At some point, Wu Dao appeared in front of her. There was only a slight difference between her and her body. Sticking together, Wu Dao whispered in her delicate ear.

Wu Dao hasn't had sex with a woman for a long time, and he still misses that feeling.

Now that reality is coming to his door, how could he let it go? And she was a goddess, so he couldn't let her go.

Feeling the good smell coming from Wudao's body, and the aura that seemed like he wouldn't feel scared even if the sky fell, Long Yuxian's eyes almost blurred, and he said weakly: "Is that okay!?" As soon as these words came out, it meant that she had completely sunk.

"Of course." Wu Dao smiled evilly, put his arm around her waist, got into Long Yuxian's purple carriage in the distance, and gave the order: "Let's go! City of the Emperor."

Zi Yingying's carriage turned into a stream of light, carrying 2 million dead warriors and sweeping into the distance.

Zi Yingying rushed out of the car.

Wu Dao hugged Long Yuxian's graceful body, and Long Yuxian lay softly in his arms. Her delicate and pretty face was blushing, and her heart was beating wildly. Only when she got closer to this man did she realize that no matter what kind of things in this world, No woman could resist the temptation of his temperament.

The carriage is now closed, and the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

After Wu Dao pressed Long Yuxian under him, he kissed her cherry mouth. The journey was slow, why not enjoy it.

Long Yuxian was very cooperative, and she also longed for Wu Dao in her heart, longing for everything about him.

Two million death warriors, Leng Yanfei, Zi Xiao, Death General and others followed Zi Yingying's chariot, like demon soldiers and demon generals across the sky.

The City of the Emperor appeared in the Emperor's Heaven Realm, shocking the entire region. No matter where you were, you could see the projection of a huge golden city on the sky.

It's like a heavenly palace stretching across the sky. That kind of scene gives people a very powerful visual impact.

Two hours later, night fell, and the golden city in the sky was like a sun shining across the sky, extremely bright and dazzling.

And Wu Dao led the army to the location of the real Emperor's City.

The City of the Emperor is located in the sky. It looks very ethereal and far away, giving people the feeling that no matter how hard you fly, you can't touch it.

Here, it is as bright as day, the golden light is bright, there are endless crowds of people, and the noisy and chaotic noise is endless. It is impossible to know how many people have gathered.

Moreover, the population is still increasing rapidly. The birth of the City of Emperors has caused a sensation in the entire Emperor's Realm, reaching the point where almost no one knows about it.

The death army of 2 million people arrived, and their death aura was so strong that it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people are aware of the terror of this force, but many people are unaware of it and are pointing fingers and talking about it.

The Emperor's City was born, attracting worldwide attention in the Emperor's Heaven Realm.

In the field, there was a burst of chaotic discussion, which was very noisy.

PS: Thank you ‘Master Devil’ for the generous reward!

Thanks to book friends: Shadow is the heart of time. Laughter, so poignant. 123...for the rest of my life. Beautiful. The third brother from the northern faction. in silence. Handsome thief. Void boy. fleeting time. 11th reward

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