Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 328: Participation Information

After entering the fighting area, those who come to participate in the fighting for the first time need to register.

For those who have already registered and have a record, just sign up and Chaos will naturally arrange for you to appear.

This is a vast, dark space with no staff inside, and rows of optical brains floating in the center.

There is a row of 20 optical brains, and many people are operating them now.

There are many such spaces, and not everyone will be transported to the same space, including Xia Moyu.

After coming in, Wu Dao was not in a hurry to register. Instead, he found a deserted corner and took out the black gold light brain.

"Contact Chaos. I just handed over 5 Sheep Ginseng Fruits to Chaos for auction. How many Chaos coins can I advance from Chaos now?"

Wu Dao asked the Light Brain Elf to contact Chaos to see if he could advance Chaos Coins.

After all, he just put five ginseng fruits up for auction. According to Wu Dao's estimate, he should be able to get a lot of money in advance.

Sure enough, the light brain elf responded quickly

"Master, since you just put five ginseng fruits into the chaos auction, the chaos coins you can advance now are within 30 billion."

"30 billion? Not bad."

Wu Dao was very satisfied with the advance amount given by Chaos.

He said: "Advance 30 billion chaos coins."

After the command fell for a while, the voice of the Light Brain Elf sounded: "Master, the Chaos Coin has arrived."

"Okay! Communicate with Chaos and use all my 30 billion Chaos coins to buy rare treasures that contain the origin of life." Wu Dao ordered.

"Master, please wait a moment!"

30 billion chaos coins were all exchanged for life treasures. Wu Dao didn’t know how many levels he could improve.

After a while, a voice came from the light brain elf: "Master, the communication is over, 30 billion Chaos Coins, you are a black gold account, Chaos will reluctantly give you three 'Hearts of Life', I wonder if you are willing, Master?"

"Heart of Life?" Wu Dao pondered for a moment and chose to buy it. No matter what, Chaos would not come up with any fakes.

Just after the transaction was completed, a wormhole appeared in front of Wu Dao.

A metal box flew out of the wormhole, and then the wormhole closed.

Wu Dao used his fingerprint to open the metal box and found three green, heart-like stones lying quietly inside.

There doesn't seem to be anything surprising about it, but Wu Dao can feel the majestic fluctuations of life from inside it, like an abyss or an ocean.

"The system absorbs it!" Wu Dao thought.

Just as Wu Dao finished speaking, the heart of life in the box disappeared.

Ding... the system prompts; Congratulations to the host for reaching level 110 in a row!

Then, a system prompt sounded that shocked Wu Dao.

Along with the system's beep, his whole body began to undergo a sublimation, and his strength and energy were rising sharply.

This rapid improvement in realm will not prevent Wu Dao from being able to accurately control the new energy and power in the body due to too many realm improvements at once.

In that process of sublimation, Wu Dao already knows how much he has increased.

There won't be a situation where the realm increases so rapidly that he cannot accurately control his own power.

Soon, the sublimation is completed

From level 354, it has been upgraded to level 464.

From the Emperor's Nine Tribulation Heavens, he was promoted to the pinnacle of the Holy Emperor Realm.

There is only one step away from the Yidan realm.

"Chaos coins are also a good thing." Wu Dao thought, and at the same time, he was also wondering what kind of price those five sheep ginseng fruits could be fetched at auction.

After turning off the optical brain, Wu Dao took a look at this vast space.

The light was dim, and there were a row of light brains floating on the left and right sides.

I found that no one was present in some optical brains, but they were all in a closed state. There were also some people who were operating the optical brains, or were waiting to play while watching the game with their closed brains and placing bets.

As long as you switch the light brain to the Tiandou Arena mode, you can bet and watch the game.

Moreover, as long as you register, no matter where you are in the future, if you want to participate in the Tiandou Arena, you can use your own optical brain to register. After you appear, Chaos will open the portal at your location. It's just that you have to pay the huge cost of transmission. So only very wealthy people would do this. If you are not rich, you should come here obediently!

"Damn it! I actually lost. I'm so fucking blind! That rubbish caused me to lose 70,000 Chaos Coins." Suddenly, a man cursed at the light screen in front of him.

Wu Dao shook his head and came to a light brain.

After sizing it up, I clicked on it to register.

The screen changes and the registration box appears.

On the registration box, Wu Dao entered: ID; Tianxie. Account number: 25802233

Then clicked Confirm.

"Congratulations, registration is successful."

Character: Tianxie.

Realm: The pinnacle of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Doutian field record: 0 wins, 0 losses.

Chaos Coin: 200,990,000.

After registering, the interface of Dou Tian Chang will appear.

Arranged on it: my status. Doutian live broadcast. Place your bet. Sign up for the fight. Tian Dou Arena Rankings...

Wu Dao didn't bother to read it and directly clicked to register for the competition.

"Those participating in the competition must remember: once you enter the Tiandou Arena, you must win ten games in a row before you can rest without losing, regardless of life or death. If you defeat an opponent of the same level, you will receive 10,000 Chaos Coins.

1. Beyond a small realm, you will receive 10,000 Chaos Coins. If you defeat an opponent, you will gain a million Chaos Coins. For each subsequent small realm, you will gain an additional 100,000 Chaos Coins.

2. If you defeat the opponent by leapfrogging two major realms, you will receive 100 million Chaos Coins. After that, you will gain 10 million Chaos Coins for each small realm you leapfrog.

3. Defeating the opponent in three major realms will add one billion Chaos Coins. After that, each minor realm will gain one billion Chaos Coins.

4. If you defeat your opponent in four major realms, you will receive tens of billions of Chaos Coins. After that, you will gain one billion Chaos Coins for each minor realm you leapfrog. ……………”

Wu Dao looked all the way, and finally stopped at the ten major realms of leapfrogging. And if he could transcend ten major realms and defeat his opponents, the items Chaos could take out would be unparalleled.

"I can now transcend three major realms. If I meet a Yiyang Young God, I can only transcend two major realms." Wudao was thinking about how many major realms he could transcend.

He clicked to enter the registration page


1. Fighting in the same realm.

2. Leap a small realm.

It's very detailed. Once you click on that registration, you can't change it. You can only change it if you fail but don't die or if you win ten games and go back to the background to rest.

Wu Dao thought about it and finally chose two great realms.

In other words, the opponents he will face later will all be people at the peak of the Second Dan Realm.

As for the opponent's combat strength, Chaos will not evaluate it.

After clicking on registration, it shows that we are looking for contestants...

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