Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 335: Jin Haofei【2】

More than two hours later, after a pleasant physical and mental exercise, the room was filled with the smell of love.

Wu Dao hugged one on each side and lay on the soft sofa, both of them naked.

Long Yuxian and Xia Ningyu were like two cute kittens, nestled in Wu Dao's arms.

Long Yuxian's body was crystal clear and snow-white, while Xia Ningyu's body was as white and delicate as ivory, without any flaws.

"Brother Tianxie, will you kill Helian Tianxue?" Xia Ningyu asked worriedly.

Wu Dao pinched her perky buttocks and said with a smile: "She... will die."

"Brother Tianxie, thank you." Xia Ningyu kissed Wu Dao's chest with her sexy mouth.

Silently, enjoying the softness of the two women's bodies, he thought to himself: "System, scan Helian Tianxue's current location."

Ding... the system prompts; 10,000 Slaughter Points have been spent to locate Helian Tianxue, and there is no way to escape even to the ends of the earth.

After letting the system locate Helian Tianxue, Wu Dao asked the two women to get dressed, and it was time to deal with her.

"Your Majesty, you are not allowed to use force in the Central Heavenly City. Is it difficult to kill Helian Tianxue in the Central Heavenly City?"

After the three of them put on their clothes, Long Yuxian frowned.

"It's just relative. If I want to kill people, it won't be of any use no matter where you are." Wu Dao said very domineeringly.

Since Wu Dao said so, Long Yuxian didn't say much.

Just like that, the three of them left.

The reason why the system was asked to locate Helian Tianxue was because she had already left the Tiandou Arena.

Walking out of the huge door, Wu Dao followed the route given by the system and walked straight to the location of Helian Tianxue.

There are all kinds of pedestrians on the street, coming and going in an endless stream.

Wu Dao was followed by two stunning beauties on both sides, walking on the street, naturally attracting the attention of countless people.

Half an hour later, Wu Dao and the others arrived outside a restaurant called Tianxiangque.

Without any extra words, I stepped inside.

The first floor has several hundred square meters of space and is packed with people. Business is particularly good.

Wu Dao took the two girls up to the second floor.

Then the third floor

We didn't stop until we reached the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is one luxurious private room after another.

Wu Dao took the two girls outside a private room.

Along the way, it attracted a lot of attention.

Not because of anything else, just because of Long Yuxian and Xia Ningyu.

There is no one who doesn’t like to see beautiful women.


Wu Dao was indeed extremely domineering, and he kicked open the door of this private room with one kick.

"Who!" a shout came from inside.

The private room was very luxurious, more than thirty square meters in size, and four people were seated in it.

Among the four people, one of them is Helian Tianxue.

There was a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes. A man in Tsing Yi with extraordinary appearance and stern face. What remained was a gorgeous beauty in a very voluptuous attire.

Sitting in the first place was the blond, blue-eyed, very handsome man.

The man in green was the one who drank so much just now.

"Helian Tianxue, kill my brother, and I will make you pay for it with blood today." Xia Ningyu walked out and pointed at Helian Tianxue, who was dressed in white, graceful and elegant, with a small face filled with evil aura.

"Xia Ningyu of the Xia Clan, your brother was just beheaded by my sword, and you are here to die?" Helian Tianxue said coldly.

"Hmph, don't be proud, you have to go down and be buried with my brother today." Xia Ningyu glared and said viciously.

Helian Tianxue didn't bother to look at Xia Ningyu and said, "Just you? I can kill you with a snap of my fingers."

"Tian Xie!" At this time, the blond man with blue eyes spoke, his voice a little surprised.

Because Ningyu walked out first, the man in green, Helian Tianxue and the charming woman all focused their attention on Xia Ningyu, so they did not immediately notice Wu Dao and the others behind Xia Ningyu.

As soon as Jin Haofei opened his mouth, everyone's eyes immediately went beyond Xia Ningyu and fell on Wudao in front of the door.

After seeing Wu Dao, the expressions of Helian Tianxue and the man in green obviously changed.

"Oh, what a coincidence, Tian Xie, since you are a monster similar to me, how about giving you a chance?" At this point, Jin Haofei took a sip of wine, his eyes were arrogant and his posture was domineering. , said lightly: "How about being my servant? Your future will be bright and smooth."

Listening to Jin Haofei's words, Wu Dao didn't take the other party seriously at all, and said coldly: "How can an ant have the confidence to accept this emperor as his servant?"

"Bang!" After hearing Wu Dao's words, the charming woman slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Wu Dao, and scolded: "Who do you think you are in front of me? You dare to talk to me like this. Are you tired of living?"

"Hey, Xiaomei must not be rude. Real monsters are all arrogant." Jin Haofei waved his hand.

"Yes, Master!" Liu Xiaomei said charmingly.

"I'll give you another chance. Think about what I just said. Besides, you won't lose anything by being my servant, Jin Haofei." It was a person from that place who made Jin Haofei maintain his noble status and decline here. In the universe, even though Wu Dao's combat power surpassed his own, he still did not take Wu Dao into his eyes.

Besides, Jin Haofei also believed that the realm of Wu Dao was only the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

If your combat power is high but your realm cannot keep up, then you won't be tortured to death by him in a matter of minutes.

No matter what background Wu Dao has behind him, he is not afraid at all.

As a person from that place, will he be weaker than the forces in this universe compared to his background?

Since he can crush Wu Dao and has a stronger background than the other party, how can a proud person like Jin Haofei be polite to Wu Dao?

If Wudao were the descendant of a certain Taoist tradition in that place, then Jin Haofei would definitely not have this attitude.

It will be the complete opposite; he will try to please Wudao and say all kinds of flattery.

Outside the private room, many people gathered around, pointing and talking. They are all extraordinary people who can go up to the fourth floor to spend money.

Suddenly, Jin Haofei's eyes fell on Long Yuxian, and an evil light flashed in his eyes.

Because Long Yuxian was really beautiful, with a graceful figure and a crystal-clear body. Her slightly tight purple dress could not hide her proud curves.

She looks mature and beautiful, noble and enchanting, and can easily arouse men's most primitive desires.

"You... come here." Jin Haofei took a liking to Long Yuxian, waved to Long Yuxian, and said in a tone that did not tolerate disobedience.

Long Yuxian glanced at Jin Haofei and found that his eyes were full of fire, and said angrily: "Get out!"

"Hmph! Are you looking for death?" Jin Haofei was angry after being disobeyed. He glared, quite scary, and his terrifying aura was revealed.

"Come here!" Jin Haofei stood up. He had blond hair and a shawl. He looked extraordinarily heroic. His powerful aura was revealed, making the air here become extremely depressing.

"Garbage!" Long Yuxian scolded without any fear.

PS: Thanks to book friends: ~. Handsome thief. Doting on Xia Hui. The sky dances with clouds. Drunk eyes see the world clearly. I am the sword god. Tianchen Lingyun. follow. A reward from a patient!

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