Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 354: The mutated earth

The night was pitch black, without moon or stars.

In a somewhat dilapidated town, there was a pile of stinking corpses somewhere.

Suddenly, a man stood up and walked out of the pile of dead people like a zombie.

"Where is this? Who am I?" The man walked out of the pile of dead people and leaned against the wall in an alley, muttering.

This was a young man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, with sharp features and blood stains on his face. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, which were torn and covered in blood.

"Ah! Master, you... you... what's wrong with you?" At this time, Little Ling'er flew out from the young man's body and looked at Wu Dao in surprise.

"You...what the hell are you? Well, do you know who I am? Why is my head blank?" All Wu Dao's memories were temporarily taken away by the system.

"How could this happen? Just now, I felt a very powerful force acting on you, Master. Even I was suppressed. Now I can only exert less than one ten thousandth of the power of the Chaos Golden Lotus. Master, what is happening to you? What happened? How did the soul come here?" Xiao Ling'er flapped her wings in front of Wu Dao, very puzzled.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Wu Dao let out a scream, and felt a flood of memories coming to his mind.

After digesting this memory, he was no longer at a loss.

"My name is Chenfeng? That's it." Chenfeng suddenly realized.

This is a broken world. Since the Changbai Mountain volcano erupted thirty years ago, it has spread all over the world, causing great changes in global weather, and a high-level energy has filled the earth's space.

Time passes differently between each universe.

However, some people can adapt to the higher energy, some people are fine, and some people cannot adapt to it.

Those who can adapt will have a qualitative change in their physical fitness and become very powerful.

Those who have nothing to do are still the same, just like an ordinary person.

For those who cannot adapt, it will be a tragedy. Their brains will be confused, their consciousness will be unclear, their skin will rot, and they will become zombie-like existences, attacking any living thing they see.

Moreover, not only human beings have undergone tremendous changes, but also all creatures on the earth, such as birds, beasts, and insects, have undergone tremendous changes. They have evolved very rapidly. After reaching a certain height, they can even develop spiritual intelligence. They advocate the survival of the fittest, and the same is true for humans. Frequent attacks.

Today's earth, the total number of human beings is less than 3 billion, mutating and mutating, and dying.

And out of hundreds of countries, only a few are left today.

Chen Feng is an ordinary person who has nothing to do with the high energy floating in the air.

The reason why he was beaten was because he looked twice at a beautiful woman called a warrior among humans, and was discovered.

So he was severely beaten by some of the beautiful woman's companions on the street.

Beat him to death directly.

Then he was thrown into the pile of dead people.

"I'm not Chen Feng, but who am I?" Chen Feng was so confused as he digested the memories in his mind that he forgot about Xiao Ling'er.

after a while

"Forget it, let's call it Chen Feng!" No matter what Chen Feng thinks, he can't think of who he is, so he simply doesn't think about it. He just uses the name Chen Feng and lives with this identity!

"Master, don't you remember yourself?" Xiao Ling'er was very surprised.

"Eh? Who are you? Why do you call me master? Do you know me?" Only then did Chen Feng look at Xiao Ling'er carefully.

"My name is Xiao Ling'er, and you gave me the name Master! By the way, Master, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Ling'er said anxiously.

Chenfeng's eyes lit up and he said: "Since you call me master, you must recognize me. Tell me who I am."

"Who are you……"

"Shut up, if you dare to say another word, your life will be in danger." Just when Xiao Ling'er was about to say something, a seemingly invincible will echoed in Xiao Ling'er's mind, and Xiao Ling'er stopped immediately. Mouth.

She had no doubt that that will was incapable of that power.

"Speak quickly!" Chenfeng urged.

"Um, Master, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things and can't remember them." Xiao Ling'er pretended to be confused, scratching her head with a confused look on her face.

"Damn, are you kidding me?" Chenfeng cursed.

"Master, Xiao Ling'er doesn't dare to play master. Really, Xiao Ling'er can't remember many things. I only know that you are my master." Xiao Ling'er was very innocent and said pitifully.

"Forget it, since I can't remember it, then I won't. However, if you want to survive on such a chaotic earth, you can't do it without powerful force." Chen Feng frowned deeply.

"Damn it, if I had strong power, I would definitely skin and pull out the skin and tendons of those three people." Thinking of the three people who beat him violently, Chen Feng's face turned ferocious: "And that little bitch, I want to rape about you."

"Master, because the cells in your body have completely dried up, you cannot absorb spiritual energy on your own and are repelled by spiritual energy." Xiao Ling'er informed.

"Oh, then is there any way you can give me powerful power?" Chen Feng's heart moved after hearing Xiao Ling'er's words.

"Hehe! Of course." Xiao Ling'er chuckled.

"Come on...come on, give me great power."

After understanding this world, Chenfeng was very anxious and wanted to have powerful power immediately, just like the original body was beaten to death but no one dared to care about it because he was a waste.

That Chen Feng died long ago, and the current Chen Feng is an innocent soul.

"Okay, but it will be a little uncomfortable later, Master, you have to bear it." Xiao Ling'er warned, and then disappeared into Chenfeng's body.

"Uh~ah!" The next moment, Chenfeng let out two low and painful groans.

He only felt that a very powerful force was awakening in his body, and his cells began to become active.

At the same time, all the spiritual energy within a radius of dozens of miles gathered towards him, and the Zichenfengtianlingai was submerged into his body.

After half an hour of this state passed.

Chenfeng's whole body was soaked with sweat.

All the cells in his body, including the tendons and veins, were activated and opened up.

"Boom" came from Chenfeng's body.

In the lower abdomen, the Dantian space has been opened up.

There are only ten square meters in the Dantian space.

"It's great!" Feeling his current state, Chen Feng let out a low roar in excitement.

The feeling of power filling the whole body will make people full of confidence and have a fearless thought.

"Uh! You're just at the peak of martial arts." Xiao Ling'er was a little speechless and said, "My current abilities are too suppressed, otherwise I wouldn't have any problem letting you become the Martial Emperor."

At this moment, suddenly, a memory appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

"The technique, the Art of Slaughtering the Common People! What is this? Xiao Ling'er, this is the technique, you gave it to me? Not bad." At that moment, Chen Feng sat down cross-legged to refine the energy in the dantian space.

The energy in his Dantian space now is very ordinary and very thin. This is because it has not been tempered with exercises.

An hour later, dust and wind started to rise.

"What a powerful art of massacre. After I refined the energy in my dantian, my combat power increased several times." Chenfeng was a little surprised.

From memory, I understand that among warriors, the stronger the technique, the faster the progress and the stronger the combat power.

"Jie Jie, you can take revenge. Those three bastards, please don't let me meet you. Otherwise, you will die miserably. And that little bitch, I will ravage you to death." Chen Feng He smiled ferociously, and this feeling of power filling his whole body made his ambition soar and his self-confidence explode.

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