Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 358: How to live freely

"It's all your fault, you disturbed me from drinking." Wu Dao shook off the glass in his hand and walked step by step towards Yin Jiuque who was still lying on the ground and howling.

"Ah! You...who are you?" Yin Jiuque's eyes had been pierced by the glass, his face was covered with blood, and he was covering his face and shouting.

"You don't need to know who I am, because you are going to die soon." Wu Dao came to Yin Jiuque in a few steps, showing a cruel smile.

"No... don't kill me. I don't know what I, Yin Jiuque, have done to offend me. I hope you will spare my life." After hearing Wu Dao's words, Yin Jiuque stood up in fear and begged for mercy in panic.

"Ha! You're so damned good at killing such a lovely beauty." Wu Dao laughed.


"Pa!" Wu Dao burst out and grabbed Yin Jiuque's face, and then

"Poof!" Yin Jiuque's head was suddenly pushed to the ground. With a pop, Wu Dao's strength was so great that after Yin Jiuque screamed, his whole head exploded like a watermelon exploding.

The men and women in the bar were frightened when they saw Wu Dao's cruel methods. Moreover, he dared to kill people in front of people from the Prohibition of Arms Bureau. It was really lawless.

Wu Dao shook his hand and used force to wash away the blood on his hand. He looked at the people around him and said indifferently: "The law of the jungle should be like this. If someone doesn't like it, just kill it. When a person has strong force, What else should I be afraid of?"

Who among the people present has not thought about the words of Wu Dao? But the power of the country is terrifying. If you dare to act recklessly, you will definitely die miserably.

"What a madman." At the same time, the people in the bar already regarded Wu Dao as a madman.

After saying that, Wu Daoshi walked up to Bai Xiawei calmly, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Do you think so?"

Wu Dao's eyes were deep and his face was stern. There was no hint that he was a murderous lunatic.

Bai Xiawei didn't know how to answer, and looked at Wudao with bright eyes. This is a madman, and she is also afraid that if she gives a bad answer, she will end up like Yin Jiuque.

Who dares to say that he is really not afraid of death?

"You...what do you want to do?" Bai Xiawei looked at each other with Wudao, and finally Bai Xiawei only said this sentence.

"Master, hehe, I have good news for you. I have prepared golden lotus seeds at the martial arts level for you. Once you eat one, you can reach the peak of martial arts." At this time, Wudao thought, Xiao Ling'er's voice came.

Wu Dao heard this, and Duan was happy. He knew that his power was still very small, and it was not enough to let him do whatever he wanted.

"How about spending a night with me?" Wu Dao smiled and was very direct. Although his memory was gone, his personality has not changed at all. As long as he likes and sees something, he will directly reach out and take it.

"You..." Bai Xiawei stared at Wu Dao and was speechless.

"If you don't want to, I will kill you." Wu Dao still smiled like this and looked at Bai Xiawei quietly.

"It's so crazy, so domineering, so lunatic." No matter who was in the bar, they all thought so in their hearts, and they were trying not to take the people from the Prohibition of Martial Arts Bureau seriously.

"You gangster." Bai Xiawei's pretty face turned red with anger, and she finally said three words through gritted teeth.

"The Anti-Martial Arts Bureau is enforcing the law. All irrelevant personnel must leave immediately." At this moment, loud shouts came from outside.


Immediately afterwards, a large group of police officers from the Prohibition of Arms Bureau rushed in, each holding a gun.

This gun is not an ordinary gun, but a laser gun. It is forty centimeters long and has perfect lines.

"Damn it." Looking at the group of police officers who walked in, each holding a laser gun, Wu Dao cursed inwardly. He originally wanted to play with Bai Xiawei, a beauty, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"Let's go quickly! Thank you for saving my life. You can't stay in the hotel. Your wanted order has been issued. The Prohibition of Arms Bureau will not let go of a warrior who kills each other." At this time, Bai Xia Wei actually said such words to Wu Dao.

Wu Dao was a little surprised. He thought that the other party would report him mercilessly.

"See you next time. I hope you will think carefully about what I just said. If you follow me, you will not suffer any loss." Wu Dao patted Bai Xiawei's shoulder and strode away.

He passed by the forbidden armed police who were in that team, each of whom was a sixth-level martial artist, and who was equipped with a laser gun that could kill third- and fourth-level warriors.

No one reported Wu Dao. He was a lunatic. If he was reported and the Anti-Martial Arts Bureau couldn't catch him, he would be in big trouble in the future.

In the end, Wu Dao walked out of this bar easily!

After coming out, he randomly found a direction, lit a cigarette, and walked aimlessly.

He was confused, what should he do? Where to go?

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Wu Dao came to a bridge. He stopped here and looked at the water flowing below. Wu Dao lit another cigarette, looked at the dark sky, and shook his head.

At the end of the bridge is a vast residential area where pedestrians and vehicles come and go.

Although this is a town, there are still more than 300,000 people living here. If this town is attacked by a group of monsters one day, everyone living here, except for warriors, will basically die.

"Xiao Ling'er, what do you think I should do now?" Wu Dao walked towards the residential area at the end of the bridge.

"Master, you can live however you want! Live as you please. Little Ling'er will help you. Now it's the Golden Lotus Martial Master's elixir. In a few days, I can get the Great Martial Master's Golden Lotus Seed. On this small planet, Master You will be able to do whatever you want soon." Xiao Ling'er said in Wu Dao's mind.

"Oh, yes, live as you please, and do as you please." Wu Dao put aside all the confusion in his heart, and planned to find a place to sleep for one night.

Wu Dao walked into this residential area and walked on a deserted small street. He planned to find a small hotel to get a room, get some sleep and take the Golden Lotus Martial Arts Pill.

"Ah! What are you doing? Help!" Wu Dao walked aimlessly through a small alley when he heard a woman's cry for help.

Wu Dao shook his head and took a few steps forward. His eyes fell on a hutong on the left. He saw a burly man and two lean young men surrounding a woman who didn't know what she looked like.

"Boy, what are you looking at? Do you believe I will dig out your eyes? Why don't you get out of here?"

Wu Dao just wanted to take a look and left, but who would have thought that under his feet, not far away, there was a lean young man watching out, and he discovered Wu Dao's vicious threat.

"Help." When she noticed someone coming, the woman stuck her head out and shouted for help.

However, the strong man pulled his hair and said fiercely: "Little girl, I have been paying attention to you for several days. My husband is a warrior, but unfortunately he was eaten by a monster. Now he is a widow, haha, you run away today Don’t fall off.”

Wu Dao took a second look, shook his head, turned around and left. He doesn't mind his own business, so what does it have to do with him?


But who would have thought that if he didn't take action, the other party would. The moment Wu Dao turned his head, a brick whizzed towards him.

"Things looking for death." Wu Dao still shook his head and grabbed the nearby brick with his backhand.

"You..." Seeing how easily Wu Dao caught the brick he threw, the lean young man was shocked.

"Brother Tiger, here comes a tough guy." The lean young man greeted Hu Dongli loudly.

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