Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 360: Total invasion of the underworld

It was now past one o'clock in the morning, Wu Dao walked out of the house, still wearing the casual pants, with his upper body exposed. After his body was transformed, he had eight-pack abs, perfect muscle lines, and looked full of strength.

Finding that Hu Xixue was not in the hall, Wu Dao walked to her room and took a look. When he found that she was not there either, he walked to another room.

I found that Hu Xixue was half asleep in bed at some point. She went to work so late every day and was harassed when she came back. Maybe she was tired and fell asleep in a daze.

Looking at Hu Xixue who was half asleep on the bed, Wu Dao's lips curved slightly, "Since you trust me so much, I will let you do it willingly."

Wu Dao originally wanted to conquer her with force today, but when he saw that she fell asleep without any precautions, he changed his mind.

Wu Dao stepped forward, gently put Hu Xixue on the bed, covered him with a quilt, and went out.

It's not that Wu Dao is soft-hearted, but that he doesn't want to be strong.

After closing the door, Wu Dao returned to the hall.

Just when Wu Dao closed the door, Hu Xixue on the bed suddenly opened her eyes, "I knew you weren't that kind of person." She thought to herself, but at the same time she felt a little disappointed, shook her head, and fell asleep peacefully. If Wu Dao had attacked her just now, she would not have resisted, and would have just given in half-heartedly, because she felt from Wu Dao a sense of security that no one had ever given her since she was a child. Besides, she is twenty-eight years old and has some desires. She has never been touched by any man, including her dead husband.

Hu Xixue was forced to marry her husband. At that time, her father was seriously ill and the family had no money to treat him. At that time, her dead husband happened to be attracted to Hu Xixue. He came to her home many times to give gifts and said that he would only marry Hu Xixue. Give it to him and he will give Hu Xixue's family a large sum of money.

In addition, Hu Xixue's dead husband was a warrior, so Hu Xixue's mother forced her to marry him.

Hu Xixue had no choice but to accept it, but unexpectedly, on the day of his wedding, he received news of a special trip from the military. After the wedding with Hu Xixue, he left in a hurry.

A week later, the news of the other party's death came. Hu Xixue breathed a sigh of relief and felt very lucky. At that time, her father's illness was also cured.

She has no good impression of the other party, and even hates him very much. She even wanted to kill herself before, but due to her fierce temper, she forced him to death to make the other party take advantage of him.

For so many years, she had not met a man she was attracted to. Today's encounter with Wu Dao made her heart throb.

Wudao came to another room, sat on the bed, and said, "Xiao Ling'er, where are the golden lotus seeds?"

At this moment, Little Ling'er flew out of Wu Dao's body. She was only the size of a palm and handed a lotus seed to Wu Dao.

"Hehe, after eating it, the master can go directly to the martial arts master, and the golden lotus seeds from the great martial arts master will be here in two days." Xiao Ling'er said proudly.

She knew that there was a big secret in Wu Dao. That will was really terrifying. The invincible will. After several epochs, Xiao Ling'er, who had seen countless strong men, felt that kind of will for the first time. Invincible can be described in two words.

After looking at the lotus seeds that were as big as a thumb in his hand, Wu Dao directly put them into his mouth.

Instantly melting at the entrance, Wu Dao quickly started to use the Art of Slaughtering the Common People to refine this extremely huge energy.

An hour later, it's over.

From the peak of martial arts, to the peak of martial arts.

"This is power!" Feeling the powerful power in his body, Wu Dao enjoyed it. In his concept, with power, everything is possible.

After feeling the strength within his body, Wudao also lay down and fell asleep.

He fell asleep here, and the third universe is not peaceful now. The underworld invades in large numbers. Chaos penetrates the portals of the seven universes and the three thousand worlds, allowing the armies of the seven universes and the three thousand worlds to You can come to support the third universe.

In the third universe, in just two days, all the life planets were wiped out by the army of the underworld. Now there are only four first-level life forms governed by Chaos: Uranus, Shenhai Star, Haoyue Star, and Tianju Star. The rest are all The living planet was swept away, and those who had no time to escape were all killed by the ruthless army of the underworld.

Knowing that the underworld army was invading, the other six universes and the three thousand realms did not dare to neglect, and sent the most powerful armies one after another without any reservations.

What's more, many elders from the top orthodoxy in the Three Thousand Worlds came, which was enough to show how seriously they took this invasion of the underworld.

Nowadays, outside the four planets ruled by Chaos, all the underworld armies are stationed, and they are also the most powerful army in the underworld.

Just the day before yesterday, a total of thirty beings above the Heaven Realm and at the peak of the Xuantian Realm came to bombard the four living planets governed by Chaos.

But the result was useless. The four planets were all guarded by a very powerful barrier. Their attacks could not make any big waves at all.

The armies of the various universes and the three thousand realms are not yet in place, so Chaos has not yet planned to go out and fight the underworld army.

If the army is assembled, that will be the moment when the battle between Yin and Yang Realms officially begins.

The other side came prepared, and Yangjie could only temporarily organize an army. In this regard, it was at a disadvantage.

Nowadays, no matter whether it is the Three Thousand Worlds or the Seven Universes, people are all in panic, and capable people have stepped onto the portal opened by Chaos and come to the third universe.

In a battle with the Yin Realm, no one dares to slack off. If the Yang Realm loses, then every living creature will be ruthlessly slaughtered by the opponent.

It is better to fight than to be massacred. Even if you die in battle, it is worse than being massacred without any resistance.

At this moment, the Three Thousand Realms and the Seven Universes are really the same enemy, and no one dares to have selfish motives.

Only one world, the Yin world and the Yang world, can exist now, and the side that loses the war is destined to be buried in the long river of history.

Nowadays, the underworld is invading on a large scale, and no one from the evil family has been seen yet, which makes people a little disappointed. Many places are talking about why no one from the evil family has appeared yet, and there is no trace of Tianxie.

Storm is coming.

The two million death army in the Heavenly Soul Realm has also withdrawn, and everyone has entered the God Refining Tower to practice. This is Wu Dao's order.

Tian Wudao and Xie Wuchen told them to let all of them enter the God Refining Tower to practice. When he wakes up, the best realm will be given to him to break through to the heavenly realm, or even higher.

The war between the Yin Realm and the Yang Realm is not that simple. At this time, the system exiled Wu Dao to a closed universe. There may be another reason. Otherwise, why would the system do this? What are the benefits to it?

It can be said that banishing Wudao will not do much good to the system itself. The stronger Wudao is, the stronger the system itself will be.

PS: Naihe is here to thank you all for your continued support. Books have their ups and downs. If you can’t accept Naihe, I won’t force you to read it, but forcing it is of no use. Brothers who still support Naihe, Naihe is here to thank you.

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