Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 364: Life is not worth mentioning [2 in 1]

(Two chapters combined into one, a big chapter of 4,300 words, 200 words per book coin, this chapter has 21 book coins)

When Hu Xixue heard this, she was really shocked. How could she earn 10 billion in one fell swoop? Not one thousand or ten thousand yuan, but tens of billions!

"Let's watch the news!" Wu Dao didn't say much, pulled her to sit on the sofa, and then turned on the TV.

"At 3:20 this afternoon, in the town of Wuxi, a strong man who surpassed the great martial artist appeared. With his bare hands, he used two punches to destroy a black golden eagle that was the sixth level of the great martial artist and was famous for its attack and defense." 1 Turning on the TV, a voice like this came out.

Inside, the scene of Wu Dao destroying the black golden eagle with two punches was also played.

"Ah! Is that you Wu Dao? Why don't you look like you? By the way, you're not injured, right!" Hu Xixue was stunned for a moment as she watched Wu Dao's two violent punches kill the huge black golden eagle on TV. Immediately, he looked at Wu Dao with concern. When he saw the two wounds on Wu Dao's chest, Hu Xixue was startled. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch it gently, and asked with concern: "Does it hurt?"

"It still hurt at first, but now, I don't feel it anymore." Wu Dao grabbed Hu Xixue's jade hand on his chest with one hand and said with a smile: "Of course I have a way to change my appearance."

Feeling Wu Dao's strong hand holding her hand, Hu Xixue's heart skipped a beat and she looked at Wu Dao in a daze.

Wu Dao knew that the heat was already cooked, so he touched Hu Xixue's mature and charming face with one hand and said, "Just keep the money in the card! I will leave tomorrow."

"What?" Upon hearing that Wu Dao was about to leave, Hu Xixue was shocked and grabbed Wu Dao's hand on her cheek with her other hand.

"I am a grown man living with you, a woman. If others find out, you will be gossiped about. Besides, I am wanted by the country!"

"No... I don't want you to leave. I don't care what others say. I don't care if you are wanted by the country. The most important thing is that I can be with you. I don't care about anything." In just over a day, Wu Dao captured Hu Xixue's heart. She looked lovingly into Wu Dao's eyes.

Wu Dao held her in his arms. Hu Xixue did not resist, but rested her head on Wu Dao's chest, "Don't leave, okay? Or, take me with you." Hu Xixue raised her head and looked at Wu Dao, her eyes flowing.

Wu Dao didn't reply to her, and kissed Hu Xixue's bright red jade lips. She also let go of everything, and responded to Wu Dao with her mouth, but it was a little unfamiliar, which made Wu Dao a little surprised.

An hour later, there was still a touch of bright red left in the room and on the sheets.

Hu Xixue was still intact, which surprised Wu Dao.

He really didn't think that the other party was still in a completed body. After all, these days, even if you want to find a completed girl among girls aged seventeen or eighteen, it would be difficult to find one.

Not to mention that Hu Xixue seems to be married and is 28 years old, which really surprised Wu Dao.

Moreover, Hu Xixue's appearance and figure are also first-rate.

"If I were really a married woman, I wouldn't dare to ask you to stay or take me away." Hu Xixue, her hair disheveled, happily nestled in Wu Dao's arms, "You are the first person who can give me anything since I was a child. I feel safe, a man who can make my heart beat."

Wu Dao smiled lightly, "You really surprised me."

Hu Xixue said nothing and leaned against Wudao quietly. Wu Dao sneered in his heart and took her away? is it possible? Stay, maybe?

It's just for fun. Besides, ten billion can keep her carefree for several lifetimes.

He will leave tomorrow. If everything goes well, maybe he will come back here. If not, he probably won't come back again.

He's the kind of guy who does whatever he wants.

Both of them didn't eat anything and just fell asleep.

Early the next morning, around six o'clock, Wu Dao woke up before Hu Xixue woke up.

He didn't disturb Hu Xixue, got up and got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and left alone.

Wu Dao knows that his true form is not simple, so now he has no interest in the earth at all. He just wants to reach Emperor Wu quickly and see what the heaven-defying treasure Xiao Ling'er said is.

Early in the morning, Wu Dao came to a road more than a hundred miles away from the town and waited.

Wu Dao lit a cigarette and waited for the vehicle.

His purpose was simple, to grab a car and find someone to lead the way.

In one week, he will reach Emperor Wu.

"Boom!" Wu Dao didn't keep Wu Dao waiting for a long time. In half a cigarette, he saw in the distance a car with no roof and perfect lines, roaring and flying towards him.

Wu Dao walked lightly to the center of the road.

"Hey, are you looking for death?" A loud shout came from the car that was driving quickly.

Wu Dao, however, acted as if he hadn't heard anything and watched quietly as the car with perfect lines rushed towards him without any intention of slowing down.

"Kill him!" Three hundred meters later, when Wu Dao hadn't gotten out of the way, a young man ordered from the car.

"I'm really tired of living, go to hell." The driver was an old man. He accelerated suddenly and the car teleported 70 meters and flew in front of Wu Dao.

Wu Dao slowly blew out a smoke ring, and slowly penetrated his right hand.

"Boom!" The car collided with Wu Dao's right hand. Wu Dao pressed hard and the car made a roar and stopped.


The huge impact caused the four people in the car, no matter who they were, to be thrown forward.

But it was okay. After flipping a few times in the air, they all landed firmly.

"Damn it, you dare to block my car, are you seeking death?" Wu Dao turned around and saw a boy who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old, pointing at him and yelling.

In addition, there were two old men and a girl about the same age as the boy.

Wu Dao took a deep drag on the cigarette, then stamped out the cigarette butt in his hand, and finally blew out a smoke ring, and then said: "Go away, I want the car. Who among you will lead the way for me."

"Fuck you." Those words made the arrogant young man curse loudly.

Even the two old men and the girl stared at Wu Dao with unkind eyes.

"What, do you have any opinions?" Wu Dao looked at them quietly and said calmly.

"Damn, I can't stand it anymore, you two, break his limbs." The young man's face turned red with anger at Wu Dao's words, and he said to the two old men.

"Okay, Master Li Si." The two old men responded, and soon an old man with a beard suddenly attacked Wu Dao. He was very fast, and teleported to Wu Dao with a slap in his face.

The third level of great martial artist.

"Pa." However, Wu Dao just flashed, and the slap flying past his face was just a shadow.

Then Wu Dao clasped the old man's face with one hand, and then slammed his knee toward the opponent's crotch. The sound of eggs breaking was heard, accompanied by a shrill scream.

"Poof!" Then Wu Dao crushed the old man's head with one hand.

"If you don't make a toast, you will be punished with a drink." Wu Dao shook off the red and white blood on his hands and looked at the three people not far away.

I saw that the three people were completely stunned. The speed at which Wu Dao dodged the slap just now was so fast that they didn't seem to move, but the slap only hit the shadow.

"Brush!" Suddenly, Wu Dao disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, the last old man's pupils shrank, trying to find traces of Wu Dao.

"Pfft!" The next moment, he saw a blur in front of his eyes, and a fist struck him. Finally, in a fit of despair, the old man's head was blown open by Wu Dao's punch.

Red and white flowers bloom and headless corpses fall to the ground.

"Ah!" The remaining boy and girl looked at Wu Dao with their eyes wide open, full of fear, and their bodies trembling.

"Do you really think you are a person?" Wu Dao slowly walked towards the young man and shook the red and white blood on his fist.

"No... you... don't come over. My dad is a strong warrior. If you kill me, you will never survive for an hour." Seeing Wu Dao walking towards him, the young man backed away in fear. , his father came out of his mouth.

"Zhan Jun? Ha." Wu Dao smiled without saying a word, and stepped forward like a flash. This time he was cruel, using all the strength in his body, he stamped his palm on the young man's chest.

"Bang!" Wu Dao's full blow was so terrifying that it directly sent the young man flying out. Then everything on him, including himself, exploded. At that scene, the legs of the girl weakened. , almost collapsed to the ground.

Wu Dao's full blow was enough to kill a fifth- and sixth-level martial artist. How could he resist a ninth-level warrior?

Lord Wu, on earth, is called Lord War, and he has a very high status.

Wudao's scarlet-red hand was vibrated with force, and the blood on it was shaken away. He looked at the girl whose big eyes were full of fear, and her delicate body was trembling, and said: "Leave you alive and lead the way for me." .”

"Okay, I'll show you the way." The girl nodded quickly without any hesitation.

"Let's go!" Wu Dao got into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

The girl wearing a red combat uniform also hurried over and got into the driver's seat.

The combat uniform is tight-fitting and has perfect lines. It is made of some kind of animal skin plus alloy and other materials, which can resist sword attacks.

"Where are we going?" the girl asked slyly. She was sixteen or seventeen years old, tall and slim, with a small and delicate face.

"Go to the gathering place of monsters. The more monsters you have, the better." Wu Dao leaned on the soft seat, lit a cigarette again, and said indifferently.

"Okay!" The girl didn't dare to ask any more questions. She started the car and roared away, galloping on this road at a speed of more than 200 meters per second.

"What's your name?" Wu Dao leaned on his seat and asked casually.

"Su Ruo." The girl answered truthfully.

"You are very knowledgeable." Wu Dao said.

The reason why she said this was because she did not use the communicator to secretly transmit what happened here.

"You break everything on Li Si with one palm. Otherwise, his family can immediately get the news that he was killed." Su Ruo didn't dare to hide anything. He knew that the person in front of him might be a war sect. A strong person, or even someone who has reached the peak of the War Sect, is one step away from becoming a War Lord, so don't be afraid.

"Ha! Don't be petty, be honest, I guarantee you can live a good life. Life... is not worth mentioning in my eyes." Wu Dao said indifferently, then closed his eyes to rest.

After glancing at Wu Dao, Su Ruo concentrated on driving. On the way, he would encounter the vehicles of other warriors from time to time.

Hu Xixue got up and saw that Wu Dao had disappeared. She was extremely disappointed and sat on the sofa in a daze.

after a long time

"No, Wu Dao probably just went out on business and will come back. He won't leave me alone." Hu Xixue's eyes became firm, thinking that Wu Dao just went out on business.

Wu Dao was light-hearted and did not feel any guilt towards Hu Xixue. First, he saved her from those three gangsters. Second, that 10 billion is enough to make her worry-free for the rest of her life.

It's night, the moon is waning, the stars are sparse, and the autumn wind is blowing.

Su Ruo carefully parked the car in a collapsed building.

Looking into the distance, there is a dilapidated city. The tall buildings are all dilapidated.

"Oooh! Hoo ho! Moo."

From time to time, the roar of monsters can be heard.

"We're here." Su Ruo patted Wudao's shoulder gently.

Wu Dao slowly opened his eyes, lit a cigarette slowly, looked at the surrounding environment, and said, "Is this a dilapidated city?"

Su Ruo nodded and said: "There are only three provinces left in China now, and the other provinces have been trampled by monsters.

Monsters usually hide in groups in cities because they can be sheltered from the wind and rain and not exposed to the sun in the rainforest.

This city is called City 036, and most of the monsters in it are third- to fourth-level monsters. "

Wu Dao nodded and took a deep breath of cigarette, "This is it!"

"Well...what can I do?" Su Ruo asked.

"Are there any weapons?"

"It's in the trunk."

"What's there?"

"There are two S-class alloy combat knives and two combat swords."

"Get me a sword." Wu Dao took a long drag on his cigarette and got out of the car.

Su Ruo also got out of the car, went to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and got a 140-centimeter long sword for Wu Dao, and she also took one for herself.

Wu Dao weighed it and found that it weighed about three hundred kilograms. It was average, but it didn't matter. It just needed to be strong.

This is not another world, there is no weapon refiner.

"If you're timid, you can stay here. If you're brave, follow me and kill the monsters!" Wu Dao greeted him, then swaggered towards the dilapidated city in front of him.

Su Ruo gritted his teeth, thought for a while, and finally followed Wudao's footsteps.

Follow behind.

"Ouch, roar, woo." The roar of the monster could be heard constantly.

Just after walking more than 100 meters, I saw a monster activity. It was a group of chickens. Yes, it was chickens. They were golden in color and as big as a van. Their claws flashed with cold light, and their beaks were like metal.

The chicken leading the team, with its aura radiating fluctuations, was undoubtedly a third-level monster. Behind it was a large group of second-level chickens. I don’t know how many there were. This territory was dominated by them. Now I saw humans. , suddenly became excited, flapped his huge wings, and flew over.

Looking at the group of chickens, each one of which was like a van, Su Ruo's legs became weak with fright, and he clenched the sword in his hand. However, when he saw Wu Dao's back, somehow, his heart felt... The fear is slowly disappearing.

Wu Dao had no expression on his face and walked forward. The sword he held in his right hand was filled with scarlet power.

"Boom" the next moment, Wu Dao rushed forward at 4 times the speed of sound. In Su Ruo's view, it was as fast as teleportation.

"Poof!" The scarlet sword light flashed, and it scratched the neck of the third-level golden chicken who was leading the charge. It actually brought up a sword energy and directly chopped off its neck.

"Boom!" Wu Dao landed, and he jumped up. It was like teleporting, and the illusion was extinguished. The scarlet sword light streaked across the necks of the golden chickens one after another, causing the huge chicken heads to roar one after another. Land.

Such a scene made Su Ruo, who was watching from a distance, dumbfounded. The feeling those chickens gave her was incomparable. Even under the aura of those golden monster chickens, she would be frightened.

But now, they are being slaughtered.

too fast.

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