Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 367: Four years, eleven months and twenty-eight days later [2 in 1]

(Two chapters in one)

The next day, around seven o'clock, Wu Dao woke up and found that Hu Xixue was already awake and staring at him without blinking.

Hu Xixue was afraid that when she woke up, she would not be able to see Wu Dao again, so she woke up early.

"So early?" Wu Dao knew that she was afraid that she would leave quietly after getting up, so she woke up early.

"I'm afraid that if I go to bed late, I won't be able to see you again." Hu Xixue rubbed her head against Wu Dao's chest.

Without saying anything, Wu Dao took her into his arms and kissed her delicate red lips.

After the storm passed, the two of them got up and took a shower.

After breakfast, Wu Dao leaned on the sofa and placed Hu Xixue, who was only wearing a pair of pajamas, on his lap.

Then, two more golden lotus seeds appeared in his hand.

"Eat it together." Wu Dao put the golden lotus seeds to her mouth.

Hu Xixue didn't ask what it was, she opened her mouth and ate it.

Immediately, she felt an extremely powerful force that was about to tear her body apart. She groaned and was instantly covered in cold sweat.

Wu Dao put a hand on her shoulder, sorting out the powerful energy in her body, which made Hu Xixue's expression become more relaxed, she closed her beautiful eyes, and lay softly in Wu Dao's arms.

"At the peak of the great martial arts master, you have to take care of yourself in the past four or five years. Life and death are all decided by your thoughts." Wu Dao put Hu Xixue on the sofa, got dressed and left.

After leaving the door, Wu Dao disappeared.

When he emerged, he was already above a undulating sea.

"Boom!" Wu Dao's arrival caused a vortex to appear in the huge waves of sea water below him, and the sea water swept up into the sky.

Wu Dao slowly landed. As he landed, all the underground water separated to both sides and hit the sky, as if they did not dare to block Wu Dao's path.

At the same time, Wu Dao released his Martial Emperor-level Emperor-level pressure. All creatures in this vast ocean, including a Martial King-level black dragon, were unable to move, and their huge bodies were trembling and shaking.

"Boom!" Wu Dao stretched out his hand and pressed down. There was a loud bang, and the huge sea water rolled back toward the sky. The sight was frightening.

All the seawater with a radius of hundreds of miles in this sea area has been blown away, exposing the bottom of the sea.

Then, Wu Dao disappeared from the spot and fell to the bottom of the sea.

"Chi la."

Suddenly, Wu Dao's whole body burned with billowing crimson force, boiling like a flame, burning and twisting the void.

At the same time, the sand beneath his feet began to melt.

"Chi!" Wu Dao stretched out his hand and directed a huge scarlet beam towards the ground beneath his feet. It sank directly into the ground, rapidly going deep into the ground. Wherever it passed, all matter was knocked away, and it went straight to the center of the earth. go.

After about two minutes, Wu Dao stopped.

I saw below that a passage had been penetrated by him.

In the next moment, Wu Dao disappeared.

"Boom." Just after he disappeared, the sea water from all sides rushed towards this place, and the place was submerged all at once.

However, it was impossible to enter the hole penetrated by Wu Dao.

Wu Dao came to an empty earth's crust.

The center of the earth is actually an empty shell.

This is a circular space, which is very large. There is flaming red magma raging underneath. The stone walls on all sides are also red, and the temperature is frighteningly high.

In the center of the circular space, there was a fiery red sphere as big as several millstones combined, filled with magma.

But in Wu Dao's eyes, it's not the same thing.

In the center, Wu Dao saw a strange object as big as a fist, flowing in three colors: black, red, and purple.

"Master, the object with three colors of black, red, and purple inside is the "Heart and Soul of Punishing Heaven".

As long as you fuse it, your soul will have the "power to punish the sky", and your strength will also have the "power to punish the sky".

Unexpectedly, such an asteroid would give birth to such a heaven-defying treasure.

This is a truly heaven-defying treasure, a heaven-defying treasure.

There is only one thing in the world.

Once one happens, there won't be another.

Master, go ahead! It’s time to take the first step towards changing your destiny.

Once you complete the true act of defying fate and changing the world, then you will be the true master of this world. "

"How to fuse?" After listening to Xiao Ling'er's words, Wu Dao asked.

"Master, just go inside and eat the 'Heart and Soul of Punishing Heaven'. But it will be very painful, Master, you have to hold back." Xiao Ling'er informed with some solemnity.

Wu Dao nodded, without saying a word, flew towards the magma sphere that was the size of several millstones. The closer it got, the more frighteningly high the temperature became. In the end, all the clothes on Wu Dao turned into fly ash.

"Poof!" Wu Dao gritted his teeth and plunged into the magma sphere.

"It's so hot." Wu Dao, who was as strong as he was now, felt the boundless heat, and his skin turned red.

But when the force flowed out of his body, all the warmth disappeared.

Looking at the three-color black, red, and purple object that was as big as a fist, Wu Dao stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"Ah!" However, as soon as Wu Dao touched the other party, he felt a force that made him tremble, making his body tremble. Suddenly, a desolate and ancient artistic conception came over him.

"Master, wake up and don't let this artistic conception invade the sea of ​​consciousness." At this time, Xiao Ling'er's voice echoed in Wu Dao's mind.

This made Wu Dao wake up a little, and directly dissipated the body-protecting energy, allowing the fiery magma to burn, and the pain hit, which made Wu Dao wake up a lot.

The desolate and ancient artistic conception is deeply rooted in people's hearts, as if in this world, the sky does not need to exist, the earth does not need to exist, and all living things do not need to exist, as long as the ancient and endless desolate earth exists.

"Hmph! Come and become my power!" Wu Dao, with a ferocious face and a red body, took the "Heart and Soul of Punishing Heaven" and put it into his mouth, and then swallowed it.


As soon as the heart and soul of Punishing Heaven entered his belly, Wu Dao felt a force of Punishing Heaven coming that made all the heavens tremble.

This force of punishment hit Wu Dao's soul and body, almost reaching the edge of collapse, and his consciousness began to fall silent.

From the surface of his body, streams of black, red, and purple punishment power overflowed.

This force is terrifying.

After overflowing, the void around Wu Dao was shattered like paper, revealing a black hole.

Wu Dao is now in the center of the black hole. The magma ball is gone. He has been wrapped in an energy ball of three colors: black, red, and purple.

Soon, Wu Dao's consciousness fell into the boundless darkness, and had to bear the impact of the power of punishing the sky.

It was a shock to the soul and body.

After getting over it, he can inherit this power of punishment.

If you can't get through it, everything will disappear.


Time flies by like a white horse, time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly by like a shuttle.

4 years, 11 months and 28 days later.

The earth is still the same, with monsters raging and non-human beings rampant.

Earth, center, in the crust.

This is a circular space with endless hot magma rolling underneath.


There is a round of black, red, and purple energy light balls suspended in the air. The breath of the energy light ball fluctuates, making the surrounding void unable to heal and turning pitch black.

"Buzz!" And just then

The three-color energy light ball suddenly rippled like ripples.

Immediately afterwards, the three-color light ball suddenly became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

And Wu Dao, floating here naked, with his eyes closed tightly, everything returned to calm.

Suddenly, at this moment, Wu Dao suddenly opened a pair of eyes.

A three-color evil light flashed from the depths of his eyes.


After waking up, there were no unnecessary words, Wu Dao just looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Congratulations, master, congratulations, master, the heart and soul of Punishing Heaven have been successfully fused." Xiao Ling'er's cheerful voice also sounded in Wu Dao's mind.

"Haha! Strong, now I can make this universe fall apart with just one move." Feeling his own power, Wu Dao laughed wildly.

He has long been reborn and is no longer a mortal body.

It is a body that can be called the "Punishing Heaven Evil Body", but it is not perfect yet and can only be regarded as a newly formed body.

"My 'evil thoughts of punishing the sky' have enveloped every corner of this universe. Haha, I didn't expect that there are so many living planets."

Yes, Wu Dao is now powerful enough to envelope the universe with his "evil thoughts of punishing the sky".

"Hehe, master, I really followed the wrong master." Xiao Ling'er was also very happy now.

"Ziz!" At this time, clothes began to appear on Wu Dao's body, which were transformed from his energy.

It took almost five years for him to grow waist-length hair, and the clothes he now transformed into were not modern clothes.

Instead, he wears a three-color battle suit, black, red, and purple.

Black; represents darkness and evil.

Red; represents blood and violence.

Purple represents nobility and royalty.

These three colors represent Wudao’s character and identity.

"Ha! It's time to go see what Hu Xixue is like now. Life and death are just a matter of thoughts." Wu Dao showed an evil smile and disappeared.

He has now reached the ‘Heaven Realm’.

And it is also a ‘Heaven Realm’ with the power to punish the heavens.

When he appeared, he had already reached the sky above Wuxi Town.

I found that things were different here.

It became dilapidated and full of monsters moving around inside.

You don't need to think about it to know that this place was destroyed by a group of monsters.

In fact, three years ago, a very terrifying non-human creature came and wiped out this place. Very few people could escape.

Looking at the scene below, Wu Dao had no expression on his face.

"Well, occupied by a bunch of beasts? Then there's no need to exist."

As Wu Dao finished speaking, everything in the dilapidated town below, whether it was buildings or monsters, disappeared in an instant.

"Swish swish."

At this moment, not far in front of Wu Dao, ten middle-aged people wearing luxurious ancient costumes and purple gold crowns suddenly appeared.

"I have met you, sir." Ten people came and bowed their hands to Wu Dao one after another.

They are the ten most powerful people in this universe, and their realm is in the realm of the God-Emperor.

At their level, they can naturally feel a force of thought that is so powerful that it makes them tremble, covering every corner of the universe.

Just thinking about it with this thought can completely destroy all living things in this universe.

Knowing that an extraordinary being has arrived in this universe, they followed this thought force and came here to pay their respects to Wu Dao.

"Who are you?" Wu Dao nodded.

"Sir, we are the ten most powerful people in this universe. We knew you were coming, so we came here to say hello." The ten people bowed their waists slightly and spoke respectfully.

"Go away!" Wu Dao didn't have a good attitude towards them.

"Yes." The ten people did not dare to get angry. They bowed their hands to Wu Dao and left one after another. They did not dare to be angry in their hearts.

You can't hide from a person like this who controls life and death in the entire universe.

Wu Dao's eyes fell on the sun and found a palace inside.

On the threshold, there are three big characters written "Yangshen Palace".

There are also active creatures inside, which are undoubtedly human-like.

"Hello, sir." Some strong men in Yangshen Palace sensed that Wu Dao was looking at them and saluted one after another.

Wu Dao sensed it on the earth and finally disappeared.


"Ouch, roar, eyes, woo, quack, ho"

Then I heard the sound of monsters all over the sky.

Below, I saw a prosperous city. This city was shrouded by an invisible energy shield, and outside the city

The swarm of monsters is endless, and there are all kinds of monsters, and there are also countless human warriors, fighting bloody monsters.

Outside the city, on the highway, in the wilderness, and in the sky, fierce battles were taking place.

The beams of the laser guns were firing randomly, and fighter jets one after another were soaring in the sky, fighting extremely fiercely with groups of ferocious birds.

There are also very powerful beings among monsters, but there is still no shortage of them among humans, and there are even more of them than monsters.

The battle was fierce, and people were bleeding and falling to the ground every moment, but they had no way to retreat and could only use their own lives to defend their land. If Liuzhou City behind them was also lost, tens of millions of people would be destroyed. All become food for monsters.

There were also many human warriors, who rushed out of the city in a steady stream to join in the fight with the monsters.

Now there are only three provinces and 21 cities left in human territory. It really cannot be left behind. Therefore, this time, both the country and the Bailong Martial Arts School issued a death order.

Liuzhou City cannot be lost, there are many big shots coming to join the battle group.

Wu Dao Gujing Wubo watched, his eyes falling on a team somewhere. They were fighting with a group of black iron leopards.

Wudao's eyes naturally fell on Hu Xixue.

She was wearing a light blue combat uniform, which outlined the undulating curves of her figure, and her hair was tied up. After almost five years, she had grown more mature and attractive. She was holding a sword in her hand and was fighting two huge iron leopards, which was a bit difficult.

Not far behind her, there were two men and one woman fighting the Iron Leopard, which looked very difficult.

Wu Dao looked at her with his eyes...

(To be continued.)

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