Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 395: Heavenly Palace Realm

The Evil Dragon Main City showed its power, and in just a few minutes, it wiped out tens of millions of legions at the first level of the Emperor Heaven Realm.

The front was completely empty, and there was no longer any army.

This space is very strange and unusually strong. Even the earth, which was hit by the energy of the Evil Dragon City just now, is still intact, which makes people wonder.

This time, the evil dragon's main city shrank into a small dragon, one hundred feet long, floating in the sky above Wu Dao.

"Everyone, let's kill together next time. This emperor's blood is already welling up." At this time, Wu Dao spoke to the army behind him.


There is no way to go now, there is only one fight. Although the next wave of enemies will be very strong, there is only one fight.

The army continued to advance, and everyone felt extremely heavy. They knew very well that everyone might die here today.

However, there is no point in regretting. Their lives are no longer under their control. Even if they don't die here, they will become nourishment in the cage outside before long.

"Fight! Just die! I pray you won't be born in this prison in the next life." Now, this is what everyone is thinking.

The army was advancing rapidly, and everyone let go of life and death, and now regarded themselves as a dead person.

For example, in three days, the end of the world is coming.

At this time, someone said that as long as you pass through a passage, you can leave the earth and come to another living planet. However, that passage is very dangerous, and everyone may die in it.

Will you wait to die or fight to the death?

Now the endless army behind Wu Dao will give you the answer.

Fight to the death.

Even if I die, at least I tried.

No matter what you do, don't give up easily. If you still fail after trying hard, don't be disappointed. At least you have tried hard.

In the bloody space, no one knows how big the crisis is ahead. Thirty trillion people are moving forward with heavy hearts.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Just half an hour after Wu Dao led the army to advance again, before any legion was seen in front, a clanging cry of blood and murderous intent was heard sweeping over.

"Brothers, if you want to survive, you have to fight on your own. Kill!" Wu Dao didn't have any extra words to say. He shouted and led his three million legion to charge out.

"Kill~! Look down on life and death and fight your way out." Thirty trillion people roared and drew their weapons. No one retreated and followed.

Death is not terrible.

What I'm afraid of is dying without trying.

"Boom!" The army undulated like a vast ocean, heading straight into the distance.

"Rumble!" In the far distance ahead, the killing aura was overwhelming, and an endless bloody legion swept over with fluctuations in the aura that made the space that was suppressed become dull.

They were all at the third level of the Emperor Heaven Realm, and the fluctuations in their aura made the endless army behind Wu Dao feel weak and severely suppressed.

However, no one was afraid. They all rushed over with firm eyes.

The two armies, like two seas about to collide, swept past, and the scene was unprecedentedly shocking.

"Boom!" Wu Dao, Xiao Hou and the Evil Dragon City took the lead and rushed into the Blood Legion.

Then, two million death warriors and one million immortal demonic troops also charged into the Scarlet Army.

Then, thirty trillion warriors, both men and women, covered it.

A war is about to break out.

Everyone is pouring blood on the battlefield, waving their weapons, and having the indomitable spirit in their hearts. It doesn't matter whether they live or die.

The two armies charged and a battle broke out, with endless roars and heads flying and blood spilled.

With a wave of impact, countless people were beheaded, and their heads were thrown high, accompanied by hot blood flying.

The bloody warriors were unparalleled in their bravery. In addition to dealing with the three million legions without moral principles, there were also more than a dozen emperors outside the realm, all of them slaughtering the armies of the two realms like chopping melons and vegetables.

The armies of the two realms didn't even have room to fight back. They were slaughtered one by one. The gap was really too big.


But for the unruly army of three million, the Immortal Demon Army, one by one with one sword, and the army of death, one by one by sword, are rapidly harvesting the puppet warriors wearing blood armor one after another.

Such a scene is very similar to the bloody warrior harvesting the lives of warriors from both sides.

Battlefield, what is a battlefield?

The battlefield is the place where you shed your blood. Don't take your life too seriously.

"Pfft..." A group of warriors from both realms surrounded and killed a puppet warrior wearing blood-colored armor, but in the end, their heads were beheaded one by one. The corpse fell in a pool of blood, bleeding, and was trampled into a bloody mess.

The battlefield was chaotic, the clanging sounds of weapons clashing and the roar of battles were endless. Scenes of heads flying up with hot blood and corpses falling to the ground frequently appeared.

Angry roars, heart-rending screams of pain, and wild cries of killing, one after another.

"Puff puff!"

Xiao Hou was furious, swinging a long stick in all directions, killing heavily, and the thousands of bloody puppet warriors that were bombarded were blown to pieces.

Wu Dao deliberately let his own army kill the enemy with the minimum consumption. Who knows how many difficulties and dangers are waiting for them on the road ahead.

As for the people in the two realms, even if they all die, Wu Dao will not be heartbroken. Let them come here to share the burden.

"Puff puff"

Wu Dao walked calmly on this battlefield, and saw ten three-color Sky Punishment Tentacles burst out from his right arm, criss-crossing within a hundred meters of Wu Dao, and piercing the heads of one bloody puppet warrior after another. It's a one-hit kill every time.

Some people are thinking, why doesn't Wu Dao just turn on the invincible mode to improve his cultivation level, so that he can crush the bloody puppet warrior here with one hand.

Do you think Wu Dao didn’t think about it and he didn’t?

Wu Dao has now surpassed the Emperor Heaven Realm

His realm is in the ‘Third Heaven of Heavenly Palace’.

In the so-called 'Heavenly Palace Realm', the whole person has been sublimated.

The evil thoughts of punishing the heavens of the innocent sea of ​​consciousness have now turned into a 'celestial palace form', which is all constructed by his evil thoughts.

The same is true for Dantian

I saw that all the three-color punishment power in his Dantian has now turned into a three-color heavenly palace. On the heavenly palace, there is a sea of ​​three-color stars. In the star sea, there are 999 three-color punishment stars floating in the sky.

The power that the Heavenly Palace Realm can exert, even if tens of thousands of Emperor Heavenly Realm peaks come, they can only suffer from hatred.

If Wu Dao thought about it now, he could kill all the 20 million people at the third level of the Emperor Heaven Realm with just one thought.

Yes, it’s just a thought.

His evil thoughts of punishing heaven are not empty.

Heavenly Palace Realm, a total of eighty-one levels!

Wu Dao is only on the first level of the Heavenly Palace.

There are nine floors in the Heavenly Palace, and each floor is divided into nine levels, so there are ninety-nine and eighty-one levels.

The gap between each level of the Heavenly Palace Realm is very large.

According to the system, in this passage, no one can exceed the 'tenth level of the Heavenly Palace Realm', otherwise the passage will collapse and all living creatures inside will die.

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