Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 436: The power of faith

Wu Dao successfully took over Hailing City and gained 10,000 legion points.

In fact, the average daily income in this city is very low, so low that Wu Dao can't stand it at all.

This place is just a barbarian land, and Heavenly Spirit Crystals are very scarce.

However, Wudao is not for resources, but for legion value.

A city is worth 10,000 legions.

This is the definition of the system.

After attacking Hailing City, Wu Dao did not stop and continued to fight, surrendering the cities of the Tianfeng Dynasty one after another, and finally directly surrendered all the capitals of the Tianfeng Dynasty.

320,000 legion worth, got it.

"Ding... the system prompts; every time you lead an army to occupy a hundred miles of deserted areas, you will be worth 10,000 legions." Just when Wu Dao conquered the capital of the Tianfeng Dynasty, the system's prompt sounded again.

In the Tianfeng Hall.

The civil and military officials of the Tianfeng Dynasty stood in two rows.

Wudao sat high on the throne, while Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Huang Zhong stood on both sides of Wudao.

"I will announce a few things, please listen carefully." Wu Dao said: "First, change the names of all cities to Immortal Evil City, and add a numerical serial number after it. Second, the center of each city , erect a statue of my emperor.”

"Do you understand?" Wu Dao said majestically.

"I am waiting for orders." The civil and military officials below bowed and responded.

"Also, create an Immortal Academy in the center of the royal capital. All those with talents that can pass the test, regardless of their high or low birth status, will be admitted."

"Do you understand?" Wu Dao's deep eyes scanned the crowd below, filled with an endless sense of oppression.

"Yes, I will handle this matter personally." Zhao Kui, the original king of the Tianfeng Dynasty, stepped out and responded.

Wudao nodded and said: "After the construction is completed, I will come to the opening hall in person."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Well, everyone goes down to do their work. Zhao Kui, you stay." Wu Dao waved his hand.


Soon, everyone left, leaving only Zhao Kui.

"I wonder if your Majesty has any other instructions?" Zhao Kui bowed his waist and said respectfully.

"Work hard, and I promise you a bright future." Wu Dao said calmly.

"I will definitely live up to His Majesty's high expectations. I will never have second thoughts."

"Well, go down and get ready. It's about the academy. Remember, no matter how high or low you are born, it depends on your talent." Wu Dao warned.

"Yes." Zhao Kui left in response.

Here, only Wudao and others are left.

It's already sunset outside, and night is coming soon.

What Wu Dao had just ordered was immediately carried out, and one message after another was sent out.

After Zhao Kui left, he immediately told the world and hired the best carving master in the country.

The Immortal Academy also started working on it, standing in the middle of the city.

All buildings in the center of the city must be cleared.

Time flies and it’s January.

In the past month, the original Tianfeng Dynasty has been changed to the Immortal Evil City, and each of the 32 cities has established an interoperable teleportation array. If a city is robbed, reinforcements from all directions come immediately.

In every city and in the central square of the city, there stands a towering statue, lifelike. It is undoubtedly the statue of Wu Dao.

In the past month, Wu Dao had eliminated all the unrest in the land he had just ruled.

Many of the little monsters caused harm to mankind, but they were wiped out by Wu Dao one by one. The mountains where the monsters were entrenched were also suppressed by Wu Dao, and a big seal was placed, so they could only move in the mountains.

Each of the 32 cities has more than doubled in size during this month, allowing those who have no money to live in the city but live in towns and villages to move to the city.

During this month, the whole country has known that there has been a new ruler, who is the owner of the statue in the central square of the city, His Majesty the Evil Emperor.

The city was prosperous, and the government no longer dared to bully ordinary civilians, which made people respect the Evil Emperor to the extreme. Even the civilians who had been bullied by the government kept enshrining the statues of Wu Dao and worshiped them as gods.

Wu Dao's purpose is to create a big world, a world under his control. In this barbarian land, in the eyes of people, His Majesty the Evil Emperor is a high-ranking god, and no one can blaspheme it.

Although this is a big world, no matter what world, people who are born are still weak and need to practice step by step to become stronger.

And if you come from an ordinary family, it will be very difficult to embark on the path of martial arts in this life.

Cultivation of martial arts requires the support of huge training resources.

Poor in literature and rich in martial arts.

Within a month, the Immortal Academy was completed and the news was announced: "Seven days later, the Immortal Academy will officially begin to recruit disciples. No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter how talented you are, the higher your talent, the better your treatment will be." good."

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation across the country.

"Thank you so much to His Majesty the Evil Emperor. He is the one who allowed us commoners to find a way out. Without His Majesty the Evil Emperor, my talented son would probably have been buried in this life! He is very talented and can learn anything at once. Yes, but unfortunately I don’t have the ability for him to embark on the path of martial arts. Thank you, His Majesty the Evil Emperor, for giving our descendants these opportunities."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Evil Emperor."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Evil Emperor."


On this day, the whole country was in an uproar, and everyone was grateful to His Majesty the Evil Emperor.

Today, Wu Dao stood alone in the central hall of the palace.

What Wu Dao did was not because he pitied the common people who did not have the resources to practice.

When Wu Dao clicks on the legion mode, you can see that his legion value is increasing by 123456789.

Yes, it is improving.

According to the system, if the city you conquer can make the people inside respect you, be grateful, and treat you like a god, then you will gain legion points.

Just like Buddhism, there are many believers in the world, and they use the power of faith to practice.

Now what Wudao is doing is similar to what Buddhism is doing. He needs the world to worship him with all his heart and to worship him as a god. In this case, his legion value will increase all the time, and his legion will also be more powerful. powerful.

No one will truly think about the common people, behind the scenes, it is still for themselves.

Buddhism uses this method to gain the power of faith from all people in the world.

It is said that in the Thirty-sixth Heaven, in the Western Desert, there are all people who believe in Buddhism, and there are countless living beings there.

If you dare to say anything against Buddhism in the Thirty-sixth Heaven, on that piece of land in the Western Desert, you will never survive for a minute.

Believers are terrible. Once you blaspheme what they believe in, they will fight you to death.

Seeing the legion value slowly increasing, I couldn't say how satisfied I was. The only pity was that he couldn't upgrade through the legion mode, which made him a little disappointed, not a little disappointed, but very disappointed.

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