Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 479: Work hard to conquer the city [5]

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"Kill!" As soon as Zhao Yun led the cavalry into the city, he heard the cry of killing coming from the front.

There are many soldiers stationed at the gate of this city, and their realms range from Immortal Lord to Immortal King. They are only led by a general of the third level of Immortal King.

Now, I saw Zhao Yun leading the army to charge in. After roaring to kill, they swept over like a torrent, showing no fear of death.

Little did they know that this cavalry army, even the war horses, were at the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

"Xi 哷哷!" the war horse roared, and the sound spread.

"Boom!" At this moment, at the same time, the 10,000 iron cavalry all showed the aura fluctuations of their peak Immortal Emperor, just like an ancient ferocious beast resurrected, its iron blood soaring to the sky, the 100,000 troops in front were all radiated by the 10,000 iron cavalry The breath was so overwhelming that he couldn't move.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..." Ten thousand iron cavalry rushed through, instantly harvesting the lives of the 100,000 army, and rushed towards the city without any stagnation.

As the army passed by, their aura was overwhelming. The ten thousand cavalry, regardless of the number of men or horses, all unreservedly released the peak Immortal Emperor's aura in their bodies, crushing everything they passed.

This main road in the city has long been deserted. The scene that just happened at the gate of the city, the warriors inside all know that these ten thousand iron potions are the existence of the peak Immortal Emperor. They all ran away in a swarm. Knowing that these were outsiders, they didn't dare to stay and watch the fun.

The army was like a torrent, rushing down the main streets of the city at an extremely fast speed. No one was seen on the way, and there was no obstruction from the official army.

Zhao Yun took the lead and led the cavalry to a short distance outside the official headquarters. However, he did not stop, and his horses flew directly across the sky towards the official headquarters.


At this time, countless figures flew out of the official headquarters. The figures were longing, shouting to kill Zhentian, and rushed towards Zhao Yun to surround him.

"Tap, tap, tap!" The cavalry lineup remained unchanged, ignoring the strong men coming towards them, and still followed Zhao Yun towards the official headquarters.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..."

Just when the strong men who surrounded them launched an offensive, the iron cavalry attacked, their spears blazing across the sky. With a wave of guns, they swept the strong men all over the sky to the ground, and their souls were scattered.

The iron cavalry appeared too unexpectedly, and its level was terrifyingly high. There was no one in Liutian City who could resist him. Just now, more than a hundred strong men below the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor were all killed by one shot. Who can stop him? ?

"The evil beasts will all die."

Deep in the depths, loud shouts could be heard...

"Bang da da! Bang da da! Bang da da!" Then there was the sound of the bow strings vibrating one after another.

"Chi la..."

Then, the sound of tearing the void sounded, and in front of the sky, countless arrows that shot through the void were shot out, and the target was Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Zhao Yun sneered, thrust out his spear, and then shook the gun body. Suddenly, one after another spear light appeared, and they all shot through the air.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The arrows were all shattered by the bombardment under Zhao Yun's spear, and no one could stop the cavalry.

"Spread out and kill all the enemies." Zhao Yun shouted.

"Kill!" Ten thousand cavalry shouted the first words from the moment they entered until now, and scattered on horseback. Each warrior was like a stream of light, running across the official headquarters, killing everyone on sight, with iron-blooded methods.

"Retreat. That is a Supreme Being."

Deep inside, in a towering and large crossbow field, a bald middle-aged man with a cold body said hello, led everyone and wanted to leave.

"You...can't leave." At this time, Zhao Yun's devil-like voice came.

"Crack! Ang! Ang..." Accompanied by Zhao Yun's voice, there were ten thousand dragons hovering above the group of bald middle-aged people, all of them swooping down with their teeth and claws open, lifelike, with silver glow covering the whole body, silver thunder entwining, just breath. , the group of middle-aged people were so shocked that they could not move, stood unsteadily, and their eyes were full of despair.

"Ahhh!" In the end, he screamed in agony, and was cut into pieces by Wanlong, eating his flesh and blood, eating his bones and muscles, and then Wanlong disappeared.

At this moment, in the official headquarters, heads were flying high in the sky. Ten thousand iron agents were killing people wantonly inside, beheading only the heads and killing people on sight without any explanation.

It didn't take long to kill all the strong men in the official headquarters, and no one could escape.

Zhao Yun came alone to the black tower where cultivation resources were stored and directly collected them in a big way.

"Line up!" Zhao Yun shouted after taking in the black tower.

Ten thousand cavalry were quickly assembled, and some of the silver spears were still dripping with blood.

"Let's go! Three Rivers!" Zhao Yun greeted, directly breaking through the city's protective barrier, leading ten thousand cavalry and disappearing like meteors across the sky.

The official headquarters was left filled with smoke and rivers of blood.

As the saying goes, it comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry.

"Oh my god! The official forces in Liutian City have been completely wiped out by outside thieves again."

"That cavalry is so scary! All of them are at the peak of the Immortal Emperor. Your uncle's. Even the horses under their crotches are at the peak of the Immortal Emperor. Who can resist?"

"Supreme! The person leading the team is a Supreme! The arrows shot by the official supreme-level crossbow were shattered by him. It's terrible!"

"Are the foreign thieves going to completely break up with our Heavenly Soul World and start attacking in large numbers? I wonder if the official can resist it. If the official fails, the Heavenly Soul World will become a world dominated by foreign thieves, and we There is a possibility of becoming a slave.”


Outside the official headquarters, seeing Zhao Yun leading the cavalry away, countless people gathered around and chaotic discussions continued.

Not only Zhao Yun is so fast, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong and others have also conquered a city and are now rushing to the next domain, the next official city.

When they started to attack, they set a goal. They must break through one official city after another as quickly as possible, plunder the resources inside and immediately rush to the city in the next domain.

Before the official has time to react, try to capture ten cities per person.

In that case, they would have the face to meet the master after he came out of seclusion, otherwise they would really have no face to see Wudao.

Today, the Heavenly Soul World is destined to be unrest. The four great generals, leading their cavalry, have conquered official cities one after another, conquering cities and territories. They are unrivaled, unstoppable, invincible, and invincible.

Night slowly fell and began to cover the world.

Zhao Yun and others spent a day attacking cities and territories, and Zhao Yun finally captured ten official cities.

And just when he wanted to lead the army to another domain again, he suddenly felt several auras more terrifying than him coming from the distance.

"It seems that the officials have finally come to their senses."

Zhao Yun couldn't help but lead the army and left quickly. When Zuli couldn't feel the opponent's breath, they all withdrew from the Tianhun Realm.

At the same time, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Huang Zhong also felt the aura that made them feel depressed. Like Zhao Yun, they stopped and left the Tianhun Realm.

This battle is enough.




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