Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 484: The horror of the ancient coffin

Outside the Kagura Abyss, the Ancient Dark Gold Abyss rises and falls. In the distance, endless crowds of people watch and discuss, and everyone's face is full of curiosity.


At this time, a loud noise shook the sky and the earth without any warning. The sound wave was visible to the naked eye, surging in circles, shattering the void, and blowing the heads of countless people. The scene was spectacular.

At the same time, the huge and quiet ancient coffin shook, and the iron chains slapped on the coffin, making a clanging sound.

"Drink!" Wu Dao shouted, pushed the lid of the coffin, and used all his strength to push it open to see if there was anyone inside.

"Crack! Boom!" Although there was no aura flowing from his body, the power was amazing. The dark gold ancient coffin made a rattling sound, as if something was broken, and the coffin lid was lifted. , and was suddenly pushed away by Wu Dao.

"Weng Long!" The next moment, the ancient dark gold coffin reacted. After Weng Long's explosion, energy fluctuations that seemed to interfere with time and space burst out, and the dark gold power flowed through the body.

Wu Dao didn't care, he unleashed all his strength and became extremely domineering.

"Crack!" After a while, there was another crack, followed by a boom, and the coffin lid was pushed open a little further by Wu Dao.

"Boom!" At this time, a force so powerful that even Wudao couldn't bear it came out of the coffin, and Wudao was knocked away.


After knocking Wu Dao away, the ancient dark gold coffin slowly revived. It was still in a semi-revived state just now, so Wu Dao had the opportunity to take advantage of it...

Now it revives, ghosts cry and howl, the sky dims in an instant, and the void ceases to exist in an instant. A supreme breath sweeps away in all directions, and wherever it passes, the void and the earth disappear. The crowds in the distance who had no time to escape all disappeared collectively, turning into ashes.

The wind is howling, the lightning is thundering, the world is dark, as if the end is coming, only the dark golden ancient coffin is bursting with divine light, reflecting this dim space, it is the only one.

"Cang! Cang!" The nine dark gold iron chains wrapped around the dark gold ancient coffin clanged, and they all came out, bursting out with supreme aura, and they all killed Wu Dao at extremely fast speeds.

However, for Wu Dao...

His figure was seen flickering in and out. No matter how powerful the power and attack power emitted by those dark gold iron chains were, they could not hit the Evil Emperor. They either blasted past his body or failed to hit anyone.


Finally, Wu Dao carried his biggest impact and hit the coffin lid with one blow...

"Crack!" There was another crack and a boom, and the coffin lid was pushed open a little more, but the scene inside was still unable to be seen.

"Boom!" Nine dark gold iron chains, which were more than a hundred times thicker than the Great Steel Wall, arrived at this time carrying fluctuations that disrupted time. Wu Dao's figure actually stagnated. Time was disturbed and he could not escape immediately.

Unable to dodge, he stopped hiding. He rose up in the sky and unleashed his strongest blow, carrying the Nine God-Slaying Styles: God-Slaying punch and punched out...

"Cang!" Wu Dao punched, and his power bloomed, hitting the dark gold iron chain that was many times larger than him, directly shaking it open, and thus breaking out of the blocking circle of nine dark gold iron chains.


Wu Dao flashed back and forth in this dim world, and the nine iron chains with the supreme aura that could disrupt time followed him like a shadow, and their power was gradually increasing. Unknown to Wu Dao, the ancient coffin began to revive.

"System, you gave me this little power, but it is no match for the power of the ancient coffin."

"Clang!" The nine dark gold iron chains became more and more terrifying, disrupting time and space. The disturbed time and space did not avoid him at all, making it impossible for him to dodge.

Just after he struck a blow with a dark gold iron chain, his arm suddenly felt numb and stinging.

"Ding... system prompts: This is already the ultimate power of Tu Cangsheng mode. If you want to increase the power that Tu Cangsheng mode can carry, the system needs to be upgraded to another level."

The dark gold ancient coffin is showing its power. The world is really in trouble. The entire vast expanse, except for the deserted area, is trembling. One-third of the space is crushed by the supreme aura bursting out from the dark gold ancient coffin. Everything is annihilated, space, earth, and all matter cease to exist.

It is unknown how many people were affected and died.

"Oh my god! The entire ninth heaven is trembling, it's so scary!"

"That hazy figure appeared again. He was so bold. This time he really angered the ancient dark gold coffin. The supreme aura is still expanding. If it continues like this, the entire ninth heaven will be destroyed. "


Now, an unknown number of people have gathered outside the two Tongtian Realm entrances in the Ninth Level, all waiting to leave when something bad happens.

Now these people are so far away that they can no longer see the scene on the other side of Kagura Yuan, but the world where they are is shaking, strong winds are howling, the sky is beginning to slowly darken, and the sun seems to be afraid, Slowly retreat into hiding.

There are thirty-six heavens in total, not thirty-six floors like a building.

But each heaven is a plane, an independent plane space. If there is no heaven-opening cave, then there are thirty-six worlds.

Even if this ninth heaven is broken, it will not cause any harm to other heavens.

Today's ninth heaven can be described in these eight words: the sky is shaking, the earth is shaking, the sun and the moon are without light!

"Oh my god! I think the ninth level is over today. The supreme aura is getting more and more violent, and some of it has spread to us. No, I'll leave first." Many people were frightened and shouted one after another. Enter the Tongtian Realm Cave.

There are two boundary holes, one leading to the top and one leading to the bottom, and people have entered both.

"Clang clang clang!"

In an instant, Wu Dao collided with three dark gold iron chains. His body was about to burst, his mouth was bleeding, and the pain was terrible.

It's so violent that Wu Dao can't resist it. He is already looking for a way out.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The nine dark gold iron chains were like world-destroying dragons and snakes. The aura that burst out was truly penetrating the sky and the earth. Time was disrupted and space was crushed. Wudao could only dodge with extreme speed, and still I have always been surrounded by them, unable to break out.

Wu Dao doesn't know what kind of state he is in. In this state, the resistance of the air and the resistance of the wind will all bypass it. It's not that he involves time, but that time has to avoid him. Now time and The space is in chaos and there is no way to avoid it.

At this time, Wu Dao's heart moved: "Imperial Power, release it!"

Suddenly, an imperial power that dominated all matter in the world swept out of him...

At this moment, his disillusionment disappeared and he appeared directly outside the circle surrounded by nine dark gold iron chains.

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