Five o'clock in the morning.

More than three thousand players gathered on the huge round mound inside the world tree in the center of the neutral city Alun, which stands in the center of the alo world.

The world tree gate that was once broken by Han Yu no longer exists.

Instead, this place was used for meetings or negotiations between the nine great goblin races, or as a promotional space for events.

The more than 3,000 people who were called to this untimely large-scale meeting faced only unknown players.

Agil, Klein, Silica, Lisbeth and Yuuki.

At 4:20 in the morning, when Klein and Lisbet sent emails to all their friends, there were only three lord-level players logged in.

However, after asking them, it only took forty minutes to gather these players in the square.

Nearly 30% of players who are either standing or floating in the vast hemispherical space around are using newly created characters.

There will be no newcomers who can be online at this time.

After returning to silence, Lisbeth's magically amplified loud voice sounded from their heads.

"What I told you was neither a lie nor a joke!"

"The SEED standard virtual world under.

"Immediately the Fourth Seventh Third Party will be invaded by tens of thousands of Northern Federation players without their knowledge, and the residents living in it will be slaughtered!"

"The people living in UnderWorld are not pure NPCs!"

"It's true artificial intelligence! The people of Under.World have the same feelings and souls as us!"

"Please, everyone, in order to protect them, please lend me your power! Convert the character data of everyone's current users into UnderWorld!"

Lisbeth took this sentence as the conclusion of a few minutes of speech, and then looked around the player in prayer.

Only confused expressions appeared on the faces of most fairies.

Also, when you hear this suddenly, it is impossible to understand it all at once.

Even Lisbeth couldn't understand when he heard Yui's information for the first time.

Breaking the low-pitched noise, a graceful hand was raised, begging to speak.

What came out was the slender Wind Goblin Lord Shuo Ye with a green robe.

"Liz Beth, I don't think you and your friends would play pranks to do this kind of thing, and it's really unusual that that person hasn't logged in for almost ten days, but..."

"To be honest, it was unbelievable for a while. The AI ​​with the Kazuto-like soul and the Northern Federal National Army that intends to capture these AIs are too unrealistic."

"Of course, if you want to confirm the facts, just log in as you said and have a look, but you just said that if you want to sneak into Under.World, there are still a few questions? Could you please explain that first? "

Lisbeth took a deep breath and gently closed her eyes.

This is a critical moment. If it fails here, everything will suffer, and no one will help them.

Opening his eyes vigorously, looking around Shuya and other lords, as well as countless alo players, Lisbet said in a firm voice:

"Well, Under.World is not operated as a normal VRMMO game."

"So, sneaking will cause several problems. First, there is no UI that can be manipulated in UnderWorld, so you can't log out by yourself."

The noise suddenly became louder.

"The only way to log out is to die internally, but there is a second problem here."

"In UnderWorld... there is no pain absorption function, and it will produce a rather strong illusion of pain when the damage is enough to make HP return to zero."

The noise became louder.

Pain isolation is also a function that must be added to the VR server.

In a virtual world without this function, if it is cut by a sword or burned by a fire, it will suffer the same intensity as reality, and it may also cause bruises on the body.

However, the problems that accompany this sneak are far more than these.

After the shaking voice was slightly suppressed, Lisbet said the third and the biggest price.

"One more thing. The UnderWorld server is now in a state that even developers can't control."

"That is to say... there is no guarantee that after the conversion, your account data will be converted back... or even, the result of the loss of the role may be caused."

The field fell silent for an instant.

Soon, overwhelming swearing came.

These hardcore players spend a lot of effort for the account, how to accept this kind of thing.

"What a joke!!"

One person pointed at Lisbeth with his index finger and shouted.

The player wearing the crimson full-body armor took off his helmet, exposing his eyes burning with anger and said:

"This kind of time forcibly gathers everyone, let us sneak until we don't know the so-called server, and lose our role!?"

"If it's gone, will you make up for it!? Or is this a trap that weakens the entire race!?"

Lisbeth blocked Klein, whose face had changed so much that he wanted to jump out, with her hands, and replied in a calm voice as much as possible:

"I'm sorry, we can't do it. I also know that the role you cultivated can never be replaced with money. That's why I beg you to help us now in the UnderWorld desperately defending against the Northern Federal State attack...our partner. "

After Lisbet's words quieted the court a little bit, the player's voice rang again.

"The so-called companions are those people! People who claim to be sao survivors, who are not high in level, but think they are so special!"

"I know, you survivors of the original sao, have always despised us in your heart!"

This time it was Lisbeth's turn to be speechless.

She had never had such an idea.

But speaking of it, it seems that I can't be sure that I don't have such a mentality at all.

She seldom goes outside the new Aincrad, and basically only communicates with her past acquaintances. These are facts.

As if seeing through Lisbeth's shaking, the player continued even more mercilessly:

"Aggression, artificial intelligence, who cares about the soul!"

"Unexpectedly, in VRMMO, you can say anything that is only in reality! You can do this by yourself! Be a great survivor in reality!"

That's right, go back, and other curses started to booze around.

No more...

Lisbeth couldn't help but burst into tears, and looked at the still hypocritical Shuya, Eugene and others with a mood of seeking to rely on.

But they did not speak.

They just stared straight at Lisbeth, seemingly waiting for her to realize how much she realized.

Lisbeth took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly.

Then, I thought of Asuna and Han Yu who were still fighting desperately at this moment, and Leafa and Shino who went to the battlefield first...

At my level, even if I switch to the past, I can't fight like everyone else.

However, because of this, there is something only I can do.

At this moment, this place is my battlefield.

Opening her eyes suddenly and wiping away tears, Lisbeth began to say:

"Yes, these words are very realistic. Then, as you said, the survivors of sao may easily confuse reality and virtuality."

"However, we never saw ourselves as heroes."

Holding the hand of Silica standing beside her with tears, she continued:

"She and I are attending a school where only the survivors you mentioned were gathered."

"There is no choice at all, because the original school has dropped us halfway through, and in that school, we have to have psychological counseling once a week."

"I was used AmuSphere to monitor brain waves, and I was asked all kinds of boring questions like'Will you lose your sense of reality" and'Will you want to hurt others'."

"There are even people who are forced to undergo drug treatment. In the eyes of the government, we are all criminals who are under surveillance for prevention."

Following Lisbeth's words, the angry shouts gradually subsided.

Even the player who had been attacking Liz in front of him opened his eyes wide.

Lisbet didn't know what to say. She just turned the overflowing feelings and will into a desperate voice and continued:

"Actually, it's not just students from the survivor's school who receive this treatment."

"VRMMO players are more or less treated like this."

In their eyes, online gamers are parasites of society and evaders who do not pay taxes and pensions. "

"There has even been an argument that the conscription system should be restored to force us to provide social services!"

Lisbet could feel the rising tension among thousands of players.

Just pierce it with a needle, and it will definitely explode with anger that is twice as strong as before.

However, Lisbeth put a hand on her chest and continued to shout: "But, I know! I believe it too! The reality is here!!"

Her other finger pointed far away.

"This world, and the countless virtual worlds connected here, is by no means a fictional place to escape!"

"There is real life, real friends, real laughter, tears, encounters, and parting."

"This is ‘reality’! Everyone is the same, right?"

"It is because we believe that this world is reality, that's why we work so hard, right!?"

"However, if you think that this is just a game...just a fake virtual image and discard it, then where is our ‘reality’!!"

Lisbeth couldn't help but shed tears at last. However, she did not wipe it off, but squeezed out the last words:

"I want to protect the many worlds that everyone has cultivated together, gather and sprout like this world tree, and finally bear fruit! Please everyone... lend us your strength!!!"

Lisbeth stretched out her hands towards the canopy of Maruqiu after returning to silence.

In her eyes shaking with tears, the phosphorescence of thousands of fairy feathers kept shining.

Yuuki walked out slowly from behind, came to her and hugged her gently.

He comforted her in a low voice, "You worked very hard, handsome..."

Then look at all players.

Bowed together with a few people and said, "Please lend us your strength..."

When they saw the absolute sword on the stage, the players were shaken. .

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