Pretty fast

"Alice... how are you..."

This kind of prank-like surprise does not seem to resemble Alice's style.

Facing Han Yu's surprised expression, Alice also turned her head slightly to the left with embarrassment, placing one hand in front of her, as if she wanted to talk but stopped.

"What's wrong? Do you need my help?" Han Yu asked.

Alice nodded, found a mobile phone from the box and handed it to Han Yu.

After receiving the mobile phone, unlock it after the bright screen.

The phone system seems to have been completely cleaned up, and even some preset programs are not left.

Only one program is left on the first page, and it is specially marked.

After clicking it, a video will automatically pop up.

"Mr. Han Yu, can I see this video that Alice should come to you safely?"

In the video, Rinko Kamidai was sitting in the room and recorded it.

Afterwards, Shindai Rinko's expression became a bit serious and said: "Listen to me... The current situation is not optimistic. Kikuoka seems to have investigated some clues..."

"Behind the attacker... it seems that there is an adjutant for defense affairs who is helping to fuel the flames. How do you put it... this adjutant seems to have received huge bribes from weapons manufacturers in the Northern Federal State."

"After Kikuoka, I and Higa reviewed the incident including the placement of Yanai as an outsider, we decided to make Alice's existence secret."

"Originally, this lieutenant planned to use promotion and high rewards as the responsible Kikuoka of the Alicezation plan, but shortly after you left, Higa-kun and Kikuoka were actually under house arrest. status."

"When they wanted to control Alice in advance, I had arranged for Alice to leave with the escape boat that Kikuoka had prepared before, and arranged for a trustworthy person in the country to pick it up and deliver it to you by express."

"Please be sure to protect Alice... I guess this incident will cause a greater whirlpool... Kikuoka intends to release the news that he, a self-defense officer, died in this invasion."

"After all.. This is the best way to deal with it. Only when the deceased appears in the attack and the self-defense officer and the chief officer can he put pressure on the opponents in Keihan Kita and force them into trouble."

"In the past few days, domestic incidents should be fermented.. The taxpayers are expected to shout and take taxpayers' money to do such an unknown project or something... There should be a lot of protests..."

"If this continues, if Alice is controlled by them, maybe it will be formatted by the upper layer in the end... and it will be erased to apologize... Although it is impossible to say... but... this possibility is not ruled out."

"So Han Yu.. Please, when I return to the territory, I will organize a press conference. At that time, I will make Alice public. This is the best way to protect her..."

After speaking, the video ends here.

Han Yu put down the phone and turned to look at Alice sitting on his bed.

The expression looked a little guilty and said: "I'm sorry Alice... I originally thought that I could communicate peacefully, but I didn't expect you to be involved in so many things."

"In Under.World, I have always been protected by you, now it's me to protect you."

Alice smiled and said, "Thank you... Han Yu, but I am not afraid. From the moment I set foot on the Altar of the End, I am ready."

As soon as Han Yu wanted to speak, Aguma, who was wearing his ear, rang a small bell.

He raised his hand and tapped Aguma's start button, and the control screen appeared in front of his eyes.

After answering the call, Xu Jingwen's face appeared in front of him.

Han Yu was surprised: "Sister Wen? I couldn't reach you before... why suddenly..."

He has been trying to contact Xu Jingwen for the past few days, but the phone call can't get through at all.

Later, when he asked people in the company to help inquire about Xu Jingwen's residence and what he was curious about about Xu Jingwen's true background, he discovered that he couldn't find any information at all.

Xu Jingwen is a very mysterious woman.

Maybe no one wants to fight against such a woman, the end will not look good.

But what Han Yu can be sure of is that in her eyes, she sees more of care and affection, and she doesn't want to frame her.

Maybe she is hiding too deeply, but even so there will always be flaws.

Or do you want to use him to take charge of Time Technology?

Han Yu didn't want to make things so complicated.

At the end of the video, Xu Jingwen wore a light blue OL skirt with a hip bag, showing her figure. Although she is already in her thirties, her style is no worse than that of a student in her early twenties.

Xu Jingwen lightly opened her red lips and smiled gracefully: "What? Missing sister?"

"I have been thinking about it from the moment I woke up from STL." Han Yu said.

"Well, it's worth noting that sister, I'm so good to you, so good." Xu Jingwen laughed.

Since the last conversation, Han Yu asked her if she could call her sister? Xu Jingwen seemed very happy to hear this name, as if she had eaten candy...

"Where are you?" Han Yu asked.

Xu Jingwen's high heels stopped abruptly, and said, "Well~ on the way to find you."

"Go to Yan Country?"

Xu Jingwen snapped her fingers: "Bingo~ it's time, I think my lovely brother has guessed nine out of ten, right?"

"Probably... when will we leave? By the way, I want to bring a companion." Han Yu said.

Xu Jingwen nodded: "Alice, right, um, no problem."

Han Yu was taken aback: "Do you know this too?! Wait... the reliable friend that Dr. Shindai said is not you, right?"

Xu Jingwen smiled mysteriously, and said nothing.

"Pack up and get ready. I will pick you up tomorrow. This trip will take about five days."

"I'll hang up first, don't forget to miss my sister if you have Asuna."

After all, Xu Jingwen cut off the call before Han Yu could continue to ask.

Han Yu took Aguma off and placed it on the table, taking a deep breath and exhaling, then sat down.

"Are you all right?" Alice asked.

"I'm okay, ah.. By the way, are there no suitable clothes in the laboratory?" Han Yu looked at Alice's dress as it was five days ago and asked.

Alice looked down at herself and nodded.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you that set of Asuna's clothes." Han Yu got up and opened the door.

After seeing Han Yu leave the room, Alice looked around.

A few days ago, Rinko Jindai instilled knowledge about Real.Wo rld with her. Her learning ability is very strong. In addition, as an artificial intelligence, she has a huge memory. Just a few days of learning has already reduced 80% of her knowledge. The knowledge reserve is remembered.

It's just that learning and practice are two different things, and some things need to be understood and observed.

Just like when a child comes into contact with a book, he will ask many questions that need to be answered.

"This is... the boys' room... and it's Han Yu's..."

Seeing the neat and clean all around, Alice got up and walked to the computer desk.

On the table is a photo of Han Yu and Asuna at the Kinkakuji Temple when they were ten years old.

Picking up the photo, Alice gently stroked the frame.

"I don’t know what's going on with Ceruka and his father... If only you can leave a photo... it has been five years in it.. Ceruka should be... already with your beloved Are you together?".

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