"Are you really going to help that maid?"

Louise came to Han Yu.

Han Yu held his hands, turned his head and said, "How do you want me to answer you?"

"Tomorrow you helped that maid offend the earl of the kingdom, then the day after tomorrow, will you help someone to fight against the entire king~ the country will not succeed?"

Louise said, this time she was not angry,-but asked calmly.

"That's impossible." Han Yu said.

Hearing that, Louise seemed to be relieved.

"But... if you really want to fight the entire kingdom for someone, I think it's probably because of you."

Han Yu said, turned and left.

Louise was taken aback: "Huh...?"

"Ahhhhhhhh such a good thing to say to me~" Chu Luk held his cheek and looked at Han Yu's back like an idiot.

Tabasa suddenly stood in front of Han Yu.

She seemed to want to say something, and opened her mouth, but it seemed that she had thought of something again. There was a stubbornness on her face. After some inner struggle, she finally gave way.

Han Yu possessed and whispered in Tabasa's ear: "Tomorrow night, I will wait for you in the forest outside the academy. I know what you want to say."

Hearing, Tabasa gave Han Yu a surprised look, and finally nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Han Yu disappeared into the night.

There was no sign of him until Louise returned to the apartment room.

Although she complained, thinking of what Han Yu said before and the sleepiness that swept through her, she finally fell asleep.

The next morning.

Dean indoor.

"Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."

"For the kingdom's direct orders, the old man can't help but understand or cooperate." Osman said slowly.

"Oh, that's it, goodbye." After that, Mott turned and left.

The door of the dean's room opened, and Lungbir was waiting outside.

After Mott looked up and down her figure, there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes, and he stood and invited: "Will you have a meal next time? Miss Lungbill."

Lungbill blushed inexplicably when he heard the words: "That's really my honour, Multhoek."

Mott looked at her body again, then smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

After that, he left.

"take care."

Lungbir bowed slightly. After watching him leave, the smile and respect on his face turned indifferent and warm, and he turned angrily and walked into the dean's room and closed the door.

Asked: "Did the kingdom make any excessive demands?"

Uthman raised his head: "It's nothing, just reminding us to be careful of thieves."

· ····Seeking flowers····· 0

Lungbir picked up the magic book on the table and walked to the bookshelf. Hearing Osman's speech, he wondered: "Thief?"

Uthman nodded and said, "Ah... said that recently a thief named'Hook' who is good at stealing with magic has disturbed the nobles in the capital."

Hearing, Lungbir said: "Hook of the clod, isn't it?"

..... ........ 0

"Well, it should be him. It is estimated that his goal this time is for the ‘stick of destruction’. After all, that is something the Kingdom has entrusted to us for safekeeping. His Majesty the King should be quite vigilant." Uthman said.

Lungbill: "Huh? The Wand of Destruction? It sounds dangerous."

"Although I don't know how strong this clod of Hook is, but after all, the treasure house of the academy is also restricted by several square-level magicians. Even if he wants to steal it, it won't be so easy. Teachers in China pay more attention."

After Uthman finished speaking, he coughed dryly, raised his staff to float the golden hand model on the table, and rushed straight to Lungbir's back.

"The dean is not doing the right thing again! Do you want to die?"

Lungbir trembled, turned his head and grabbed the golden hand model, and slammed it on Uthman's face. and.

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