"Here." Harry said when he got down from the flying dragon's back and looked at the palace.

"Go in by yourself. His Royal Highness has only summoned you." Harry looked at Han Yu.

Han Yu was surprised: "Aren't you going in? What if I say something wrong..."

"You don't need to say any more. Your Highness the Star Master will answer whatever he asks. You need to know how to deal with things when you go out." Harry put his hand on his shoulder and patted him.

Then he rode on the flying dragon's back and said: "I have something to deal with. It should be almost the same after you talk to His Highness the Star Master."

"Okay..." Han Yu nodded.

Harry left, Han Yu looked at the door in front of him.

The guard knight slowly opened the gate.

Han Yu stepped in.


The door was closed and Han Yu stood in front of the door, hesitating and nervous. After all, the person interviewed was the star master, not the uncle in the village. There are too many~ Need to pay attention.

"Huh..." Han Yu took a deep breath and exhaled-, walking towards the front.

In front of the throne above the stairs, a man in a white robe stood with his back, looking at the mural hanging on the wall, the person in the painting was somewhat similar to Han Yu-.

"His Royal Highness, Star Master." Han Yu's respectful voice sounded under the steps.

Hearing Han Yu's voice, she trembled and turned around slowly.

Said: "Look up and stand up."

"Yes." Han Yu stood up, raised his head and looked at her.

When she saw her face clearly, Han Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

I was puzzled, "It's so familiar...but why is this feeling..."

"You, are you Han Yu? The villager who cut down the sacred tree?" she asked.

Han Yu nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Your Highness, Star Master."

His eyes focused on her uncontrollably, her appearance seemed familiar in Han Yu's memory, and her temperament and movements were too noble and elegant, especially her pair of jewel-like purple pupils are even more charming. Maybe this is just an illusion.

She smiled slightly and said, "My name is Villian Linfei, the third star owner of Grace."

"Villiam..." Han Yu whispered, but soon he realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly bowed and apologized: "Sorry, Your Highness, Star Master, I shouldn't call your name directly."

"No problem, talk to me without being cautious. You can cut off the sacred tree set by the star king, and your name is extremely special. When I heard your name, I was so shocked, so I ordered Harry Yves Levantier rushed to greet your arrival overnight." Vilian walked down the steps and came to Han Yu and said.

"Me?" Han Yu was surprised.

Virian nodded: "The name of the King Star is the same as you, and the tree of God... was set up by the Lord Star King in memory of old friends. It is said that the Lord Star King came to the sacred land of Cardina two hundred years ago. A village named Lulit in the north of Algeria, used the sword of the magical blue rose and the friend named Eugeo of the Star King to sever the demon tree Kigas Sida, but it was a pity with the axiom During the decisive battle of the former highest priest of the church, Eugeo created his last chance almost at the expense of himself. Although the adult had a short awakening moment, he returned to Nebula one hundred and seventy years ago. Now, His Majesty the Star King has bestowed on that lord the highest honor of the Star King Palace."

"Master Xingwang has been fighting for more than fifty years since the star realm, and he has almost wiped out most of the giant cosmic beasts. On a planet with inhabitants, Lord Star King once said to the first star owner that he had seen it for the first time. Therefore, the autonomy privilege of Grace Star was specially granted. Cardinal Continent is an extremely prosperous place. Where is it? Even the demons can get along with humans amicably.. What a pity here... alas..."

"So besides the name, is there any more?" Han Yu asked.

"Let's look at this portrait." Virian raised her hand and pointed to the painting hanging on the wall.

At such a close distance, Han Yu was able to see the full picture of the painting.

In that painting, a man wearing a black armor and a cloak symbolizing the Star King’s Palace, with his hands on the top of the hilt of a dark divine sword, stands sideways on the grassland, looking up at the dawn, Although it is only a profile, it is also very similar to Han Yu.

"When I learned that the name of the person who slashed the sacred tree was Han Yu, do you know how excited I was? Now that I see your true face, I..." Vilian touched Han Yu's right hand with one hand Shoulder, can't hide the joy of his heart.

"Now the demons in the South are ready to move, and the people of Grace Star seem to have been immersed in a century of peaceful life. They have not been prepared for danger in times of peace. Even though they have been fighting hard to prevent the demons from attacking, the power and quantity of the monsters are not what they are now. This look can be resisted, Grace Star is too far away from Cardinal, even if it takes at least half a year to support the Kazuto Realm Alliance, the Star King Palace that rules the stars." Vilian said with a serious expression.

"I..." Han Yu smiled bitterly, "I can't even protect an elven village with more than a dozen households. Why should I... protect humans... This is too heavy."

He once watched Lily and Mila die tragically in front of him, but this incident has become his heart knot. He often wondered if he deserved to take up the sword? The hearty game in the valley before Is the dripping battle just an illusion?"Han Yu." Vilian looked at him.

"Yes, Your Highness the Star Master."

"I grant you the right to enter and exit the Tower of the Gods at will. I hope you will improve your swordsmanship in the shortest possible time no matter what method you use. Our time is really running out." She changed her tone and stretched out her hand gently. Said on Han Yu's shoulder.

"I..." Han Yu opened his mouth, but looking at Vilian's expression, he couldn't say anything anymore, so he had to salute and say, "Yes.. I will try my best."

Hearing, Vilian smiled again and said: "Well, no matter what you have encountered, you have to remember that if no one takes up the sword, no one dares to take up the sword. There are more than a dozen households, Grace Xingqian. Thousands of creatures will be buried, and we, too, will be the mess on the chopping board."

After a while, a knight carrying a plate came to the two of them, knelt down on one knee and offered the plate, and said, "His Royal Highness, Star Master."

"Thanks, let's go down." Villian reached out and took a badge from the plate.

After the knight stepped back, she said: "You hold this badge. When you are about to enter the God's Domain Tower, show it, and the guards will no longer stop you."

Reaching out and touching the badge, Han Yu let out a long sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Vilian asked.

Han Yu said quickly, "No... I'm sorry."

Vilian said solemnly: "A man, especially as a swordsman! Even if you are not the person who cut the sacred tree, you should have the enlightenment that you should have, since you have chosen to embark on this road and come to the main city of swordsmanship. College, then cheer me up!"

Han Yu was stunned by what Vilian said, as if a bell rang in his mind.

He bowed and said loudly, "Yes!"

Vilian said, "Raise your head, Swordsman."

Han Yu raised his head.

She gently stroked Han Yu's cheek with her hand and said softly, "Remember, the demons are far more terrifying than you think. I believe you should be clear about this."

Hearing, Han Yu trembled slightly, lowered his head and gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, recalling the scene in the wizard village, and said in a slightly resentful tone: "I understand, I also remember it deeply, profoundly. ."

Villian closed her eyes and smiled with satisfaction, then opened her eyes and said: "Well, well, today's conversation is over, I look forward to you bringing surprises to the kingdom, go and find your own way!"

"Yes!" After saluting, Han Yu turned and left.

By the road, he leaned on the grass and waited for Harry to come and pick him up, but he kept thinking about the melancholy look in Viriane's eyes when he left.

He can feel that the Demon Race has reached the point of life and death for the entire Grace Star humanity. Although he has rarely had direct contact with the Demon Race in the past two decades, he does not want to have any more direct contact with the Demon Race only these few times. There are such terrible and painful memories.

The Star Master Palace was built on the holy mountain of the royal capital, and you can just see the whole picture of the royal capital.

"It's very leisurely." Feilong's cry came along with Harry's words.

Han Yu got up and patted his butt, then looked back at him.

Harry said: "What did your Highness the Star Master tell you?"

Han Yu walked to the flying dragon, rolled over and rode on his back and said, "Nothing, it's just that the burden is heavier..."

Harry chuckles: "Really? But..."

After a pause, looking at Xia Yun in the distance, he slowly said, "This road is bound to be extremely difficult and dangerous. It is hundreds and thousands of times stronger than those goblins in the Fairy Village. You have to be enlightened."


Pulling the rein, the dragon rushed out.


Harry's residence.

The maids brought the prepared dinner to the table.

"Master Harry, the dishes are ready." After the last dish was served, the maid said respectfully.

"Well, get back." Harry picked up the knife and fork and cut off a steak and said lightly.

"Take a rest early tonight, and I will send you to the Swordsmanship Academy tomorrow morning."

Han Yu nodded: "I see."

At night, when he was lying on the bed, Luna opened the door and walked in.

He whispered, "Um... I took the clothes to the room where the maids lived."

"You wait for me." Han Yu frowned, turned over and walked to her.

"I..." Luna didn't know what to say, she found the clothes from the cabinet and prepared to leave.

Han Yu grabbed her arm.

"Han Yu?" Luna was stunned, then turned to look at him.

"Luna, are you hiding from me? What happened?" Han Yu asked.

"No...no..." Luna avoided Han Yu's eyes and stubbornly said.

Han Yu shook his head: "Tell me what you have. Do you want to hide anything from me?"

"The maid said to me, Han Yu, you are already a nobleman, and I'm just a commoner, I have to keep a distance from you, otherwise I will be gossiped by others...so I am also for your good..." Luna said with a sad expression.

Han Yu said with a serious expression: "Which one is good for me? What nobleman, I never thought about this in my heart." Then, his expression became softer and said, "Don't worry, wait for me. After you become a knight, you will apply to His Highness the Star Master to make you a noble, and no one will say anything at that time."

"Han Yu..." Luna didn't know what to say.

Han Yu squeezed her face and smiled: "Don't think too much, just follow me, I will protect you."

Luna blushed and lowered her head and responded softly: "Yeah..."

"Go to sleep." Han Yu yawned and walked to the bed.

"Yes... but only one bed..."

"What are you afraid of? Sleep together." Han Yu pulled her over and blew out the lights.


The next day, it was just dawning.

The two had already packed up, and came to bring them to the manor.

Yesterday's wolf cart was waiting by the fountain again, but Harry did not show up, but his flying dragon was spinning around the flowers.

· ····Seeking flowers····· 0

"Flying dragon.. eats meat, right?" Han Yu said.

"Except for the flying dragon, the unicorn, and the Chollima, the others are basically meat-eating." Harry's voice came from the room.

Han Yu looked back, and Harry unexpectedly didn't wear armor today, but a set of gorgeous noble clothes, but his figure is very strong, this noble clothes always looks a bit awkward when he holds it up.

Han Yu couldn't help asking: "Um... Lord Harry, are you really going to the Swordsmanship Academy in this suit?"

"I have something to do to get you to the place, and I have to wear this suit. Doesn't it have anything to do with you? Get in the car." Harry said lightly, riding on the back of the dragon.

"Curious, curious." Han Yu smiled, and then took Luna into the wolf car.

From Harry's territory to Grace Swordsmanship Academy, it almost spans the distance of the entire royal capital.

When he arrived at the gate of the Swordsmanship Academy, the sun had already risen.

After getting off the bus, the appearance of the Swordsmanship Academy is much worse than that of the Star Palace, but it is full of majesty and solemnity, and has a very simple atmosphere.

"Master Harry." The guards at the gate immediately saluted after seeing Harry.

Harry turned his head and said to Han Yu, "I won't send you in." Then he said to one of the guards: "Rhine, this kid will be handed over to you, and take him to see the dean."

"Yes, I understand, please follow me." Rhine looked at Han Yu.Han Yu and Luna got out of the wolf cart and followed Rhine into the gate of the swordsmanship academy.

"Boy." Harry shouted.

Han Yu turned around.

"I don't have much to instruct you, but you have been swinging an axe since you were young, and remembering the feeling of swinging an axe will be of great help to you in learning swordsmanship." Harry said.

Han Yu smiled: "Well, I see, go ahead."

..... ........ ...

Afterwards, the two followed Rhein into the swordsmanship academy.

"Is this lady a new student too?" Rhine asked Luna a glance.

"No, I am... like Han Yu's entourage." Luna said.

Rhine nodded: "Really...As long as you are a nobleman, you will be eligible to carry your entourage with you."

"That, Master Rhine, do you have any precautions about the Swordsmanship Academy?" Han Yu asked.

"It's nothing special.. But here you have to learn to abide by the rules. The dormitory of the inferior swordsman and entourage is over there, near the back of the Gods' Domain Tower. Have you seen it?" Rhine pointed to the distance.

Han Yu: "I saw it."

"Well, in the academy, a swordsmanship test is held every three months. This is about whether you can be promoted to the next level. What is your current level?" Rhine asked.

"Inferior swordsman."

Rhein nodded lightly and said, "Well, the chance of promotion can also be skipped. In other words, if your strength is strong enough and your record is dazzling enough, you will be qualified to jump from a low-level swordsman to a high-level swordsman, even if you If you have obtained a particularly great feat, or killed enough demons, you can even get Lord Harry to personally award you a medal and be promoted to an inferior knight."

Han Yu: "Can you leapfrog?"

"In addition to the four annual swordsmanship assessments, the academy will also hold a swordsmanship competition every fall. Those who have won or achieved outstanding results will become the current class CEO or second executive officer, that is to say, If you win the ranks of the inferior swordsmen, you will become the chief inferior swordsman. The chief superior swordsman is the leader of the swordsman rank, and so on." Rhine prompted.

Han Yu said, "I understand."

Rhein didn’t take two steps, and suddenly turned his head and said, “Oh, yes, the most important point is, in addition to the rules of the academy, when facing aristocrats higher than yours, his orders are within the scope of the law. absolute."

Hearing, Han Yu frowned slightly, nothing else, but this one made him a little unacceptable.

Seeing the faint change in Han Yu's expression, Lai said with a smile: "Hahaha, look at your expression and learn to deal with your emotions. There is no way. Rules are rules. If you don't follow him, it will be difficult for you to survive. , Well, it's already here."

"Thanks for the reminder." Han Yu bowed slightly, and Luna prepared to walk into the dean's office.

"Han Yu, if you have anything in the academy, you can find me." Rhine said.

Han Yu stood still, but didn't look back, and said, "Thanks."

Knocking on the door of the dean's office.

"come in."

Han Yu opened the door and stepped into it.

A man in a black gown is sitting at the table with glasses looking at the document.

The dean's room is very simple, not even one-tenth of the magnificence of Harry's residence. If it hadn't been marked as the dean's office, perhaps ordinary people would think it was the servant's lounge.

After hearing Han Yu come in, the man raised his head and held his glasses to look at him.

Said: "You are Han Yu?"

"I am." Han Yu stood up straight and said.

"I don't know if it is a coincidence or fate. Don't say that your name is the same as the star king, and the talent you showed is also very popular." The man stood up and said, his tone was slow, gentle and orderly, like a wise and knowledgeable university. scholar.

Han Yu smiled: "It's a coincidence."

"My name is Letus Newin, the dean of this swordsmanship academy, but unfortunately, I am a sacred maneuver. Harry, the old and stubborn, refused to come. Star Lord, so I had to let me come. "No." Wrights walked to the bookcase, took out a book and said. and.

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