Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1043: Is this picture beautiful?

Following the voice, the plates that were about to fall and the sky full of greasy dirt suddenly turned upside down, and they were all buckled on the young master Jin's head.


  Because of the excessive momentum, the plate cracked and cracked, and the oil was dripping down his head.


  Because the braised prawns are just out of the pot and the temperature is very high, you can hear the grilling sound wherever the oil stains, and then you can see that the skin starts to foam at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   This kind of pain made the young master Jin scream.


   "Ahhhhhhhhh, mother, someone bullied me!"


   Mrs. Jin, who had been standing in the distance preparing to watch a good show, was startled at first when she saw that her son was beaten, and then became furious and rushed over.


   "Chuner, how are you?"


   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mother!


   Mrs. Jin saw her son become like this. Although this kind of injury is nothing to the practitioner, how can Mrs. Jin, who has always been arrogant, tolerate the loss of her son?


   So she raised her head and shouted at Xue An, "Why are you bullying my son?"


   "Bull your son?" Xue An laughed blankly, and then said lightly: "Everyone is watching, I haven't moved from start to finish, how can I bully your son?"


   "You are talking nonsense, how come that plate is all on my son's head all of a sudden?" Mrs. Jin angered.


   "I don't know, maybe there was a sudden gust of wind!" Xue Anhao said leisurely.


   "You..." Mrs. Jin was going crazy.


   The reason she just waited for a while before letting her son over was because she hadn't met Xue An and was worried that she would be a strong outsider. After all, the city of cursed had recently come to many strong people because of the emergence of the gods.


   So she secretly ordered her subordinates to inquire about it, and it turned out that no one had seen this Xue An, and she was not a wealthy son or a strong talent.


   So she assured her son to go there.


   But I did not expect to have such a huge loss!


   You must know that Mrs. Jin’s consistent principle is that she can bully others, but others must not bully herself.


   "It's your son, who is carrying a plate of prawns and intends to deduct it all on my daughter. What do you plan to do with this account?" Xue An said lightly.


   Mrs. Jin said angrily: "My son just wanted to make friends with your daughter, and what just happened was not intentional at all! And my son is just a child, can't you tolerate it?"


   Xue An heard that the smile on his face grew stronger, but his eyes gradually cooled down.


   "Still a child? Ha ha, if my daughter was detained just now, would you have to say the same?"


   "So what? My son didn't do it on purpose anyway! And you are such an adult, why are you having trouble with my son?" Mrs. Jin said arrogantly.


   At this moment, there was a faint noise outside the door.


   There was a sneer at the corner of Mrs. Jin's mouth.


   The reason why she didn't do it directly, but used words to delay time, was waiting for the Jin family to arrive.


   She is a very cautious person. Although Xue An's origin has not been found, what if she is some hidden power!


   So just to be safe, she ordered someone to return to Jin's house just now to call someone.


   As long as their own people arrive, none of these people can run away.


   At this moment, Xue An nodded and said lightly: "You're right, I really shouldn't have trouble with your son!"


   Mrs. Jin sneered as she was about to say something when she saw Xue An, who had been sitting on a chair, suddenly appeared in front of the Mrs. Jin, and then she slapped her hands twice.


   With two extremely clear noises, this Mrs. Jin was directly fanned out, until two tables were smashed before she could stop.


   These two slap fans are much harder than when their mother and son slap Wang Ke just now.


   At least the sound shook the beams of the room, and the face of Mrs. Jin began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   In an instant, only the small slit in the eye was swollen.


   The audience was shocked this time.


   People never thought that this seemingly gentle boy would be so resolute and straightforward.


   At this time, Xue An smiled at Wang Ke who was trembling in the distance.


   "The two slaps that she slapped you, I got it back for you! Are you satisfied?"




   Everyone's eyes focused on Wang Ke.


   Wang Ke was pale and trembling all over, he almost cried in fright, unable to speak at all.


   Xue An sighed softly, "It seems that I am still not satisfied!"


   At this moment, Mrs. Jin, who was slapped to the ground, finally awakened from a dazed state, and then yelled resentfully: "Dare you hit me?"


   As soon as the voice fell, Xue An stood there and slapped casually.




  Although they are far apart, the slap is still directly slapped by Mrs. Jin flying from the ground, and then falling heavily.


   After landing, she opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with tooth fragments.


   "You are the one who hit! Actually, I really don't like hitting women, but why do you always bring your face to let me hit?" Xue An sighed lightly.


   This Mrs. Jin trembled all over, if her eyes could kill people, she really wanted to cut Xue An thousands of times.


   At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside was about to enter the door from far to near.


  At the same time, I heard an old but majestic voice coming in, "Who is it? Who dares to bully my Jin family?"


   The young master Jin Chun lifted up his spirits and cried out in a crying voice: "My father, I am here! Someone beat me and my mother!"


After speaking, he yelled at Xue An with a bitter expression on his face: "You're done, my father has arrived. I will catch you all by then, and then use hot oil to bite these two little sluts. All burned to death!"


   These tyrannical words made An Yan, who has always been good-tempered, furious, "husband..."


  Before she finished speaking, Xue An had already appeared in front of Jin Chun, and then as if there was an invisible rope bound to him in the void, Jin Chun's body floated.


   Then he looked at Xue An with horror, "What do you want to do? My father is the head of the Jin family..."


   Before he could finish, Xue An shook his head, and said coldly, "It's useless!"


   "No matter who your father is, go to death today!"


   After A group of white flames rose into the sky, and hit Jin Chun in the air.


   At the same time, an anxious shout came from outside the door: "Keep your hand!"


   But Xue An didn't care about all this at all.


   The white flame directly enveloped Jin Chun completely, and then began to scorch wildly.


   The pain of the flame burning the body is so huge, just a breath, this Jin Chun collapsed and howled miserably.


   And this scene also made all the middle-aged men who rushed in were all in his eyes. He roared in disbelief, "Chun'er!"


   But at this moment, Jin Chun's body gradually disintegrated in the flames, and finally turned into nothingness.


   The middle-aged man stood blankly on the spot like being struck by lightning.


   And Xue An slowly turned his head, looking at the middle-aged man, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Is this picture beautiful?"

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