The news that the Qin family is about to hold a dinner party once again caused a sensation in the entire provincial capital.

   After the Feng family received the invitation, they held another emergency meeting.

   At the meeting, Feng Chaosi smiled triumphantly: "I see, the Qin family also knows that they can't eat such a big piece of cake on their own, so they called us local giants to go."

   "Therefore, I propose that this time our Feng family should show their own strength, so that this Qin family and the surname Xue will know how good we are." Feng Chaosi said.

   Everyone nodded, Feng Qi was very pregnant, and felt that her little son was really promising.

  Only Feng Chaocao kept his eyes gloomy and said nothing.

   He believes that this banquet will never be that simple.

   How could that man be threatened by you guys?

   Similar controversies are being staged in almost every giant.

   this moment.

   The atmosphere in the Stone House is very tense.

   Shi Hao's father, Shi Dong, the current head of the Shi family, sat in a chair with a gloomy expression.

   There are also a few powerful figures in the Shi family who also look bad.

   Shi Hao stood blankly below, like a prisoner being interrogated.

   "Shi Hao, who allowed you to communicate on behalf of the Shi family and the Qin family in private?" At this time, one of Shi Hao's uncles took the lead.

   Shi Hao said tiredly, "No one allowed it."

   "Hmph, so brave! Do you know what the crime is?" Shi Hao's uncle sneered.

   Shi Hao shook his head, "I know, but I have to do it. Because it's about the life and death of our Shi family."

   "Don't quibble here, I don't believe this Qin family and that Mr. Xue can eat people, it's all alarmist!" Shi Hao's uncle was full of anger.


   I don't know how many people are salivating over the big cake left by the Xie family.

   It's not bad now, Shi Jiajuan took the lead to quit.

   This naturally makes many people dissatisfied.

   Shi Hao's expression also sank at this time, "Second Uncle, whether you believe it or not, I can only say that this Mr. Xue is so powerful you can't even imagine!"

   Shi Hao's second uncle sneered and said, "No matter how great, can you still have three heads and six arms? You are less here..."

   At this time, Shi Dong waved his hand, "Okay! Stop talking!"

   The second uncle of Shi Hao retreated angrily.

   Then Shi Dong looked at Shi Hao and said, "Since you are so sure, well, for tonight's banquet, our Shi family will stay neutral for the first time. We have to see what kind of character this Mr. Xue is!"

   Shi Hao lowered his head, "Thank you father!"

   "But if it's not like you said..."

   "I would like to be punished!" Shi Hao said firmly with his eyes.

   Since the evening, the luxury car in front of the Livzon Hotel has not been cut off.

   Almost all the giants in the provincial capital have arrived.

   There are a lot of big, young, or daughters who come to join in the fun.

   These well-dressed young people gathered together in twos and threes and talked happily.

   For them, this is a rare gathering.

   As for the disappearance of the Xie family.

   They don't care.

  It’s the same if anyone dies. As long as the benefit belongs to me, then I can say anything.

   And these rich family owners gathered together in twos and threes to discuss the banquet tonight.

   "Everyone said, the Qin family invited us all here, why?" said a gray-haired, well-dressed old man.

   "Master Wang, I guess this Qin family is going to win over us. After all, they are outsiders. If you don't rely on us, he doesn't want to stay in the provincial capital." A middle-aged man said.

   Everyone nodded.

   "It's really unexpected to say that the Xie family's decades of foundation business disappeared overnight." The old man sighed falsely.

   But when it comes to the property left by the Xie family, many people's eyes are red.

   That's all profit.

   At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and someone exclaimed.

   "It's the Feng family, why are they here with so many people?"

   There are dozens of people in the Feng family.

  Furthermore, the Patriarch of the Feng family and many powerful figures were all present.

   I can see that the level difference is coming.

  Many small families rushed out of the way.

   Feng Qi took the lead.

   followed by Feng Chaosi with a proud face.

   There are also many big men invited by the Feng family.

   Only Feng Chaocao followed at the end.

   Now he has become a joke in the family.

   No one would like to look at him more.

   After Feng Qi and others are seated.

   The atmosphere in the hall became warm.

   Many people began to whisper.

   "The Feng family is in such a big battle, it looks like the person who came is not good!"

   "A fool can guess that this Feng family is second only to the Xie family. This time the Xie family has fallen, how could their Feng family be willing to let go of this rare opportunity?"

   "This time the fun is great. No matter how great the Qin family is, it is nothing more than a dragon. It looks like he must have been bleeding this time!"

   In these discussions, Feng Qi looked around the people in the hall with an unmoving expression.


  Why haven't the people from the Shi family arrived yet?

   While he was wondering, Shi Dong also rushed with everyone.

   Compared with the fanfare of the Feng family, the Shi family is much lower-key.

   Feng and Shi have never dealt with each other, so the people on both sides also glared at this meeting.

   Shidong was expressionless and took someone to sit down in the distance.

   At this point, almost all the rich and powerful in the entire provincial capital have arrived. UU Reading www.uukā

   Everyone is waiting.

   Waiting to see how the Qin family will deal with this situation.

   At this time, Qin Yu looked upstairs nervously.

   This is the first time she has taken the lead alone.

   She called Qin Yuan, but Qin Yuan said that she was solely responsible for this matter.

   This made Qin Yu feel the pressure on his shoulders.

   Xue An suddenly smiled at this moment.

   "Mr. Xue, what are you laughing at?" Qin Yu asked.

   "You said, if these people are killed now, what will happen to the provincial capital?" Xue An said lightly.

   This proposal made Qin Yu's heart cold.

   If so many people really died here.

   So it is certain that the entire provincial capital will become a mess.

   Xue An couldn't help but smile when he saw Qin Yu's shocked expression, "Just kidding, I'm not a murderer."

   But Qin Yu still felt a little frightened.

   She knew that in the eyes of Xue An, these so-called rich and powerful people were not much better than pigs and dogs.

   "Go, next... it's time for you to play!" Xue An said lightly.

   Qin Yu gritted his teeth and recovered calm, then turned and went downstairs.

   When she appeared in the hall, the noisy hall gradually became quiet.

   Many people stared at Qin Yu with scrutiny.

   Gradually, these eyes became contemptuous.

   It turned out that the Qin family, who had made such a big noise, only sent such a little girl?

   And Feng Chaosi sneered disdainfully at this time, and then stared at Qin Yu with greedy eyes.

   looks pretty good!

   After discussing things this time, I have to find an opportunity to contact me.

   Feng Chaosi thought to himself.

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