The sea breeze in early summer is soft as a lover's touch.

   A yacht is floating above the sea, sailing slowly.

   On the deck, there were bursts of laughter.

   "Dad, look, I caught a small fish again!" Xue Xiang was very excited to pull up the fishing line and proudly said to Xue An.

   Xue An looked at Xue Xiang, who was proud of his face, couldn't help but smiled, and then touched Xue Xiang's little head, "Thinking is great!"

   At this time, Xue Nian, who was sitting aside and also fishing, had a small face wrinkled into a bun.

   "Why can my sister always catch fish, but I can't?" Xue Nian said glumly.

   "That's because you are stupid!" Xue Xiang said unceremoniously.

   Tears gradually appeared in Xue Nian's big eyes.

   Xue An couldn't laugh or cry.

   My two daughters are quite different in personalities.

   For example, Xue thinks, he is very smart. Although he is only four years old, he is like a little adult and often "teaches" Xue Nian.

   Xue Nian is sometimes naive. Apart from seeing delicious food, he is usually not very talkative.

   Now being reprimanded as a idiot by his sister, Xue Nian is naturally wronged.

   Xue An felt distressed and quickly touched Xue Nian's head.

   "Okay, well, we are not stupid when we think, we are the smartest!"

   Xue Nian said very aggrieved: "Dad, then I'm not stupid, why can't I catch fish?"

   Xue An smiled, "Maybe Yuer hasn’t noticed that Nian-nian is also fishing!"

   Xue Nian nodded suspiciously.

   And Xue An did not move a trace of spiritual thought into the sea.......

   After a few seconds.

   The fishing rod in Xue Nian's hand sank.

   "Huh!" Xue Nian was taken aback first, then excited.

   "Dad, daddy, did I catch a fish?"

   Xue An pretended that nothing happened, and went over excitedly, and helped Xue Nian lift the fishing rod.

   "Oh, Nian Nian is so powerful, I actually caught such a big fish!" Xue An exaggeratedly shouted.

   Xue Nian's eyes all smiled into crescent shapes.

   Xue Xiang looked at his father suspiciously.

   This little girl is clever and tight. She always thinks Xue An's actions just now are suspicious.

   Under the gaze of his daughter's scrutiny, Xue An coughed unnaturally.

   "Ahem! It's the same when you think about it!"

  Only when facing his two daughters, Xue An didn't have the slightest impression of Xianzun.

no way!

  Who allowed himself to have two daughters who are so strange and cute?

   At this time, a round of red was gradually sinking to the west, and the entire sea was illuminated with golden light, and the scenery was beautiful.

   "Dad, look, it's so beautiful!" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian exclaimed.

   At this time, Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er walked onto the deck and looked at the father and daughter, and couldn't help but laugh.

   "The wind is so strong outside, come back soon!" Tang Xuan'er worried about the two little girls.

   In fact, after Xue An’s daily meticulous nourishment with various elixir, the physique of these two little girls is already pure and flawless.

   It is impossible to get sick at all.

   At this moment, I saw a dolphin suddenly jumped high above the sea in the distance, after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it fell back into the sea.

   "Wow! It's a white dolphin! So beautiful!" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, the two little girls, had wide-eyed eyes and exclaimed.

   "Do you like it?" Xue An lowered his head and asked his two daughters.

   "I like it! And this is the first time I have seen a real dolphin!" Xue Xiang said.

   "Hmm, I just don't know if it's delicious or not!" Xue Nian began to struggle with the taste.

   Xue An smiled indifferently, "Then close your eyes, Dad will give you a surprise!"

   The two little girls immediately closed their eyes.

   Xue An stood on the bow and stomped the deck lightly.

   The surface of the sea within a radius of ten miles seemed to shake slightly.

   Then Xue An smiled lightly: "Okay, open your eyes!"

   The two little girls slowly opened their eyes.

   presented in front of them is a dreamlike picture.

   I saw it not far away. Several dolphins jumped out of the sea one after another, as if performing acrobatics. After a few laps in the air, they fell into the sea with a splash.

   The splashing waves wet the cheeks of the two little girls.

   And this is just the beginning.

   In the blink of an eye, dozens of dolphins jumped out of the water again.

   They draw a beautiful arc in the air, and then fall back to the surface.

   The two little girls were dumbfounded.

  At this moment, these dolphins all surfaced and swam to the yacht. The leader was an extremely beautiful white dolphin, who seemed to nod to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

   "Dad, what does it...what does it do?" Xue Xiang asked.

   Xue An smiled, "It is for you to touch it!"

   Xue thought hesitated, but in the end he had the courage to reach out and touch the white dolphin's nose.

   Xue Nian couldn't help reaching out and touching the white dolphin's mouth.

   The white dolphins blinked at them very cutely, seeming to enjoy the caress of the two little girls, and made baby-like crying.

   This scene is like a scene in a fairy tale world, which makes Tang Xuan'er and Fan Mengxue a little silly.

   After a while, this white dolphin led many dolphins to jump out of the water again.

   Only this time, they jumped over the yacht.

   Under the shining of the setting sun, these dolphins seemed to prop up a series of dragon gates on the sea, and the yacht slowly passed by The two little girls jumped and jumped excitedly, very happy.

   Xue An stood by and watched, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  The heart drifted far away.

  Wife, our daughter has grown so big, and is getting cuter and more beautiful!

   You must be lonely by yourself.

   You wait, I will definitely find you back!

   Even if you are poor for nine days, go to the Yellow Spring!

   I will never give up!

at dusk.

   Xue Xiang and Xue Nian stood on the bow, reluctantly waving their hands at the dorsal fins of these white dolphins.

   "Goodbye! White dolphin!"


   Xue An stood aside, feeling the gratitude that these dolphins passed back through their spiritual thoughts.

   He just came here by instructing all the dolphins nearby through divine mind.

   The leading dolphin has gradually become wise.

   Xue An told the dolphin that he wanted it to lead the dolphins and perform for his two daughters.

   The white dolphins did not dare to disobey, because although Xue An did not force him, the aura on his body was as unfathomable as the ocean.

   But Xue An will not embarrass these elves in the sea.

   When they were leaving, Xue An gave these dolphins some benefits.

   Although it is not very precious, it is already precious to these dolphins.

   This time Xue An took his daughter out to sea because the Xie family established a resort on an island.

   The investment is very large and it has been completely completed.

   Therefore, the Qin family was considered a big bargain. After taking over, they packed up and prepared to officially open.

   Xue An took his two daughters, ready to go see the excitement together.

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