"This is..." God King Amaterasu was taken aback for a moment, and then furiously said: "This is Suihan's alchemy armor!"

   Xue An nodded, "Yes! But now, he is mine!"

   Xue An held the cyan-gold seal in his hand and said lightly: "Aren't you claiming that there is no one under Daluo? Today, I will let you die!"

   After that, Xue An pressed it suddenly.

   This cyan-gold seal seemed to be alive, suddenly stretched out countless gears, and then began to spin frantically.

  In an instant, this alchemy armor turned into a semicircle, something strange and exaggerated but exuding cold luster.

   Everyone was a little confused, because they didn't see what it was.

   Amaterasu God King was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed out loud, “It’s such a lively talk, but a fire stick came out! Why? Do you want to use this to stab me to death?”

After    said, there was another wild laugh.

   Xue An was not moved at all, but took a deep breath.

   But seeing the clouds move in all directions, the wind is blowing on all sides.

   The air in the whole world seemed to be sucked up by Xue An, and then on the sky, countless sword lights appeared.

   The sword light came to cover the sky and obscured the sun. The mighty power made the earth tremble.

   Amaterasu God King couldn’t help but was taken aback, but he didn’t take it seriously.

  Because he is an ancient alien beast, as long as he shows his body, he can be immune to all attacks under Da Luo.

   These terrifying qualities also made him shine in the battle ten thousand years ago.

   There are countless Chinese gods and monks who died in his hands.

   If it were not a thousand years ago, the old man who could spy on the secrets warned him that after a thousand years he would have a catastrophe, and the strong among the Chinese would come to retaliate.

   He might not even hide, because he never took these things to heart, and he was even very proud.

   "Hehe, the sword intent is good! But as I said, these things don't work for me at all! So I advise you to save effort!" Amaterasu said lazily.

   But at this moment, the sky full of sword lights began to gather, and then formed a huge vortex, the end of the vortex pointed directly at Xue An.

  The target is the weird weapon in Xue An's hands.

   But seeing the brilliance in the turmoil, the wisps of sword light looked like silk threads, crazily infiltrating this weapon.

   I saw that the two ends of the semicircular weapon began to show a little light, and then it grew wildly, and finally connected together.

   At the moment they were connected, a powerful might emerged from this weapon.

   And everyone who witnessed this scene has been dumbfounded.

   "This...this is a crossbow!" Someone exclaimed.

   That's right!

   Now appearing in Xue An's hands is a crossbow with exaggerated and weird shape but extremely powerful and powerful.

   After seeing this crossbow, the old **** was there, and the **** king Amaterasu, who didn't take it seriously, seemed to see something extremely terrifying, and subconsciously stepped back several miles.

   Then he roared in a trembling voice: "You...what do you want to do?"

   Xue Ansen smiled, "What do I want to do? Naturally... I killed you!"

   After that, Xue An raised his hand and chuckled softly: "Arrow!"


   With an order, the vortex formed by the sky full of sword energy began to condense crazily.

   In an instant, the immeasurable sword that originally covered the sky and the sun was gassed into a silver arrow that was no longer than a length, but was extremely brilliant.

   When the arrow flew into Xue An's hands, Amaterasu God King couldn't stop screaming, as if this scene evoked some extremely terrifying memories.

   Xue An ignored this at all. At this moment, he had only one thought, and that was to kill the Amaterasu God King in front of him.

   So he stretches his bow and shoots his arrows, pointing at the golden crow.

   Qi machine locked, the world was silent.

   Amaterasu God King let out a terrible cry, "Impossible... how could you have this kind of breath?"

   said, this round of scorching sun that originally hung in the sky began to flee like a bird with a frightened bow!

   Seeing this scene, all the surviving gods and powerhouses were dumbfounded.

   In their eyes, the omnipotent Lord God, was frightened by a small crossbow and fled?

   This is incredible!

   Xue An's mouth gradually raised, and a cold smile appeared.

   "After so many years, it seems that the Golden Crow clan still can't change the fear of bows and crossbows!"

   "But no matter how you run, you must die today!"

   "Look at me, one arrow shoots the sun!"

   After that, Xue An let go of the control hand.

   only heard a loud and dull noise, and then the silver arrow flew out silently, piercing the void in an instant, and passing directly behind the Amaterasu God King who was fleeing frantically.

   Feeling the breath chasing behind him, the Amaterasu King is scared to death.

"Do not!"

   But everything is not shifted by his will. Following his horrible howl, this silver arrow traverses with supreme might.


   After a muffled noise.

   This round of scorching sun that was shining on the world dimmed instantly, and then after a few flashes, it was completely extinguished.

at the same time.

   I saw a figure floating in the sky out of thin air, and then staggering, then fell down.

   Only then did people see that this figure was a middle-aged man with a pale face and a treacherous face.

   "It's the Lord God!" The surviving **** exclaimed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   At this time, the Amaterasu God King was obviously injured, and his figure was falling crazily.

   Xue An didn't intend to let him go at all, and immediately stepped forward and appeared in front of him.

   "The arrow just now was asked by me for the powerful Chinese who died in your hands!"

   "Now this punch is for the innocent person who died in your hands!"

   After that, Xue An gave a soft voice, "Hey!"

   Then he punched out.

  The six types of killing gods are combined into one, powerful enough to change the world.

   This Amaterasu God King screamed, "Rao..."

   The fate has not yet been spoken, Xue An’s punch has already come.


   I saw the Amaterasu God King being bombed out directly, and then burst into the air.

   The golden blood splashed across the sky and dyed the sky red.

   But this is still not enough.

  Because of the powerful vitality of the Golden Crow, even though it was shattered by Xue An's punch, in a short while, these wrecks were combined and reborn.

   Xue An had expected this. When the Tianzhao God King had just been reborn, his figure rushed to him again, and then raised his fist.

   "This is for the Chinese gods!"


   Amaterasu God King exploded again. Then he was born again.

   "This is for the Chinese mortals who were slaughtered by you!"

   bang bang bang.

   In the continuous muffled sound. .

   This Tianzhao God King is like a human sandbag, being bombarded by Xue An again and again.

   miserable situation, look at everyone!

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