Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1112: Your king has been killed by me

As he said, he raised his hand and made a blow.


   The momentum shook the world.


   Fire Dragon City everyone can't help but look up.


   When many people saw the fire dragon **** general's back, there was a strong hatred in their eyes.


   But soon, these people's eyes dimmed again.


   This fire dragon **** will always act brutal and unkind. I don’t know how many innocent people died in his hands. Countless people want to kill him and then hurry up.


   But the strength of the fire dragon **** general is too strong, so no one has ever succeeded.


   After a long time, these people are even a little numb.


   This time, it is probably the same!


   These people thought in their hearts, and then bowed their heads as if resigning.


   can be at this moment.


   There was a miserable howl in the sky.


   The tragic howling is not uncommon in this Fire Dragon City. There are hundreds of innocent bones carried out of the city lord’s mansion every day.


   But this time the miserable howl is different, because the person who made the miserable howl is the fire dragon **** who has always abused others.


   Everyone suddenly raised their heads, looked at them in disbelief, and then froze.


  Because of the arrogant and domineering fire dragon **** general, at this moment, he flees far away in fear.


   Half of his body has already revealed the dense bones, and the blood is flowing, the fire dragon **** will shout in horror.


   "What the **** is this? Why is there such a powerful sword intent between heaven and earth?"


   But no one can answer his question.


   People stared dumbfounded.


  Because at this moment, the sky full of sword glow did not let the fire dragon **** general, but like a turbulent ocean, caught up behind him.


   "Ahhhhh, don't come here! I am the supreme and noble fire dragon general, who dares to kill me?" This fire dragon general was almost frightened by all this.


   The arrogance and disdain just now disappeared.


   At this moment, he has only one thought, and that is to stay away from this **** sword light!


   But no matter how he dodges and accelerates, he can't get rid of these sword lights, and even the distance between them is slowly shortening.


   People looked at the sword light that was not eagerly chasing behind, suddenly felt that these sword light seemed to be spiritual, they were using this method to tease the fire dragon **** general.


   At this time, the fire dragon **** general saw no hope of throwing off his sword light, and a look of cruelty appeared in his eyes.


   Then he leaned over and headed straight to the busiest street in Fire Dragon City.


   At this moment, the street is full of astonished people. As long as you enter it yourself, relying on the lives of these untouchables, you can delay these swordsmen for a moment and win precious time for your escape.


   The Fire Dragon God General became more and more proud as he thought about it, his face couldn't help but a fierce smile appeared, and his speed suddenly accelerated.


   In an instant, he even saw the panic and despair on the faces of these people standing on the street.


   But he didn't hesitate at all and rushed directly into the crowd.


   Now, if these sword glows want to catch up with me, they have to kill all the untouchables. Even killing pigs will take some time, let alone killing? Hehe, I'm so witty!


   Fire Dragon God will be full of pride.


  Unexpectedly, there was no screaming from behind.




what happened?


   Don’t these untouchables like to yell the most when they are dying?


   Why is it so quiet this time?


   A trace of doubt arose in the fire dragon god, he couldn't help turning his head to look, and then he saw a scene that made him stare.


   However, after seeing the powerful wave of sword light, after chasing the crowd, it cleverly avoided all the crowd in front of him like a fish, and then went straight to himself.


   Throughout the process, these sword lights did nothing against the crowd.


   "What the **** is this! Why do these sword glows avoid the crowd?" The Fire Dragon God will exclaimed in shock.


   At this moment, the sword light had already rushed to the front, and then opened his mouth like a snake and constrictor to swallow the Fire Dragon God.


   The fire dragon **** will be so scared that he can't take care of his dignity, and a lazy donkey can barely escape the blow.


   But because the speed of the sword light was so fast, the fire dragon **** general just hid a little slower, and one leg was directly cut off and turned into nothingness.


   The fire dragon **** general let out a miserable cry, and rose into the sky with extreme terror, trying to escape the pursuit.


   But all struggles are in vain.


   This Jian Mang didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill him, but instead went around him with great interest and started guerrilla warfare.


   After a while, the Fire Dragon God General showed wounds all over his body.


at last.


   The fire dragon **** will have a fierce and decisive look in his eyes, and he yells up to the sky: "This is what you forced me!"


   After that, the fire dragon **** general's body suddenly began to change, his skin was instantly torn, revealing the hideous scales underneath.


   In an instant, this fire dragon **** will be transformed into a huge two-headed salamander.


   And this is exactly his original form.


After the body appeared, the fire dragon **** will grinned and said: "I don't know who sent your sword light, but I will definitely pull this person out and tear it to pieces completely, because you actually let the noble fire dragon show Out of the body!"


   Speaking later, the voice of the Fire Dragon God General was full of resentment and hatred.


   Because a strong man like him, once he transforms into his original form, it means that his vitality is severely injured, and it will even take decades of deep sleep to fully recover.


   This naturally caused the fire dragon **** to become angry.


   But at this moment, I heard a cold voice, "The so-called god, it turns out to be a four-legged bug!"


   "Who is it? Who dares to speak like this?" The fire dragon **** will be furious.


   At the same time, a figure was slowly converging on the sky full of sword lights that undulated like the sea.


   That's right.


   This figure is all made up of sword light.


  In an instant, a young man radiating bright sword light appeared in the air.


   "Are you the one who displayed this sky full of sword light?" The Fire Dragon God General roared.


   This young man was naturally transformed by Xue An’s mind, and nodded when he heard that, "Yes!"


   "You are so rampant, aren't you afraid that Lord God King will sin against you?"


   "The King of Gods?" Xue An, whom Jianmang had transformed, shook his head A cold smile appeared on the almost transparent cheeks.


   "There is no **** king anymore, your king has been killed by me!"


   The Fire Dragon God General was startled, and then shook the sky and roared: "Impossible! Lord God King is..."


   "It may not be possible, don't you know what you perceive?" Xue An interrupted the Fire Dragon God General and said lightly.


   The Fire Dragon God will be taken aback when he hears the words, and immediately begins to connect with the Amaterasu God King through his spiritual thoughts.


   The result is naturally nothing.


   His huge body began to tremble, and a look of horror appeared in the compound eyes of a pair of lizards.


   "Who are you...Why are you doing this?"


   Xue An said coldly: "Me? My name is Xue An. As for why I do this..."

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