Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1140: War of the Ancient Sword

   The entire audience could hear the breath of fear in an instant.

   Many people were shocked by this scene.

   Even Zhong An'an was a little silly, because she didn't know what was going on with the sword light.

   At this moment, I saw this ray of sword light flying towards the heavy brilliance that was blocked by many powerful people.

   "Hurry up and stop it!" Qi Sixiang took the lead to react and exclaimed in shock.

The white picture beside    also recovered from the shock at this time, and roared in grief and anger: "Chi'er!"

   The dead Bai Chi is also a son he valued extremely.

   After all, this is the second son who died on his own, and without exception, all of them were killed by Xue An.

Therefore, he hated Xue An for his bones. He didn't need Qi Sixiang to say. He flew to the front, facing the rushing sword light, and then grinned and said: "You dare to play swords in front of my ancient sword **** clan to break me. !"

   As he said, he roared, and a small sword suddenly appeared in front of him.

   The small sword grew in the wind, instantly turning into a huge sword nearly ten feet long, and directly confronted the rushing sword light.

   only heard the extremely clear sound of golden and iron.

   Then I saw that this huge sword was shaken back more than ten feet, and the blade trembled slightly, obviously suffering some injuries.

   But this blow also had an effect. After a slight stagnation, the sword light finally shattered and finally dissipated invisible.

   Baitu laughed at the sight, and then screamed at Guanghua who was still firmly blocked.

"My sword is so famous! There is nothing in the world that can withstand its blow. In terms of swordsmanship, no one can compare to my ancient sword gods! Xue An, don't think about something. I can save you! It's useless, get on the road honestly!"

   The voice is full of arrogance and joy.

   But Qi Xuanfeng and the Profound Soul, who had mentioned their hearts in their throats, couldn't help but secretly relieved when they saw this.

   Anyway, this terrifying sword light was wiped out!

   Under the joint strangulation of many masters, the destruction of Xue An seems to be only a matter of time.

   But when many people just let go of their hearts, they only heard Xue An’s chuckle from the brilliance.

   "Sword celebrities kill, everything is unbreakable, and swordsmanship is unmatched? I am really wondering, who has given you the courage to make you such a big talk?"

Bai Tu's complexion changed, and then he snorted coldly from his nostrils, and said coldly: "Xue An, what? Are you still not satisfied? What can you do if you are not satisfied? You are already in a desperate situation and can't get out. , Hahahaha!"

   Bai Tu laughed wildly again.

   In fact, the reason why he was so happy was not only that he was able to avenge his two sons for being killed, but more importantly, even the leader of the five-way **** sect had died!

   This is great news for him.

   When this Xue An is eliminated, the huge Amaterasu God Realm will be the territory shared by the Ancient Sword God Clan and Sky Fire God Clan.

   When the time comes, the Ancient Sword God Race will also become the foremost giant family.

   So he is naturally extremely happy.

   But at this moment, a cold voice poured cold water on his head.

   "Who said I can't get out anymore? I just want to see what else you guys have, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that! So...the game is over!"

   When the game is over, there are four words and one exit, but there are ripples in the space that has been blocked by countless powerful people, and the bright light curtain also begins to flicker.

   Then he saw his hands stick out abruptly and tore them to the sides.


   The light curtain, which has gathered the power of countless strong people, was directly torn into two halves, and the power of backlash blasted these strong people directly out.

   And when the brilliance dissipated, who stood proudly, who was not Xue An?

   These strong men who were bounced out made the audience jump.

   The survivors looked at Xue An with extremely shocked eyes.

   Because they all thought Xue An would definitely lose this time, but they didn't expect that he would break the blockade of Guanghua so easily.

   Zhong Anan and the people of the Taiyin Protoss took a sigh of relief. In any case, the adult's safety is the best result.

   At this time, Bai Tu also woke up, and then there was a strong look of fear in his eyes.

   He didn't understand why this boy was so tyrannical.

   Xue Anhao glanced at him in his spare time, then stopped his gaze on the slaughter sword floating beside his shoulder, and smiled faintly, "Is this the invincible sword you mentioned?"

   Baitu's eyes grew colder, and he calmly nodded to those ancient sword gods not far behind Xue An, and then coldly said: "Yes!"

   Xue An chuckled and shook his head: "I took back what I said just now, you are not being outspoken, you are simply sitting on a well and watching the sky without knowledge!"

   These words are hard to hear, but Bai Tu ignored them when Xue An's voice just fell off.

   Bai Tu suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

   gave an order, as soon as he grasped the flow killing, he took the lead in cutting out a sword.

   And those people of the ancient sword gods clan also made swords at the same time.

   I saw sword light like snow, covering the audience.

Its sword spirit is so strong that even the onlookers feel that the hair on their faces seems to have been cut off, and the whole body is hurt by the piercing sword intent, and they can't help but back away in ~ But under the cover of countless sword lights, Xue An still just smiled coldly, "Since your ancient sword gods are so confident in your own swordsmanship, then I will let you know what is truly invincible swordsmanship today. !"

   Say it.

   Xue An suddenly raised his eyes, a strong sword intent rose into the sky from Xue An's body, wherever he passed, all the sword beams that had been cut disappeared and turned into invisible.

   Baitu and the people of the Ancient Sword God Clan were also shaken by this sword intent.

   Especially Bai Tu, he couldn't believe all this.

   "No... how can you have such a powerful sword intent?"

   Xue An smiled coldly, "Why not? Is it only your ancient sword gods can use swords?"

   Bai Tu's face showed an extremely solemn look, and he was more afraid of Xue An.

   But now he and the entire Ancient Sword God Race have no retreat. There is only one choice, and that is to kill Xue An.

   Otherwise, they may also suffer an extinction.

   "Sword formation!" Bai Tu shouted in a deep voice.


   With an order, all the members of the Ancient Sword God Clan changed their bodies, and then formed a strong sword formation.

   while the front eyes are white pictures.

   But seeing a bunch of sword lights converging, they all attached to the flow killer in Bai Tu's hand.

   Jianwei is getting stronger and stronger.

   But Xue An didn't show the slightest fear, but looked at it with interest. .

   After a while, the quicksand sword in Bai Tu's hand had become extremely bright, and then Bai Tu screamed.

   "Flowing Killing Breaking Heaven!"

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