Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 115: Reactions from all sides

   After Xie Jingjing returned home from school, she felt that the atmosphere today was a bit strange.

   Lao Xie did not cook in the kitchen, but sat in a chair and sighed.

   My mother, Fat Aunt, wiped her tears from time to time.

   "What's wrong?" Xie Jingjing asked suspiciously.

   Aunt Fatty raised her head, glanced at her daughter, and then sighed: "Your dad went shopping today, and then he heard a news about your Xiao An brother!"

   "What's wrong with Brother Xiao An?" Xie Jingjing was shocked.

   "I have also heard rumors that it is said that Xiao An has offended a very powerful person. Now they have come to retaliate, and they are scheduled to be on the Qingfeng River in ten days!" Lao Xie said with a sad face.

   Xie Jingjing's face was pale, and she sat down on the chair dejectedly, confused.

How to do?

How to do!

   Brother Xiao An, don't have an accident!

   Xie Jingjing lowered her head, but her tears fell straight down.

   The atmosphere in the room is depressing.


   Old Xie patted the table and suddenly stood up.

   Fat aunt was taken aback and couldn't help complaining: "What are you doing? I was surprised!"

   Old Xie's face showed a seriousness that had never been seen before.

   "I have decided, after ten days, I will also go to the Qingfeng River!"

   "Although I may not be able to do anything!"

   "But Xiao An is kind to Jingjing and our family! My old Xie is not an ungrateful person, so even if I take my life, I will help Xiao An!"

   Xie Jingjing and Fat Aunt looked at Lao Xie in surprise, and Lao Xie's eyes flashed with looks they had never seen before.

   Fat aunt also became excited, and nodded: "That's good, it really deserves to be my man! Then I will go too!"

  Old Xie frowned, "What about men, what do women do?"

   Fat aunt was furious when she heard that, "Old Xie, I tell you, if you really want to start, none of the three of you are my opponent!"

   Lao Xie was said to be a little embarrassed, "Oh, in front of the child, what are you talking nonsense!"

   "What am I talking nonsense? This is a fact!"

   Looking at this scene, Xie Jingjing smiled with tears in her eyes.

   There was also an idea in her heart.

   Brother Xiao An!

   Anyway, I have to check it out.

   If you lose, then I will avenge you! Even if it catches my life, I will not hesitate!

   Wu's house.

   Wu Weidong sat in a chair, excited and unable to calm down.

   His full-faced wife also beamed with joy.

   "This is all right, as long as this Xue An dies, then our son's hatred will be reported!" Wu Weidong said with a smile.

   "Huh, it's not that easy. After Xue An is dead, I will cut the little **** who killed his son a thousand times!" the woman said harshly.

   At the beginning, her son Wu Zefeng forced Xie Jingjing to KTV. If Xue An did not arrive in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

   It was also because Wu Zefeng was malicious in his heart, so Xue An killed him.

   Later Wu Weidong wanted to retaliate, but some people in North River City, when they heard that they were going to deal with Xue An, they shook their heads like a rattle.

   In desperation, Wu Weidong had no choice but to give up.

   But when the Yu family passed down the Shechem Talisman this time, news came that they wanted to deal with Xue An.

   The Wu family is simply delighted!

   "Hehe! At that time, we will go to see the excitement and see how the person who killed Zefeng was wiped out!" Wu Zefeng said with a sullen expression.

   Fahrenheit Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

   All day today, Hua Tingting was a little absent-minded.

   After sending away the last patient, Hua Xingyu sighed.

   "Ting'er, what's wrong with you?"

   Hua Tingting was silent for a while, and then said: "Grandpa, is there really such a powerful thing as the rumor said?"

   Hua Xingyu nodded solemnly, "It's amazing! And it's very amazing!"

   Hua Tingting's face became more worried, "Then you say Mr. Xue this time..."

   Hua Xingyu shook his head, "I don't know, this is not something people at my level can see through, but Tingting."

   Hua Xingyu paused, and then said: "You must remember that someone like Mr. Xue is a dragon on the nine heavens, you..."

   The words behind Hua Xingyu didn't say anything.

   But Hua Tingting understood what Grandpa meant.

   She felt a little sad.

   But she also understood that Grandpa was kind.

   "Finally, after waiting ten days, let's go to the Qingshui River to take a look at the most glorious match in the martial arts world in ten years! At the same time, it is considered to be Mr. Xue standing up!" Hua Xingyu said.

   Hua Tingting's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

   just when there was a lot of trouble outside because of the Shechem amulet of the Yu family.

  Lingnan Yujia is as calm as usual.

   Yu Yang walked through the Jianjian Pavilion and came to the backyard. He saw his father, who is also the current head of the Yu family.


   "When are you going to leave?" Yu Lang sat on the chair without raising his head, and said lightly.

   "Leaving in seven days, Beijiang is only two thousand miles away from Lingnan, two days to arrive!" Yu Yang bowed and said.

   Yu Lang nodded, "I sent you to walk in Shechem this time, do you know why?"

   Yu Lang trembled, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, but he lowered his head and said, "I don't know!"

   Yu Lang chuckled lightly, "You, it's because your tactics are too heavy that you have not been as diligent as your older brother in Kendo!"

"This Xue can be regarded as an individual talent. He was able to kill Yu Ling with a punch at the martial arts conference. You can see that he has some real skills. You must be careful not to fall into the reputation of my Yu family. , If you do well... When the ancestor leaves the customs, you can serve you around!"

   Yu Yang trembled, and said in surprise: "The ancestor is leaving the customs?"

   Yu Lang nodded solemnly, "This news cannot be spread, but a few days ago, your elder brother sent a letter saying that the sword spirit outside the Jianlu is stronger than one day, and it should not be long before!"

   "My child understands!" Yu Yang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and slowly backed out.

   For every child of the Yu family, the ancestor Yu Yuanyi is the **** they worshipped.

   If you can really serve the left and right, it will be of great benefit to your kendo cultivation.

   Yu Yang left the backyard and came to the Jianting Pavilion, a pretty and unparalleled girl was sitting in the Jianting Pavilion.

   Seeing Yu Yang coming, the girl couldn't help laughing.

   "Three brothers are so happy today? Is there something good?"

   Yu Yang smiled, "Sister, you sneaked out again, be careful when your father finds out and punish you."

   This girl is Yu Lang's youngest and only daughter, Yu Ran.

   "Hehe, my father wouldn't do it! I heard that the third brother, you were sent to walk for this Shechem?"

   Yu Yang nodded.

   Yu Ran became excited, "And I heard people say that this time the opponent is the top players in the top rankings! Third brother, be careful!"

   "Tianbang?" A scornful smile appeared at the corner of Yu Yang's mouth.

   "A group of people who have never seen a real cultivator, or even a celestial cultivator, is there any use for such a list to rank first? To me, it's just a chicken!"

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