Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1152: This plan is very important

   After all, it’s too easy for me to be in position. If I can’t take revenge on the dock master, that is, my brother, I’m not in a stable position.

   But just when he was ready to wait for Zhong An'an's response with a proud face.

   Zhong Anan suddenly laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm.

   Dongxiong is unknown, so he is about to speak.

   Seeing Zhong Anan raising his finger to him, he said coldly: "What are you, dare to question me?"

   Zhong An'an's domineering attitude made the crowd preparing to watch the excitement unexpected.

   Especially Dong Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice, "Patriarch Zhong, what do you mean by that?"

Zhong Anan said mockingly: "What do you mean? Haha, don't think I don't know what you think? Do you think that after the adults have gone for so long, did something happen? That's why you are so rampant? Otherwise? , If adults are here, you dare not say a word if you are scared to death!"

   This is terrible, and many people's complexions become difficult to look.

   Zhong An'an's face was as cold as ice, he looked around the audience, and said lightly: "I tell you! When the adults return is his business! You are not qualified to speculate, I can only say that the adults will return safely!"

   The Dongxiong's face was blue and white, and sweat appeared on his forehead. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, another sturdy man walked out of the crowd and smiled gloomily: "What Patriarch Zhong said is somewhat unreasonable. Lord Dongwu just cares about when the adults will return. After all, we It’s not a problem to keep waiting so hard! Is everyone right?"

   The words of this big man drew some responses.

   Zhong Anan looked at him with a deep face, and then said coldly: "Who are you again?"

   The sturdy man smiled, "Patriarch Zhong, you may not know me! But you must know my brother. I am the current master of the Temple of Li, and Li Gang is my brother!"

   Zhong Anan was stunned when he heard the words, no wonder she looked so familiar with the aura of this sturdy man.

   turned out to be from the Temple of Power!

   The previous Li Gang also died in the hands of Xue An, and not only he, even the Lord of the Temple of Li at the time and the elders could not escape.

  It can be said that when it comes to hatred, the Temple of Power hates Xue An far more than Feilongwu.

   So this time, they expected more than anyone else that Xue An could die in the abyss of sky fire.

  Zhong Anan is naturally aware of this, so there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then said indifferently: "It's not your turn to care for you! Take care of your own business and wait for your return!"

   After all, Zhong Anan looked down slowly, and didn't even bother to look at these two people.

   "You..." Dong Xiong's expression changed violently, and he was about to speak, but was caught by this force, and then dragged him far away.

"Hall of Li, this lady is relying on the strength of Xue An, it is too arrogant, I can't swallow this breath! Just about to argue with her, what do you mean by dragging me away?" Said.

   Li was fierce and smiled, "Lord Dongwu, speaking of **** vengeance, the Temple of Li is no worse than your Feilongwu, but now is not the time to quarrel with this Zhong Anan! She is arrogant and will not be arrogant for several days!

   "You mean..." Dongxiong's eyes lit up.

Lixie sneered and said: "I have united some strong men. If this Xue An has not appeared before tonight, we will start together to eliminate the people of the Taiyin Protoss first, and then unite the strong men to destroy this Skyfire Abyss is forcibly blocked!"

   "At that time..." At this point, Li Xiong's eyes flashed with spite.

   "No matter how strong this Xue An is, he will be lost in the gaps of space and unable to return! In that case, wouldn't our great feud be reported?"

   Dongxiong shook his whole body, then ecstasy appeared in his eyes, "This plan is wonderful! But why not do it at this time?"

Lixie shook his head, "No, it is not so easy to block the abyss of skyfire, you must rely on the right time and place! When the sun rises tomorrow, it will happen to be a rare eclipse day in a hundred years, and even our gods The spiritual energy will be disordered, and only with the power of the tengu can the abyss of fire be completely sealed off, so that Xue An will never be able to live beyond!"

   Dongxiong heard the words and nodded his head seriously, "So that's the case, the lord of the palace is thoughtful! Then my Feilongwu people are also ready to do it together!"

   "It's so good!"

   Under the auspices of the Temple of Power and Feilongwu, an undercurrent began to surge.

   Zhong Anan seemed to be aware of this, but he didn't take any action. He just ordered all Taiyin tribesmen to be ready.

   Time passed by every minute and every second, when the night gradually faded, and the white belly appeared in the east.

   Lixiu, Dongxiong and others looked at each other.

   Then he began to prepare calmly.

   When a round of golden sun slowly leapt into the east.

  Li Temple, Feilongwu and several other powerful clansmen have quietly gathered around.

"Patriarch!" The Taiyin Protoss naturally noticed the abnormality long ago. One of the patriarchs couldn't help but shouted Anan sat on the ground, opened his eyes and took a look at slowly approaching after hearing the shout. Lixiu and others, without the slightest surprise on their faces, slowly stood up.

   "What are you...what are you doing?" Zhong An'an said coldly.

"Haha! Zhong Anan, don't you know what we are going to do? This Xue An has been there for more than ten days without any news, and he has obviously died in the abyss of fire. You are in the mood to wait here, but we don't! "Dongxiong grinnedly said.

   "Yes, we don't have time to spend here! This Xue An has definitely suffered an accident! Otherwise, it will never be so long before returning!" Someone agreed.

   "Yes! Let's not give this Xue An a guard!"

   Amid the drum noise, Zhong An'an's face was as cold as ice, and he said nothing.

  Likely, there was also a sneer at this time, "Zhong Anan, because you and my brother were the arrogant talents at the beginning, now obediently let go, I don’t want to embarrass you, otherwise..."

   Zhong Anan interrupted him directly, "Wishful thinking!"

   Li's fierce complexion changed, and he said grimly: "Then no wonder everyone else! Let's go together!"


The people from   li Temple and Feilongwu rushed up and directly fought against the people of Tianyin Protoss.

   Feilongwu's strength is much inferior to that of the Taiyin Protoss.

   The addition of the Temple of Power has made the two sides evenly matched.

   After all, the Temple of Power at the beginning was also a rich family in the world. .

   Therefore, in this fight, no one can help each other for a while.

   and the crowd watched all this with cold eyes from a distance.

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