These remarks were extremely rude, making Zuimeng's face instantly pale, and then sneered.

"My friend, I admit that your physical skills are really good. Even the Red Prison and others, who can be suppressed by the power of the flesh, cannot fight back and eliminate them completely. But you really think that with this little strength, you can get rid of Li Hate. Tianjun?"

Speaking of this, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Drunk Meng’s face, “You know, Li Hentian Jun is a tyrannical existence who subdues the whole world by himself. His power is beyond your imagination. You can rely on your ability. , At best can only be regarded as cannon fodder!"

Xue listened quietly, without the slightest anger, until after she finished speaking, she said calmly: "Have you finished speaking? After speaking, should you do it too?"

"You..." Drunk Meng changed his face suddenly, but soon recovered his calmness, and then snorted coldly, "It's a toast and fine wine!"

As she said, a bright divine light gradually appeared in her eyes, and a powerful divine coercion appeared above her head.

This coercion is ever-changing, its magical uses are endless, and it is breathtaking.

At this time, Drunk Dream changed his humility and said with an arrogant expression: "My friend, I will give you another chance now. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will let you go. If you are not willing to... hehe, I will completely annihilate your mind!"

Xue An raised his head and looked at the divine consciousness rainbow light on Zui Meng's head, and said lightly: "It turns out to be a divine consciousness master!"

"Yes! Otherwise, why do you think I was called Drunk Dream?" Drunk Meng said with a smug expression.

"My friend, although your physical strength is incomparable, your weak spiritual mind is your biggest weakness! And you are now on my territory, it can be said that your life and death are all under my control. , As long as I am willing, I can immediately make you live without death! So I advise you to think carefully about my proposal, otherwise...huh!"

Although the meaning behind it was not stated clearly, the two cold snorts were already full of threats.

Xue An didn't seem to hear the threat of Zuimeng, but kept quietly looking at the ever-changing power of divine consciousness above Zuimeng's head. It was not until a long time later that he suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Drunkenly said with a change of expression.

Xue An lowered his gaze and smiled at Drunk Meng, "It's nothing, I just want to thank you suddenly!"

"Thank me?" Zui Meng was puzzled.

Xue An nodded, "Yes, thank you for reminding me!"

"What do you mean?" Drunk Meng looked cold, and then said coldly: "Don't play tricks, give me an answer now, otherwise I would be welcome!"

Xue An chuckled, "You just said what is the biggest weakness of the strong in physical skills?"

"Of course it's his weak spirit!" said Drunk.

You must know that this is the way to practice. It is difficult to have both fish and bear paws. If you like the chic of kendo, you must abandon the magical use of talisman.

If you possess the incomparably tyrannical body of a physical skill expert, it is naturally impossible to possess the surging and mighty mind of a spirituality monk.

Of course it doesn't mean that it is absolutely impossible, but human energy is limited after all. Unless you are truly amazing and brilliant, it is difficult to take care of several major cultivation systems.

As for the average person, it is not bad to achieve results on a path of cultivation!

"That's right!" Xue An nodded, but before Drunk Meng could speak, he went on to say: "But who told you that I am a strong physique?"

"Huh?" Drunk Meng was taken aback.

What does he mean by this?

What is it if you are not strong in physical skills?

Could it be that he can still be a spiritual monk just like himself?

What a mystery!

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on Zuimeng's face, and he sneered: "Then you are not a strong physique, so what are you?"

Xue An smiled, and with his smile, he saw the Taoist light appearing in his eyes.


But seeing an immense divine power soaring into the sky, even the whole world that was disturbed was shaken by it.

Drunk Meng was shocked, and looked up at the power of divine consciousness in horror. The vast divine power contained in it made her tremble uncontrollably.

Compared with this divine prestige, my own divine thought is like a firefight under the bright sun, it is not enough.

Xue An said in a calm tone at this time: "Now, who do you say I am?"

Drunk dreams can't even speak, and is shaking all over.

Xue An smiled, "In order not to provoke me, I was a bit bothersome! But your words reminded me! Li Heng Tianjun did not doubt you, so as long as I go back with you, it will be smooth. Sneak into his side!"

Drunk Meng's face was full of horror, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in his heart, and he trembled: "What... what do you... want to do?"

Xue An smiled, "Don't be nervous, I won't take you anything, I just borrow your identity to use it! But in order to prevent you from divulging the news, I have to refine your spirit in advance!"

Refine your mind!

Hearing these four words, the ominous premonition in Drunk Meng's heart was finally confirmed.

The so-called cleansing of spiritual mind refers to a cruel law among spiritual mind monks.

When two divine minds meet and conflict, the strong one can directly refine the weaker’s divine mind through powerful strength.

And after being refined through the divine mind, he will bow his head to his ears and follow his words.

To put it bluntly, it is the same as forcibly acknowledging the Lord.

But this kind of situation can only happen when there is a huge difference in strength, and the strong have a powerful advantage over the weak.

But now Zui Meng and Xue An happen to meet this condition!

Thinking of this, Zui Meng no longer had the arrogance of just now, urging his whole body's spirit, and instantly transformed into hundreds of millions. He wanted to confuse Xue An in this way, and then took the opportunity to escape.

Unfortunately, all this is just her wishful thinking.

When her clone had just appeared and the body hadn't even left, Xue An's spiritual thoughts had already surged in, and he immediately surrounded Drunk Meng.

Then Xue An said calmly: "Don't worry, it will be done soon!"

After Divine Mind is directly crushed by the supreme prestige.

"No!" Drunk Meng only made a scream in time, and was completely enveloped by Xue An's spirit.

But seeing Guanghua flickering constantly, there was the sound of something being crushed from time to time inside.

But this process was very fast, but after a few breaths, Guanghua gradually fell silent, and then Xue An's spiritual thoughts receded like a tide.

Only a dazed drunken dream stood in the middle.

But when she saw Xue An standing not far away, she quickly retreated blankly, and then took a step forward, bowing respectfully and saluting, and said in an almost admiring tone: "Drunk dream, I have seen the master!"


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