Of course, not everyone left.

For example, Yan Meishu, at the moment she was standing in place with a blank face.

Xue An nodded at her, "You are not a person from Li Hentian, so you don't have to erase your memory! And didn't you come with the caravan this time? Then leave this place quickly after the handover with Zuimeng World!"

Yan Meishu lowered his head, with a sad look in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Yes! Thank you...sir!"

Xue An smiled, turned around and left.

At this moment, Yan Meishu suddenly raised her head and said with expectation: "My lord, can we still see each other in the future?"

Xue An paused, and said without turning his head: "Maybe it will! Take care!"

After all, Xue An left in stride.

Yan Meishu looked at Xue An's back blankly, her eyes full of sadness and hesitation.

She understood that with Xue An's strength, her previous plan was nothing but wishful thinking!

At this moment, Yu Ren stepped forward and said: "Miss Yan, please come with me to hand over! After the handover is over, please leave Li Hentian immediately, without delay! After all, this is for your good, my lord!"

Yan Meishu hesitated a little, then said softly: "May I ask, who is he going to deal with?"

Yu Yan shook his head, "You still don't want to know these things!"

Yan Meishu was startled, and then thought of something, and felt that her hair was standing upright.

Could it be...

This thought made Yan Meishu's heart extremely heavy.

Because if her conjecture is true, what Xue An did is simply too bold!

After all... the other party is an ancient **** who has existed for tens of thousands of years!

Yan Meishu followed Yu Ren with serious thoughts.

Xue An walked straight to the wailing sky and smiled slightly.

"What did you think of this scene just now?"

Xiaotian was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are amazing! But I don't understand why you want to keep me, even let me witness the whole process, aren't you afraid of my revenge on you?"

"Retaliation?" Xue An laughed blankly and looked at Xiaotian deeply, "Now you still can't remember who your real enemy is, but I think you should often feel confused in private!"

Xiaotian's complexion changed, but Xue An didn't seem to see it, and continued to say in a calm tone.

"Doubt your own identity, wonder what you see, and even wonder whether the memories in your mind are true or not! And these... are the source of your pain!"

"You...you..." Xiaotian asked in astonishment.

"How would I know?" Xue An smiled, "Actually, I can unlock the memory curse on you right now! But that will only alarm him in advance, so I think if you want to know the reason for everything , Then follow me to see him!"

Xue An didn't clearly say who he was!

But Xiaotian is not a fool, and he naturally understands that the person Xue An is talking about should be Lihentianjun.

Somehow, he, who should have become hostile to Xue An because of this, suddenly felt very excited.

It was as if there was a voice crying deep in the soul, just follow him!

"Okay! Then I'll go with you this time!" Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

Xue An smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he released the shackles on Shuotian.

Jiang Xunnan hurriedly stepped forward, and after the two said a few words, they also left first.

Xue An looked at Xiaotian's departed back and sighed lightly: "I really don't know what kind of mood you will be when you see your real master!"

At this moment, Zuimeng stepped forward and said respectfully: "Master, what shall we do next?"

Xue An did not speak, but quietly looked ahead, his eyes seemed to penetrate the distant horizon, looking towards the distant unknown place!

It wasn't until a while before that he narrowed his gaze, turned his head to look at the Drunken Lady, and then smiled faintly.

"I remember you just said that you are the second wife of Li Hen Tianjun?"

Zui Meng nodded, "Yes, my lord!"

"So if you say that, there is still a big lady?"

When Xue An mentioned the three words "Madam, Zuimeng's face instantly became ugly, and then said with some difficulty: "Yes!"

The words seemed very reluctant to mention the eldest lady.

But Xue An seemed very interested, and said with a smile: "What's her name?"

Drunk dreaming hesitated for a moment, "She...her name is Ji Huan!"

"Ji Huan..." Xue An murmured softly, and then smiled: "You seem to be afraid of her?"

Drunk Meng was startled, and then smiled bitterly: "My lord, this Ji Huan is the wife of Li Heng Tianjun! My status is indescribable. Although I am in charge of this fringe city, I am honored as the second lady, but with her By comparison, it’s still too far! And..."

Drunk Meng lowered her head and said helplessly: "After I was sent to this fringe city, I stayed for thousands of years. During that time, I never went back, because this Ji Huan is extremely jealous. She once said that if there is no With her permission, I can't go back at all!"

The words are full of complaints and grievances.

Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "Okay, then you can send a book of divine reading to the lady and print it, and say that you have important things to go back and discuss with her!"

Zui Meng was taken aback, Xuan even understood, and then nodded heavily, "Yes! Zui Meng understands!"

After that, she turned around and went down to prepare.

Xue An stood on the spot, raised his head and looked at the vast sky. He took a slow and deep breath, his eyes were shining brightly, "Li Heng Tianjun, finally it's your turn!"

In the city of Lihen, located in the middle of Lihentian, apart from the temple where Lihentian Jun lives, the most magnificent building is Dingtianxuan on the floating island outside the city.

Because this is the residence of Ji Huan, the wife of Li Hentian.

Naturally magnificent and beautiful.

And at this moment.

In this Dingtianxuan, Ji Huan was looking bored at the album in hand.

At this time, a middle-aged woman walked in very respectfully, "Madam, haven't you chosen yet?"

Ji Huan yawned boredly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com threw out the album in his hand, "It's boring! It's all ordinary stuff, I didn't like any of them! Mother Chu, you recently provided it. The quality of the goods is a bit low!"

The middle-aged woman hurriedly nodded her head and bowed her waist and said, "Yes, yes! What the madam taught me! I will look for a suitable candidate for you!"

Ji Huan waved her hand, "Okay, I've heard you more than once! I can't do it once, it's a waste!"

Sweat appeared on the face of the mother Chu, and she smiled forcefully: "Madam, the young talents in our **** realm who can see past are basically here. If it doesn’t work, then I can only I'm looking for some delicious fresh meat for you outside the gods!"

Ji Huan giggled, "Okay! Then do it quickly!"

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