Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1222: Yan Yang Greed 2 Female Controversy

   "Naughty!" Yan Yang slammed the table and shouted sharply.

Yan Meishu did not show weakness. Instead, he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Father, what I said is all from the bottom of my heart. The rise and fall of the Yan family and even the life and death depend on the choices you make at this moment! Don't be confronted by what you have made. Blinded by petty little profit, in that case, not only will we give up all our efforts, we may also offend Mr. Xue for this!"

   Yan Yang sneered with anger.

   And the audience was even more upset.

   "What's wrong with the eldest lady? Actually contradict the owner of the house for someone who has never seen him before, and I don't know if it is true or not?" Someone looked astonished.

"Yes! Since coming back from the city of the edge, this Miss Yan has been stunned, Mr. Xue opened her mouth, Mr. Xue shut up! But the question is whether this Mr. Xue exists or is it ambiguous!" Someone curled his lips. Words.

   "Who said no! If you listen to the words of the eldest lady, it seems that all the things that happen in Li Heng Tian are the work of this Mr. Xue, but the question is, is that possible?" Some people have even more disdain.

   Amidst the boiling discussion, Yan Meishu did not move at all, but stood there quietly, looking up at his father.

   Yan Yang's face was ugly at this time.

  Because he didn't expect that his most important daughter would dare to confront him in public.

   This filled his heart with anger.

   Before he could speak, Yan Mengtao in the crowd had already walked out of the crowd, and first saluted Yan Yang, "My father, please calm down!"

   Then he turned his head and looked at Yan Meishu with a playful look.

   "Tsk, eldest sister, I really admire you! How dare you talk back to your father in public, don’t you be afraid of your father’s chill if you do this?"

  'S remarks sounded like exhortation, but in fact they added fuel to the fire.

   In fact, Yan Mengtao was already excited when she saw Yan Meishu speaking out, because she knew her elder sister's character very well.

   As expected.

   Within a few words, Yan Meishu collided with his father.

   When Yan Mengtao saw the anger in Yan Yang's eyes, she knew that the fire was almost there.

   I just took advantage of this opportunity to extinguish Yan Meishu's prestige.

   That's why she couldn't wait to speak up.

   At this time, facing Yan Mengtao's question, Yan Meishu's face was sinking, and she gave her sister a cold look.

   "For the rise and fall of the Yan family, even if my father is sad, I will say it!"

   Yan Mengtao was overjoyed when she heard that, because Yan Meishu was playing with fire when she said that.

   As expected.

   Seeing that Yan Yang's face was so gloomy that it could drip water, he snorted and stopped looking at her.

   Yan Mengtao became more and more proud, so she said sarcastically, "Yan Meishu, let's not talk about your disrespect to your father. I only ask you one sentence. Are you so sure that this so-called Mr. Xue will appear?"

Yan Meishu nodded, "Of course I am sure! Because he said that when he left, the person he was going to deal with was the master of this world, Li Heng Tianjun, and you all saw it, Li Hengtian. Jun is dead! This naturally shows that Mr. Xue has done it! Do you have any questions about this?"

   Many people in the Yan family changed slightly when they heard this.

   Because anyway, Li Hen Tianjun is indeed dead, how can this be explained?

But Yan Mengtao didn't care at all, and instead sneered: "Okay! That would be Mr. Xue who showed great power and killed Lihentianjun, but haven't you thought about it, since the accident has passed now? After more than ten days of circumstances, and he hasn't appeared for such a long time, will he have died with Li Hentian?"

   This sentence moved everyone in the audience.

"That's right! This Lihentian Jun is a half-step Immortal King's powerhouse, and his strength is extremely tyrannical. Even if it is really this Mr. Xue killed, he will have to pay a heavy price! Maybe it's all gone!" Someone said. .

   Everyone nodded.

   But Yan Meishu's complexion also changed, and a look of panic flashed in the depths of his eyes.

   Because of what Yan Mengtao said, it is not impossible.

   At least Yan Meishu had secretly thought about these things more than once.

   But in the end she chose to believe in Xue An's strength and continued to wait.

   Facing the question from his sister, Yan Meishu didn't know how to respond for a while, so she could only stand there dumbly.

   "What? Nothing to say?" Yan Mengtao smiled triumphantly.

Then he turned his head and said to Yan Yang: "My father, my opinion is exactly the opposite of Yan Meishu. I think now is the best time for our Yan family to enter Li Hentian and get the most benefit! Don't waste it! Up."

   Yan Yang nodded with satisfaction, "Very good! I have exactly this idea! Then, do you think, what should we do next?"

   The words seem to be seeking Yan Mengtao's opinion.

   This change caused a lot of people to look at each other.

   They all understand that this is Yan Yang's mind has changed.

   After this incident, Yan Meishu is very likely to fall out of favor, while Yan Mengtao will soar into the sky.

   Now, many people's eyes on Yan Mengtao became hot.

   Yan Mengtao naturally felt this change, and couldn't help being radiant, and then said with a smile: "Father, I think the most urgent task is to choose the most sincere one from these forces!"

   "Then who do you think is the most sincere one?"

   Yan Mengtao pondered a little, "I think the messenger who just left is good! Especially if they are still from the forces in the city of hate, they will be more convenient to act!"

   Yan Yang laughed loudly, "Okay! As expected of my Yan Yang's daughter, she thinks exactly the same as me! That's the decision. Now I will reply to him as my father and discuss how to form an alliance!"

   "Everything is subject to my father's decision!" Yan Mengtao smiled like a flower, bowed her hands in a salute, then gave Yan Meishu a demonstrative glance, her heart full of pride.

   Yan Meishu ignored her sister's provocation. At this moment, her face was as cold as ice, and she suddenly screamed, "Father, this is absolutely not the case!"

   After that, he actually took a few steps forward, and Shengsheng stopped Yan Yang's path.

   Yan Yang changed his face suddenly, and said angrily: "Yan Meishu, are there any house rules in your eyes? Let me go, otherwise I will let you go around!"

   Faced with such humiliation, Yan Meishu paled, but still remained unmoved, but said again in a deep voice.

   "Father, this must never happen!"

   "Get off!" Yan Yang was furious, and he slapped Yan Meishu directly when he raised his hand.

   This crisp sound made the audience quiet.

   Yan Meishu was blown from the mouth and nose of the fan, and fell to the ground with a dazed expression on her face. .

  Because she grew up, she has never been beaten.

   Yan Yang was taken aback after he hit, but he snorted coldly, "After you go back, go to the back of the cliff to meditate for three years! You don't need to manage the affairs of the clan!"

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