Xue An's head instantly shook like a rattle, "I won't go over!"

   An Yan Qiao smiled and said, "Oh, what are you so scared of? I just have two words to tell you!"

   Xue An took a deep breath, "Is there anything wrong to say here? It must be passed?"

   An Yan raised her eyebrows, "Huh? I will ask you one more question now, you can't make it through?"

   "If you can't say it, you won't pass. As a dignified fairy, how can you break your words?" Xue An said righteously.

   The smile on An Yan's face did not change, but her tone became extremely cold, "Stop talking nonsense, come over to me!"

   Xue An: "……."

   After a while, Xue An stood there grinning, suffering the severe pain from his shoulder.

  Because of the An Yan at this moment, he is biting on Xue An's shoulder with a "fierce" face.

   While biting, An Yan said vaguely: "Kill you, yeah, yeah!"

   Xue An couldn't laugh bitterly, and was afraid that An Yan would be hurt by resisting his own cultivation, so he could only suppress his cultivation forcibly and let An Yan vent.

   It wasn't until a while later that An Yan let go of his mouth contentedly.

   Looking at Xue An's shoulder again, there was a deep tooth mark, and in the tooth mark, there was still a trace of blood leaking out.

   An Yan seemed to be very satisfied with her masterpiece. She raised her head and looked at Xue An with a wry smile, and said fiercely: "Do you know why I bit you?"

   The wisdom and acting skills of men can only be performed vividly when confronted by women.

   For example, Xue An is clearer now.

   That is to face An Yan’s question, how stupid you must be, how innocent you are.

So Xue An instantly turned on the actor mode, showing doubts on his face, and gently shook his head and said: "Yan'er, I really don't know what you are talking about! And my wife bites her husband a few times to release her anger and relieve her boredom. Isn't this justified? What do you talk about why?"

   An Yan had her face sullen, trying to show Xue An that she was very angry, but Xue An’s words made her break in a second.

   "Fuck you! I'm talking like a dominatrix!" An Yan sipped.

   "Hey, if Yan'er is a dominatrix, that would also be the most beautiful **** in the universe!" Xue An said with a smile, revealing an extremely powerful desire to survive.

An Yan snorted, "Stop talking about me, I ask you! What do you mean by picking up a beautiful girl once you go out? If I don't care, do you plan to fill this small building? ?"

   Faced with such a "streak" question, Xue An didn't even hesitate, and instantly shook his head: "I am not, I don't!"

   The two magic weapons that men use to save their lives are all used at this moment.

   An Yan looked at Xue An for a long time, and then nodded, "Huh, forgive you for not dare, otherwise, my little scissors are always ready!"

   said, An Yan couldn't help but uttered aloud.

   An Yan is certainly not the kind of jealous woman with a small belly and chicken intestines.

   In fact, she has always been at ease with Xue An one hundred and twenty, because An Yan firmly believes that after so many winds and rains, she and Xue An are already inseparable as a whole.

   This kind of feeling is not anyone, anything can be destroyed.

   As for Yan Meishu, from the first glance Anyan saw this woman, she had already seen through her mind.

   But An Yan didn't care about it at all, because she knew better than anyone that feelings were beyond human power.

   Anyan can't be guilty of worrying for a little girl and getting into a mess.

   In that case, it seems that I am too shameless.

   But seeing it clearly does not mean that there is no anger in An Yan's heart.

  As a woman, she will inevitably be a little jealous.

   That's why she "slightly punished Xue An".

   This is the same as a tigress patrolling in its own territory, it is declaring its sovereignty.

   At the same time, it can be regarded as a small adjustment in daily life.

   After all, An Yan understands better than anyone, that if a woman lives too well, she will be very tired.

  Sometimes, a little bit tricky and willful, but it will add some more fun.

   Because men eat this set! (laugh)

  Of course, all the truths in this are very complicated, so there is a saying about a woman's heart.

   But An Yan didn't know. In fact, Xue An had long understood that she was playing with herself, but he was still willing to accompany this silly girl in the performance.

   Because as long as Yan'er is happy, Xue An will be happy.

After the two had enough trouble, Xue An said solemnly: "Yan'er, in fact, if you don’t ask me, I want to tell you too, because I brought this Yan Meishu back to the Fubao Xiaolou, not just for Let her heal!"

   "Huh? What do you mean?" An Yan looked puzzled.

Xue An smiled, "Now Li Hengtian is dead, but Li Hengtian is not peaceful. Among them, the strong have emerged in large numbers, and the forces are intertwined! It was okay when I was suppressing here. When we leave, I will be here immediately. It will be messy!"

"And this goes against our heart! After all, we have come all the way to avenge the Chinese people and root out all kinds of injustices, but this is only a reason, not an excuse! If it is because of this, we can cause trouble. After letting go, what is the difference between me and that Lihentianjun?"

   An Yan listened quietly, but the eyes that looked at Xue An gradually let out light.

   That's why I like this man!

   I can keep my heart in mind at all times, not be deceived by the power or power in my hand, and never back down.

   Because of this, her eyes waved, and she looked at Xue An with moist eyes, and said softly: "Well, my husband, you mean..."

"Now Jiang Xunnan has the descendants of General Shuotian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She naturally wants to stay here and wait for Shuotian's return. Although Zui Meng and Yu Ren misbehaved before, they were refined by me. Later, it has been reborn. As for Yan Meishu, his character has also been tested and can be trusted!"

   "So I decided to train all three of them to become strong, and then suppress this world."

   An Yan was slightly startled when he heard the words, "All three parties?"

   Xue An nodded, "Yes!"

   "But is this necessary?" An Yan was puzzled.

   Xue An sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke An Yan's head.

"Yan'er, your heart is pure and kind, but you don't know the dangers of the heavens! But the human heart is even more terrifying than the heavens! Especially when you have powerful abilities, very few people can stick to your heart! Because of strength Like poison, it will slowly erode a person's will!"

   "If I cultivate a force alone, after we leave, it is hard to say that he will not become the next Lihentianjun!"

   "So you plan to make the three parties strong, and then let them check and balance each other?" An Yan said suddenly.

   Xue An nodded, "Yes!"

  An Yan understood Xue An’s good intentions, and she couldn’t help but admire and said: "Husband, you think so long-term! I think this is the best way!".

   Xue An smiled, then looked up at the view of the small building outside the window, her eyes twinkling.

And in his sea of ​​knowledge, the two memory spirit beads from Lihen Tianjun and Ziwei Star Lord also trembled slightly, then crashed and turned into a torrent of memory, flooding into Xue An’s spiritual thoughts. Among.

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