But see the big Lingzhu spar all over the ground, the magical grass and fairy branches are piled up like a mountain, the magical blades are arranged into a forest, and the talisman seal armor floats in it.

   And the abundance of treasures formed by these countless treasures is even more dizzying and enchanting.

  While wandering, An Yan couldn't help but exclaimed: "There are so many treasures! Does this Li Hentian Jun actually have so much wealth?"

   Hu Ying secretly laughed at the words, "Sister Yan, this is nothing at all, it's just a half-step fairy king, the accumulated wealth is not enough!"

   An Yan's eyes widened once again, pointing to the mountain of wealth, "Is this nothing?"

   Huying nodded with a smile, and said proudly: "In my opinion, this Lihentianjun is like a country rich man."

   An Yan couldn't help being unbelievable.

At this time, Xue An explained with a smile: "Yan'er, if this is spoken from someone else's mouth, it may be suspected of bragging, but it is normal to say it from Ying'er's mouth, because among the heavens, In terms of the amount of wealth accumulated, the first place is naturally the stingy and greedy dragon clan, and the second is the old foxes from the Qingqiu Fox Country!"

   An Yan nodded blankly, obviously still unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

   While Zhang Xiaoyu on the side heard Xue An’s words, his eyes lit up, and then he hurriedly asked: "My lord, since you talked about the dragon clan, when do we go to rescue Xiaosha boss?"

Xue An smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have been thinking about this! But the place where the Dragon Race lives is extremely remote, even a place independent of the heavens! It's hard to get past us now. ,and……."

Speaking of this, Xue An’s face showed a weird look, “Even if we pass now, with my current strength, it’s hard to make those big mud loaches obedient! After all, the origin of the holy land is the holy land of the dragon clan. The stingy character of those old loaches will never come out easily!"

   Zhang Xiaoyu lowered his head sadly.

Xue An laughed when he saw this, "Well, don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will recover some strength after I get back to my strength. Needless to say, I have to go to the dragon clan. After all, I haven't been there for so long. I’ve saved a lot of good things, and if I keep them in their hands, I will leave them moldy in the cave, so I might as well take them out for fun!"

   In words, it seems that the dragon clan has become his back garden.

   Fox Ying heard the words and smiled with her mouth turned into a crescent shape.

   Because she naturally knows how Xue An cleaned up those stingy dragons.

   It can be said that, in the past, with the strength of the dragon clan, among the heavens, it can be said that the gods and ghosts are not afraid of no one to provoke them.

   But this group of dragons was in poor luck, and unexpectedly met Xue An, a peerless immortal statue never seen before.

   From now on, this group of dragons can be said to cry without tears, one head and two big.

   Because Xue An arranged them clearly.

   But I can't beat it again, I can only vomit blood and pay money to keep it safe.

When Xue An said this, Zhang Xiaoyu became happy again, nodded vigorously and said: "Yeah! When I was washing the eggshells for Master Xiaosha recently, I found that she seemed to be a little bigger than before. , Da admit, is Master Xiaosha growing up?"

   "Dragons are like this in the first place. Once they die, they may die out or rebirth with difficulty! This is Xiao Sha's chance!" Xue An said lightly.

   Zhang Xiaoyu nodded as if he didn't understand. She didn't understand the chance.

   But anyway, hearing Master Xiaosha still hope to come alive, Zhang Xiaoyu's heart is full of joy.

  Master Xiaosha, you must be good, I'm still waiting for you to wake up! Zhang Xiaoyu thought silently.

   At this moment, An Yan asked: "Husband, what about these things?"

   Xue An smiled, "Since I saw it, I can't let it go, put it in the Fubao Xiaolou, and make Xiaosha a separate nest. In this way, these treasures can also help Xiaosha recover as soon as possible!"

  Dragons are extremely greedy for money, Xiaosha is a dragon, and of course it is no exception.

   And using these treasures to make Xiaosha a lair, although it can't wake her up, it is also very helpful.

   This method can be described as a different way, not that no one has thought of it, but no one is willing to do it!

   Among the heavens, Xue An also had such a big handwriting, and he actually used this infinite wealth to make a nest for a dying dragon.

   An Yan and others naturally have no objection. Although Huying understands this truth, as the princess of the Qingqiu Fox Country, she really doesn't look at this thing about Li Hentian.

   At this time, Xue An waved his hand, Fu Bao Xiaolou appeared in the floating air, and then saw Guanghua flash, wherever he passed, wealth flew up, and then scrambled to rush into it.

   Even at this speed, he still absorbed a full meal before he sucked all the treasures into the Fubao Xiaolou.

   But at this moment, Xue An suddenly whispered, because after the mountain of treasures disappeared, there was a brilliance floating in the air, and he was not moved by the brilliance of the Fubao Xiaolou.

   Xue An's heart moved, and then before coming to this brilliance, Xue An's complexion suddenly became awe-inspiring after waiting for a closer look.

   Because he saw that in this brilliance, it was a three-pointed two-edged sword.

   said it was a knife, but the three blades were actually three dragon heads, but because of the age, these three dragons had already died.

   But even so, I can still feel the murderous intent emanating from this magic weapon.

   At this time, An Yan also came to Xue An's approach, and when he saw this three-pointed two-edged sword, he was also taken aback.

   "Husband, this is..."

   Xue An took a deep breath, "Yes, this is the weapon of God Erlang!"

As he said, Xue An stretched out his hand and slowly dived into Guanghua, holding this magic weapon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as he started his hand, this three-pointed two-edged knife trembled suddenly and began to resist, but because Being imprisoned here for too long, this magic weapon has been extremely weak, but even so it is resisting, which shows the fierce temperament of this weapon.

   Xue An sighed lightly, and Guanghua flashed in his eyes, and temporarily sealed the magic weapon, and then slowly pulled it out.

   At this time, people could see that the three-pointed two-edged knife was scarred and bloody, and even after so long, people could still feel the tragic of the war.

   Xue An gently stroked this magic weapon.

   Everyone was silent.

   After a while, Xue An just regained consciousness, and then smiled, "Since it is the weapon left by Senior Erlang, don't take it away! Leave it to Jiang Xunnan and the others to wait for the return of the sky!"

   As he said, Xue An raised his hand and danced the three-pointed two-edged sword into a sword, and then stab it forward.

   This magic weapon penetrated the space and disappeared.

   At the same time, in the Temple of Lihen, Jiang Xunnan, who was discussing matters with Drunken Dream and Yan Meishu, suddenly felt that the space next to him was shaken, before she could react.

   This three-pointed, two-edged sword has penetrated the void and flew to her.

   Everyone was taken aback, and Xue An's voice came from the three-pointed two-edged sword.

   "This sword is the weapon of Jiro's predecessors, Xunnan, you can keep it for life, and wait for the return of General Xu Tian!".

   Jiang Xunnan's face was grimace after hearing the words, and he said, "Yes!"

   Then Xue An said lightly: "This matter is over, the three of you are in charge of this world, I will wait!"

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