Xue looked at the two white soul-slashing lamps quietly, and didn't look back until after a while.

   He respects Xing Yuhe.

   After all, no matter what time, people who can uphold the beliefs in their hearts and persist to the end are worthy of respect.

   What's more, he has blessed this town for more than ten years, and has never bowed his head to a demon whose influence is far superior to him. From this point of view, he is qualified to be honored as a real person.

  Of course, this real person is not the real person in the realm of cultivation, but the respected name of the Taoist person with firm heart and profound Taoism.

   Thinking of this, Xue An couldn't help becoming more and more interested in Xing Yuhe's teacher.

   Taoist Qidongtian, Yuding Pavilion.......

   sounds very interesting!

   Xue An thought in his heart.

   But Xing Yushu and others knelt on the ground and cried to death.

In this chaotic situation, Zeng Jialiang, Jin Haorang, and Baili Shaoguang, who had just recovered their sobriety and still pale, looked at each other, and then unanimously began to move, cautiously walking away. .

   The whole process was very slow, and there was no sound.

   For the three of them, as long as they can get out of a certain range, then they have the confidence to escape.

   But when they had just moved a few hundred steps away, they could get close to their goal.

   I heard Xue An sigh softly, "Do you think... can you three still walk?"

   All three of them were excited, and then turned around stiffly, with strong smiles on their faces.

   "Big...sir, we are just..." It was Bai Li Shaoguang who had just been shattered by Xue An's eyes and had all confidence.

   I saw that her eyes were full of deep awe.

   Xue An was too lazy to listen, and interrupted her with a casual swing, and then said lightly: "Or, do you think I will let the three of you go?"

   Even a fool can hear the chill in these words.

   What's more, the three of them are not fools, on the contrary, they are all brilliant people who mess with the situation.

   So after hearing these words from Xue An, I couldn't help but shook my whole body, and then there was a panic on his face.

   They knew nothing about Xue An.

   But the strength that this white-clothed boy has just shown is beyond their imagination.

   You need to know that for existences like the Tree Demon Ghost King, they can only look up.

   It turned out to be ashes under the two punches of Xue An.

   This level of strength crush made them dare not breathe, they could only look at Xue An with despair, hoping that he could be merciful and spare their lives.

   Xue An has been accustomed to seeing this look, and even has some immunity.

   So he just smiled, and then said lightly, "Are you all from Jing Guozhong?"

   "Yes! The three of us are all Jingguo nobles!" Zeng Jialiang answered honestly.

   Xue An's eyes flashed slightly, "Then what happened to the ghost teaching that Xing Yuhe just said?"

   If the three of us were just full of panic and despair, they would almost cry now.

"Ghost...Ghost religion is the latest state religion founded by our Jingguo! But this matter really has nothing to do with us! We only heard that this old man Xing has no chance in his body, and therefore greed For those who want to come over to snatch, please forgive me!" At this time, Jin Haoyang, who had a business background in his family, showed the most composure, even begging for mercy was very organized.

   Xue An did not comment on this, but whispered softly: "Ghost religion, national religion...Haha!"

   The smile on Xue An's face grew colder, then looked up at the three people who were chilling, and said lightly: "Let's talk, how are you going to die?"

   The words pointed to, Xue An's momentum suddenly rose.

   The three of them groaned, and fell to their knees overwhelmed, and then shouted anxiously: "My lord, we are willing to be cows and horses, and we only ask for your life!"

   "Yes, as long as the adults can spare us and let us do anything, we are willing!"

   Zeng Jialiang and Jin Haoyang began to scramble for mercy.

   Only Baili Guangguang, trembling all over, eyes horrified, can't speak.

   Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and then said with interest: "Oh? As long as I let you go, you are willing to do anything?"

   "Yes, yes! As long as you are willing to let us go, sir, we are willing to pay any price!"

   Seeing Xue An's tone loosened, Zeng Jialiang and Jin Haoyang shouted in a hurry.

   A smile gradually appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth, "Well, if you say that you are not guilty of death, then I will not kill you!"

   Upon hearing this, Zeng Jialiang and Jin Haoyang let out a sigh of relief, and then shouted in surprise.

   "Thank you, sir!"

   "Thank you sir for your life!"

   Xue An shook his head, "Don't be so eager to thank me! Although I forgive you for not dying, the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin cannot escape!"

  Live crime....

The word    caused both Zeng Jialiang and Lingling to shiver, and the expressions on their faces were extremely panic.

   "Big...sir, what is a living crime?" Jin Haoyang asked hard.

   Guanghua flashed in Xue An's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a faint smile, "What is a living crime... You will know soon!"

   said, a majestic spirit spread out, and directly enveloped the two of them.

In the    tea scene, the brilliance gradually dissipated. Looking at Zeng Jialiang and Jin Haorang at this time, their faces were blank and empty, kneeling there blankly, like two petrified statues.

   Seeing this scene, Bai Li Shaoguang finally began to tremble uncontrollably, and Xue An's eyes were even more fearful as a snake.

   Xue An said lightly: "Do you see what I am doing?"

   Baili Shaoguang nodded, and then said in a terrified tone: "You...you transformed the souls of the two of them!"

   Xue An was stunned slightly, using soul transformation to describe the refinement of divine consciousness, which is quite appropriate.

   "Have you seen?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and asked faintly.

   Baili Shaoguang hesitated for a moment, and then shuddered and said: "The adults of the ghost education sometimes use this method to control their men!"

   Xue An’s eyes flashed an imperceptible cold light, but even after Xuan returned to normal, he said indifferently: “Do you know why I didn’t transform your soul?”

   Baili Shaoguang trembled all over, shaking his head not knowing.

   Xue An smiled, "Because someone left a bait on you, if it is directly refined, the other party will know soon!".

   Baili Shao's face looked blank, how did she know this.

   But Xue An shook his head with a hint of ridicule at this time, "Unfortunately, I want to set a trap based on this level. It's still too immature!"

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