"How about it, have you found it out?" Yu Lang asked.

   "Lord Homecomer, it has been found out that the Zhang family should have been killed by the master of the celestial list he enshrined." A senior manager bowed his head.

   "Oh? Sky ranking master? Who?"

   "Inferred from the scar, it should be Zheyun hand."

   "Zhen Yun Shou?" Yu Lang smiled slightly, "Is that the famous skill of Fairy Yuehua Xiang Bing?"

   "It should not be wrong!"

   "Okay, I see, it doesn't matter if there is only one Xiang Bing, and the next killing order is worthy of the Zhang family!"


   "Tomorrow is Ran'er's 18-year-old adult banquet, how are you preparing?" Yu Lang is obviously more concerned about this issue.

   "It's all ready!"

   "Hmm! Remember to add more guards, the nearest Lingnan... is not peaceful!"


   After the man stepped back, Yu Lang looked at the scenery outside the window, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   Tomorrow is the seven-day period.

will you come?

   should be!

   But do you think you can live so easily if you kill one of my sons?

  Yanger, I will avenge you for my father.

   Yu Lang thought, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the flying insects in the room fell silently.

   can fall, but still alive, but can't fly anymore.

   The wings were still there, but at that moment, Yu Lang shattered the veins of the wings with invisible sword energy.

   This kind of mastery to the peak is the most difficult.

   The news that the Zhang family was destroyed has only been hot in Lingnan folks for less than a day, and it has been replaced by another topic.

   That is Miss Yu Jia is about to host an 18-year-old adult banquet.

  The status of the Yu family among the people of Lingnan is so high that no one else can imagine it.

   There are even people in remote areas who worship the Yu family as gods.

   Therefore, the rest of the adult banquet naturally attracted countless eyes.

  Lingnan large and small wealthy families, and even men who think they are better, are all stepping up preparations.

  Who doesn't want to win Yu Ran's heart at this birthday banquet, and then become the Yu's son-in-law, from then on to the sky.

   Waited until this day.

   The door of Yu's house was crowded with people who came to celebrate early.

   All the teenagers are dressed in glamorous clothes, and they all look forward to seeing the beautiful women soon.

at last.

   I came out.

   This is the first time many people have met Yu Ran.

   Although it is rumored that Yu Ran looks beautiful, many people think this is flattery to the Yu family.

   can wait to see Yu then.

   These ideas are all self-defeating.

   I didn't expect the beauty of this young lady from the Yu family.

   Although she is still young, she doesn't have the charm of a mature woman.

   But this youthful beauty has fascinated these young people even more.

   For a while, the familiar family brothers have already leaned forward with a smile.

   The unfamiliar ones are also surrounded outside, wondering if they can catch a few words.

   There are also some people who are completely indifferent, trying to make Yu Ran notice themselves.

   Yu Ran, who can be surrounded by stars like the moon, although smiling and replying, the words are full of perfunctory, and the eyes are drifting around.

   It seems like... someone is looking for.

   Many distant teenagers were shocked, and then they became excited. Could it be that they are looking for me?

   Therefore, they all straightened their chests, expecting Yu Ran's gaze to stay more on him.

   But I just glanced around, then lowered his eyes with disappointment.

   At this time, someone from the family who is more familiar with the Yu family smiled and said, "Sister Yu Ran, are you looking for something?"

   Yu Ran doesn't bother to care about these people at all.

   Although only two days have passed.

   But Yu Ran felt like... as if sinking in.

   Different from the immature and superficiality of these teenagers, Xue An is always cold and never puts words on himself.

   But the more it is, the more it is like a magnet, which firmly attracts Yu Ran.

   Yu Ran also knows that Xue An is much older than himself and has two daughters.

   But she just got stuck in it.

   After falling in love with "uncles" like Xue An, Yu Ran looked at these outstanding teenagers again, it was naive and terrifying.

   Why haven't you come?

   Didn’t I tell him to come early today?

   Yu Ran bitterly.

  I was thinking, when Xue An was walking slowly with his two daughters and the Black King and others.

   As soon as she saw Xue An, Yu Ran greeted him with surprise.

   "Why did you come?" Yu Ran said with some dissatisfaction.

  The many teenagers onlookers felt their hearts sink.

  Because of Yu Ran's attitude, it's like acting like a baby.

   Therefore, many people stared at Xue An with hostile eyes.

   Xue An smiled faintly, "Something has been delayed, happy birthday!"

   "Hmm! Go in!" Yu Ran thought this was the best blessing I heard today.

   Xue An carried a long package in his hand, and walked in behind Yu Ran.

   Waiting for them to enter.

   These teenagers got together with dissatisfaction.

   "Who is that man?"

   "I don't recognize it! It's definitely not our Lingnan people!"

   "Damn, it seems that Miss Yu takes him seriously!"

   "Yes, and I think the man is still leading the two children, is he still the one with the children?"

   "What's Miss Yu's vision? I'm not convinced!"

   These teenagers wailed.

   But some of them didn't say a word, their eyes were grim, and they seemed to be thinking something.

   "Hey, Shao Yang, why don't you speak?" Someone asked this person at this time.

This Yang Shao is called Yang Xudong and belongs to the Yang family in Lingnan. Although the Yang family is not a top wealthy in Lingnan, because the family's business is very large, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can even rank in Lingnan on wealth. The first three, so today he also came.

   And he and Yu Ran have known each other a long time ago, and have been on a fierce offensive against Yu Ran.

   After hearing the question, Yang Xudong sneered slightly, "That man is not from Lingnan, and he doesn't look like a wealthy boy in his clothes. I'm afraid of what he will do?"

   After speaking, Yang Xudong turned and walked in.

   The rest of the people looked at each other, sighed and followed.

   At this moment, the Yu's house was lit up everywhere, and the banquet was placed in the Yu's garden.

   Yu Ran has been chatting non-stop.

   Xue An only nodded occasionally, never speaking.

   It is Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, who have been looking around, obviously interested in the quaint house of the Yu family.

   "Dare to ask where is this friend from?" Yang Xudong suddenly leaned over at this time, and asked Xue An in a bad tone.

   Yu Ran's face became cold, "Yang Xudong, what are you doing?"

   "Of course, it's okay, I just think this friend is a little strange, I want to ask!" Yang Xudong looked cold and looked at Xue Andao.

   Xue An smiled slightly, "Me? I'm not from Lingnan."

   Yang Xudong's expression became worse and worse, "Not from Lingnan? Then these two little girls..."

   "My daughter!"

   Yang Xudong looks at Yu Ran, that means he has children!

   But Yu Ran just waved his hand impatiently, "Well, the banquet will begin in a while, you don't need to ask questions here!"

   Yang Xudong was speechless, looked at Xue An bitterly, and turned to aside.

   "Brother Dong, what should I do?"

   "Don't worry, it will make him look good!" Yang Xudong gritted his teeth and said.

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