Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1267: Ji Fei Gou jumps, and tea is ready

The city owner looked at Sheng Miaotong's distant back blankly, and couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

How is this going?

Wasn’t it the way the people from Tianfang Sheng’s family came here before?

Could it be because of something that offended the second lady of the Sheng family?

These questions linger in these people's minds, and they can't help making their complexions extremely ugly.

Because they are all aware that in this cavernous sky, offending others may still be alive, but if they offend the Tianfang Sheng family, the end will not be too good.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, the city lord here said solemnly: "Hurry up and send someone to inquire and see what's going on? Is it because our poor hospitality has annoyed this Miss Sheng Er!"

"Yes!" The subordinates led away.

The hearts of these people are heavy, and they dare not leave, but are waiting here nervously.

After a while, the hapless old slave was invited over.

Although this old slave was a person who could beat and scold at will in Sheng Miaotong's eyes, in the eyes of this group of people, as long as he got in touch with the Sheng family, he couldn't afford it.

Therefore even the attitude of the city lord is very respectful.

And their attitude made the old slave who was full of anger suddenly relieved, especially after accepting a generous gift, the smile on his face was blazing by three points, and then he said slowly.

"Sir, don't worry, my lady is not angry with you!"

"Then why don't you eat food, or even let us follow?" The city lord said with some anxiety.

The old slave chuckled, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes. Sheng Miaotong slapped him twice. Of course he didn't dare to be angry, but he took all the accounts to Xue An.

In his opinion, if it wasn't for this kid who didn't know where to jump out, how could he make the second lady angry?

Therefore, when he heard the question from this city lord, he turned his eyes and started to care.

"Hehe, Lord City Lord, come over here, I have a secret to tell!"

The city lord obediently walked over to him, and after listening for a while, his eyes could not help but gradually widened, and his face was shining with joy and excitement.

"Can you take this seriously?" The city lord's voice trembled slightly with excitement.

The old slave nodded, "Of course! I am an old family who has been with the second lady for many years. How can this be nonsense?"

"That's good, that's good!" The city lord rubbed his hands in excitement, and then as if suddenly remembering something, he said hurriedly: "When the matter is done, I will thank you!"

The old slave cloud waved his hand calmly, "The Lord of the City is too polite. I just want to see you hit the ground, so I tell you this important information! Also, you'd better start acting as soon as possible, otherwise time Long, there are more variables!"

The city lord nodded like garlic, "I understand, I will send someone to prepare immediately!"

The old slave sneered triumphantly in his heart.

Boy, now I see how crazy you are!

The old slave, who was conscious of his amazing strategy, left with pride.

The people around rushed up, all looking at the Lord City Lord with piercing eyes, and couldn't wait to ask.

"My lord, what did the old guy just say?"

"Yeah, why are you so excited?"

The lord of the city smiled when he heard the words, glanced at these people, and only cleared his throat after seeing that they were all the best in the city, and then made a hook at everyone.

"You will come here, now there is a great opportunity, I want to tell everyone!"

After a while.

After hearing the words of Lord City Lord, the faces of these people were different, and some were full of confusion, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

Some have already reacted, and they are almost jumping up with excitement.

"My Lord, what shall we do now?" someone asked impatiently.

The city lord looked far away, and then said indifferently: "Does this still have to be said? Naturally, I should quickly grasp it! The order passed on, and immediately emptied the inn where the second lady was staying and the surrounding shops and replaced them with our own. People! Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

These people can mix into a party of giants, naturally there is no fool, especially after hearing this city lord's words, but the reaction is slow, but also know what is going on, so they all nodded.

"Don't worry! I will understand it naturally!"

"It just so happens that my third son just returned from studying abroad, so I will let him freshen up and go quickly!"

The city lord nodded, "It shouldn't be too late, then go!"


When these people heard the words, they all dispersed.

The city lord stood there, looking at the excited backs of these people, with a triumphant smile.

Even with your descendants, are you worthy to fight with me? Haha, this time, Chenglong, the son-in-law of the Sheng family, my family is determined.

Thinking of this, he didn't turn his head back, just faintly commanded: "Pass the order, immediately let Neng'er clean up, and then go to the inn!"


Some subordinates led away.

The mid-year-old city stood in the same place vigorously and couldn't help thinking about the good life after he married the Sheng family.

At the same time, not only him, but also the big wealthy families in the entire city, as long as there are young talents who can do it, not one is left, all of them are put on the most proud clothes, and then sent to the original place. Inconspicuous, but at this moment has become a glorious inn.

Even those wealthy families who can't find a suitable candidate are not to be outdone, but have their own unique tricks.

Some also sent their married sons.

This is still good. There was even one who had no son, and even let his daughter change into a man's dress and gave it away.

When others asked, the restaurant plausibly said: "Who knows what the second lady likes? Maybe you like this one!"

In short, the entire city was very lively because of the words of this old slave.

And at this moment.

Xue An and Xing Yushu have already stayed in this Xing Yushu was really tired and was about to vomit blood. When they entered the house, they collapsed on the bed and couldn't get up, and they started to scream for a while. Huda fell asleep.

Xue An just smiled when he saw this, then sat at the table and began to make tea slowly.

This is already a habit of him.

No matter where or when I go, I like to make a pot of hot tea.

For this reason, Xue An deliberately brought Yan'er's space ring, and put a variety of tea sets and a dazzling array of tea leaves in it.

But what Xue An likes most is the original cooking tea.

When the good jujube core carbon burns, a smoky green smoke will flow out, slowly pushing the fragrance of tea out of the pot, and the whole process will be uncontrollably quiet.

But when Xue An's tea pot was just cooked, just about to be poured out.

I heard a faint noise coming from outside the door.

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