For a while, Ciyun and others, as well as many disciples, began to flatter, and flattery filled the entire square.

Fu Guang nodded and smiled, extremely proud.

But when the sound receded, the elder Shui Jing suddenly showed a vicious look in his eyes, and then chuckled lightly.

"But the boss, there is one more thing I don't know whether to say or not!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Fu Guang asked with a smile.

"Is this..." Elder Shui Jing glanced at Lu Chuzhen in the distance, and then said lightly: "It's about our master master sister!"

"Oh? What can Zhen'er do?" Fu Guang was slightly startled.

Lu Chuzhen was also shocked, but she hadn't waited for her to speak.

The elder Shui Jing said in a playful tone: "It's not a big deal, but I heard Ciyun say that our master teacher went down the mountain privately and forcibly intervened in the opening ceremony and recruited two A teenager of unknown origin!"

"Is there such a thing?" Fu Guang frowned slightly.

At the same time, Ciyun, who had been waiting for the opportunity in the rear, saw that the fire was almost over, and hurriedly stepped forward to fan the flames, "Back to the head, what Elder Shui said is true!"

Fu Guang turned his head and glanced at Lu Chuzhen coldly, especially when he saw Xing Yushu and Xue An standing behind Lu Chuzhen, the expressions on his face became even more serious.

"what happened?"

Lu Chuzhen was a little flustered. She didn't expect that Shui Jing and Ci Yun would be so vicious. They actually kicked the matter out on this occasion. She was caught off guard, she had no preparation at all.

A touch of jealousy appeared in Fu Guang's eyes.

If you only recruited two beginner disciples, that wouldn't be a big deal, but the point is that both of these young men are very good, especially the one in white clothes that makes Fu Guang even more invisible.

This can't help making him, who has always regarded Lu Chuzhen as a forbidden, very unhappy in his heart.

Upon seeing this, Shui Jing and Ci Yun looked at each other, and they both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Then the water mirror released the strongest assassin.

I saw her sneer.

"Master, if only two unrelated disciples were admitted, I heard that our master master sister was very excited after seeing this young man, and kept shouting what Yuhe..."

As soon as this remark came out, the original majestic Fu Guang suddenly changed.

Because of this name, it reminded him of many bad memories.

So I couldn't help but said angrily: "Lu Chuzhen, are they all true?"

Lu Chuzhen's face was as white as paper, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

She wanted to say no, but now Shui Jing and Ci Yun are all watching, and it is impossible for her to deny it.

In the end, Lu Chuzhen slowly lowered her head under everyone's attention, "Yes! Head, this is indeed the descendant of my brother Yu He, but I just want to continue the opportunity for him, you..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Fu Guangsheng was as cold as ice, and his eyes passed over Lu Chuzhen, who was trembling slightly with fear, and fell on Xing Yushu.

No wonder this young man felt familiar at first glance. It turned out to be Xing Yuhe's descendants.

Fu Guang's eyes couldn't help but see layers of killing intent.

The entanglement between the three of them a hundred years ago was extremely complicated.

But in the final analysis, it is the beauty of this Fuguang coveted Lu Chuzhen and her rare roots, which are of great benefit to male repairers.

And because of this, he used various methods to lure this Lu Chuzhen.

As a result, Lu Chuzhen got involved and resolutely broke up with Xing Yuhe, who had already established a relationship with Dao-luo, causing Xing Yuhe's Dao-heart to rupture, and finally stopped at the outer disciple and descended sadly.

Of course, these past are the deepest secrets of Jinding Pavilion, and outsiders certainly don't know.

Even Xing Yuhe just thought that Lu Chuzhen was simply changing his mind.

But Fu Guang, who did all of this, knew this well. In fact, if Lu Chuzhen had not become his furnace, he would not have made rapid progress in this short century, and eventually promoted to the big. Luo Dianfeng.

But I didn't expect that after I just broke through, I met my old acquaintance, there was a ghost in my heart, and of course a bitter intent to kill was born.

Feeling the killing intent from the boss, Lu Chuzhen was trembling all over.

In the past hundred years, she has not been happy.

Although she got her wish and became the master elder sister, in the entire Jinding Pavilion, apart from the ignorant bottom disciples, few elders or inner sect true biography took her seriously.

Occasionally, when she dreamed back at midnight, she would recall all the past with Xing Yuhe.

For this reason, she was so excited after feeling the breath of the two soul-slashing lamps she gave to Xing Yuhe.

She wanted to cover everything up, after all, one more disciple in the Golden Ding Pavilion was nothing.

But now things have been revealed, and judging from the murderous intent that Fu Guang now radiates, it is estimated that today's things are difficult to be good.

Lu Chuzhen was nervous, but in the end he gritted his teeth, and then stood before Xing Yu's writing and said in an almost imploring tone.

"Head, everything is my fault. I will drive him down the mountain now, so let them go! Okay?"

But her pleading didn't do anything, Fu Guang frowned in disgust and snorted coldly, "Go away!"


With this sound, Lu Chuzhen was directly shaken out, and then vomited a mouthful of blood.

But Fu Guang felt like he hadn't seen this.

In fact, after successfully breaking through the peak of Da Luo, Lu Chuzhen's use value has been minimal.

So Fu Guang naturally didn't bother to pay attention to her plea.

Now Xing Yushu is left alone facing Fu Guang.

However, seeing Fuguang's body becoming more and more powerful, even a cyclone appeared in the sky above his head.

Then Fu Guang asked coldly: "Are you from the Xing family?"

Xing Yushu was trembling all over, not because he was afraid, but because the difference in strength was too great.

The disparity was so great that when he faced Fu Guang's questioning, he couldn't even speak.

"Humph!" Fu Guang snorted coldly when he saw it.

With this sound, I saw a golden light like a hammer, directly hitting Xing Yushu.

The speed was so fast that it even rubbed the air into a harsh scream.

Lu Chuzhen looked at all this desperately, without even wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, she finally felt the heart-wrenching regret.

But when Shui Jing, Ci Yun and others saw such a scene, they all smiled triumphantly.

But at this moment, I saw a slender palm suddenly appeared in front of this golden light, and then grasped it with a click, and then completely crushed it.

The audience was shocked, and then all eyes gathered on the owner of the palm.

But seeing Xue An in white clothes standing calmly, there was a coldness between his eyes.

See this scenario.

The expressions on the faces of Shui Jing and others, who were originally full of pride, froze.

In the crowd, Sheng Miaotong covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes gradually widened, and his eyes were full of shock.

Because she never expected that Xue An actually dared to come forward at this time.

As for Shengmanyu, Lu Shifa and others, they were even more dumbfounded and stared blankly.

Just in this silence of the audience.

Xue An looked up coldly, looked at Fu Guang standing on the high platform, and said indifferently: "I wanted to give you some more opportunities, but now it seems that there is no need for this!"

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