"Holding the sword, I am here to give you a chance. As long as you are willing to take refuge in the embrace of the Empress, then our ghost teaching is very welcome!" The demon chuckled.

As soon as the voice fell, Shechem was furious and cut out with a sword without hesitation.


The demon that had just been bred from the flowers was directly blasted to pieces.

Then Shechem roared, "Wishful thinking! What qualifications do you and other demons have to compare with my Mingxin Palace?"

At the same time, I heard an angry grunt from outside the cage, "What a bunch of stubborn sword lunatics! I am kind, but you are so obsessed! Then wait to be trapped and die here! By the way, I I almost forgot to tell you!"

Speaking of this, the female voice made a triumphant smile, "At this time, the big caves in the outside world should have been wiped out! Now, only one of you Mingxin Immortal Palace is left to hold on!"

"What?" Elder Yujian reacted first, and then said angrily: "Did you move your hands and feet to this Dao Dao Competition?"

"Tsk tusk, really smart! That's right, as long as it is a participant in the Orthodox Grand Contest, none of them are spared this time, they are all dead!" the female voice said proudly.

Nian Xuexin screamed, then shouted with a hint of crying: "Brother Fang..."

"So I advise you to do it yourself! After all, after the Empress arrives a few days later, even if you want to surrender at that time, you will probably not escape death! Think about it yourself!"

Shechem was angry, "Asshole!"

After saying that, he cut out with a few more swords, but this time nothing was shaken except for slightly shaking the black cage.

The female voice laughed triumphantly, and then fell silent.

The faces of the people in Mingxin Palace standing in the field were extremely ugly.

If what this demon said is true, then there is only one Mingxin Palace left in the Seven Caves.

Although Mingxin Palace's strength is tyrannical, when facing this gang of prepared demons, it is obviously difficult to sing alone.

"Brother, what should I do?" Mo Jian and other elders all looked at their swords, who bowed their heads in silence.

As the chief elder of Mingxin Palace, his decision represents the direction for everyone.

After a while, holding the sword slowly raised his head, looking at everyone with piercing eyes.

"It doesn't matter if what the demon said is true or false, but the matter is at this point, we must first find a way to contact the outside world, especially with other people in the world, otherwise we will just sit and wait!"

Everyone nodded.

Holding the sword, let out a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice: "Although I usually look down on the other big caves of the fly-ying doggou and calculating with each other, but now we are facing the same disaster, the seven big caves are connected with the same air and share the same integrity. We Everyone must be rescued as much as possible, after all...this is also saving ourselves!"

"Understood! Brother, let me go!" Shechem said first.

"I'll go too!" Yu Jian also said immediately.

But Grinding Sword and Listening Sword did not speak, because they knew that since they said that with the sword, there must have been arrangements.


He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Fifth brother, fourth child, I can understand your feelings. If possible, I am willing to let you go. After all, your strength and strategy are sufficient, but the key is..."

Holding the sword, he raised his head and looked at the sky full of black energy that had divided the sky into pieces, and said in a deep voice, "This Mietian lock is not so nice!"

"What do you mean?" Shechem was taken aback.

"This Heaven Extinguishing Lock is a ghost world secret technique that I have mentioned when my master was alive. This technique is extremely evil. It is taken from the most vicious spirit of ghosts in the ghost world, and then refined. After it takes shape, once it is deployed, everything will be sealed off!"

"Although there is a lack of lethality, the insidious thing about this technique is that the more powerful the person is, the deeper the **** is, and the more difficult it is to get out! This also leads to It has become a special trick to deal with the strong!"

Hearing the explanation of holding the sword, Shechem's expression was extremely ugly.

Yu Jian moved slightly, and then said: "That Brother Yi meant..."

Holding the sword and nodded, "Yes!"

As he said, he looked at Tian Yuanqing and Nian Xuexin and other disciples standing aside, "I am going to send Yuan Qing and others to this trip!"

Hearing these words, the elders such as Shechem and Grinding Sword were all disgraced.

Especially the gentle temperament, the elder Tingjian, who is loved by the disciples of the faction, immediately said: "Brother, I think this is not a problem! Although Yuanqing and the others have a good level of cultivation, their sword intent is good, but after all they are only children! After going out, if you encounter a strong man in the ghost world, wouldn't it be..."

But before he could finish his words, Tian Yuanqing already bowed his head and said: "Follow the order of the master!"

Listening to the sword, he was taken aback.

Then Tian Yuanqing smiled at him, "Listen to Uncle Sword Master, I know you are good for us, but as a disciple of sword repair, how can you shrink back in the face of difficulties? Don't you always teach us, the swordsman, the heart is also Huh?"

Hearing Jian heard the words, a wry smile appeared, "Although I say that, but..."

Nian Xuexin was already excited and about to jump up. She had practiced in the school since she was a child and had never gone down the mountain. This time she was naturally excited when she heard that she was sending herself and others out of the mountain, so she hurriedly said.

"Senior Uncle, I think what Senior Brother said is correct, and this time we are not only going to explore the situation of the other big caves, but also to find the whereabouts of Senior Brother Fang Xing'an!"

"Yes, the disciple is willing to go!" With the voice, all the inner chambers of Mingxin Palace stepped forward and said.

Seeing this, Hearing Jian sighed slightly, and then shook his head.

The other elders were also silent.

Holding Jian's heart trembled lightly, his eyes swept across these young faces, and finally nodded.

"Okay! As expected, I am a disciple of sword repair under my Mingxin Palace!"

Even if these disciples want to pass the barrier of Mietian Lock, it is not easy.

A few elders, including Yujian and Grinding Sword, worked together, and finally it was considered as opening a small gap.

Naturally, so many disciples couldn’t all go out. In the end, Tian Yuanqing selected a few senior brothers. Although Nian Xuexin was young and a woman, because of a clear sword heart, her strength was second only to Tian Yuanqing and Fang among her peers. Xing'an, of course, should follow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as they were about to embark on their journey, Shechem came forward, silently imposing a sword intent on everyone, and then patted lightly. Tian Yuanqing's shoulders.

"After going out... Be careful!"

"Yes!" Tian Yuanqing bowed.

"If you encounter a monster you can deal with, remember to kill a few more for me!"

Tian Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, then bowed his hands deeply, "Understood!"

When Tian Yuanqing and the others left Jianzhou through the Sky Destruction Lock, they disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Tingjian couldn't help but said, "Brother, are these kids really all right?"

Holding the sword and shook his head, "I don't know either!"

"Then what are we doing, just sit here and wait?" Shechem said grumblingly.

Holding the sword up, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "I have a hunch, it will soon become less peaceful here!"

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